The Rock of Sisyphus 薛西佛斯:我滚故我在
According to ancient Greek myth, Sisyphus was the founder and king of the city of Corinth. ___1___ When he proved too arrogant for his own good, and offended Zeus, the king of the gods, he was sentenced to an eternity of punishment. ___2___
All his life, Sisyphus had made a habit of getting what he wanted through tricking others. Eventually, he became so cocky that he thought he could insult Zeus without consequence. ___3___ Sisyphus was condemned to an endless task, in which he had to push a huge rock up a steep hill, only to have it roll down again.
The existentialist Albert Camus claimed Sisyphus’ tale shows the absurdity of human life. ___4___
___5___ If he were real and around today, it may boost Sisyphus’ ego to know that he still lives on in popular culture.
-by David Vickers
(A) However, he was proved sorely wrong, as Zeus dealt out a terrible punishment.
(B) At other times, Sisyphus appeared determined and showed sympathy for his rivals.
(C) He was no noble leader, however, being infamous for his sly and cunning nature.
(D) Despite this, however, Camus saw Sisyphus as a happy figure, saying “The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart.”
(E) Now, Sisyphus’ name has even entered the English language as an adjective, Sisyphean, to refer to a never-ending or pointless task.
(F) This sorry fate is what he is best known for today.
arrogant [ˋærəgənt] adj. 傲慢的;自大的
eternity [ɪˋtɝnətɪ] n. 永远,永恒
eventually [ɪˋvɛntʃʊəlɪ] adv. 最后,终于
ego [ˋigo] n. 自负
deal out 决定给予〔某人某种处罚〕impose something; command
More Information
Sisyphus [ˋsɪsəfəs] n.【希神】希腊暴君
offend [əˋfɛnd] v. 冒犯;触怒
sentence [ˋsɛntəns] v. 判决[H][(+to)]
punishment [ˋpʌnɪʃmənt] n. 处罚,惩罚
make a habit of 形成做某事的习惯
trick [trɪk] v. 哄骗
cocky [ˋkɑkɪ] adj. 骄傲的;太过自信的
insult [ɪnˋsʌlt] v. 侮辱,羞辱
without consequence 不承担后果 without taking any unpleasant result
condemn [kənˋdɛm] v. 判……刑[(+to)]
only to 却;结果却
existentialist [ɛgzɪsˋtɛnʃəlɪst] n. 存在主义者
absurdity [əbˋsɝdətɪ] n. 荒谬;荒诞
sorely [sorlɪ] adv. 非常地; 极严重地
infamous [ˋɪnfəməs] adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的
sly [slaɪ] adj. 狡猾的,狡诈的
cunning [ˋkʌnɪŋ] adj. 狡猾的,奸诈的
Sisyphean [͵sɪsəˋfiən] adj. 永远做不完的;徒劳的;无止境而困难的
1. ( C ) |
2. ( F ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( E ) |