The Judgment of Paris 女人的战争:帕里斯的金苹果
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年10月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:356
The story of the Trojan War, which was described in Homer’s classic the Iliad, is familiar to just about everyone. The exploits of Achilles, Hector, and the other heroes and gods have been the ___1___ of countless books, poems, plays, and films in the nearly three thousand years since Homer composed his great work. Perhaps ___2___ known is the myth of the events that led up to the war.
(A) no |
(B) victory |
(C) the other |
(D) subject |
(E) feminine |
(F) married |
(G) less |
(H) honor |
(I) which |
(J) invite |
As the story goes, the gods had a banquet but neglected to ___3___ Eris, the goddess of discord. (It’s easy to understand why.) Eris was angry and knew the perfect way to take revenge. Into the banquet she threw a golden apple, on ___4___ was written “For the fairest.” The three most important goddesses, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, all felt they deserved the ___5___ and asked Zeus to choose among them.
(A) no |
(B) victory |
(C) the other |
(D) subject |
(E) feminine |
(F) married |
(G) less |
(H) honor |
(I) which |
(J) invite |
But Zeus was ___6___ fool. He nominated another judge, Paris, son of the king of Troy, and a great appreciator of ___7___ beauty. When the goddesses appeared before him, he was too dazzled to choose. But it was easier to choose from among the bribes they offered. Hera, Zeus’s wife, proposed to make him ruler of all Europe and Asia. Athena, goddess of war, promised to lead him to ___8___ over the Greeks. Aphrodite, goddess of love, said that she would give him the most beautiful woman in the world to be his wife. Being the ladies’ man that he was, Paris chose Aphrodite and her gift.
(A) no |
(B) victory |
(C) the other |
(D) subject |
(E) feminine |
(F) married |
(G) less |
(H) honor |
(I) which |
(J) invite |
Unfortunately, the world’s most beautiful woman Helen, who was ___9___ to Menelaus, king of Sparta. Paris visited Sparta, and took Helen away with him. The enraged Menelaus and ___10__ Greek kings set out on a war to recover her, a war which lasted ten years and ended in the destruction of Troy.
(A) no |
(B) victory |
(C) the other |
(D) subject |
(E) feminine |
(F) married |
(G) less |
(H) honor |
(I) which |
(J) invite |
−by Barry Hall
judgment [ˋdʒʌdʒmənt] n. 判决
exploit [ˋɛksplɔɪt] n. 功绩,功勋;辉煌的成就;英勇的行为
countless [ˋkaʊntlɪs] adj. 数不尽的,无数的
compose [kəmˋpoz] v. 创作
lead up to 引起; 导致
as the story goes 据说, 据传
banquet [ˋbæŋkwɪt] n. 宴会,盛宴
take revenge [rɪˋvɛndʒ] 报仇; 打击报复
deserve [dɪˋzɝv] v. 应受,该得
nominate [ˋnɑmə͵net] v. 任命,指定
dazzle [ˋdæz!] v. 眼花缭乱
bribe [braɪb] n. 贿赂
set out on 出发去做某事 begin; embark on; take part in
recover [rɪˋkʌvɚ] v. 取得……的所有权
destruction [dɪˋstrʌkʃən] n. 破坏;毁灭
More Information
neglect [nɪgˋlɛkt] v. 忽视,忽略
discord [ˋdɪskɔrd] n. 不和,争吵
appreciator [əˋpriʃ͵etɚ] n. 欣赏者,鉴赏者
enraged [ɪnˋredʒd] adj. 非常愤怒的; 激怒的
feminine [ˋfɛmənɪn] adj. 女性的,妇女的
El Juicio de Paris by Enrique Simonet, ca. 1904. Paris is studying Aphrodite, who is standing before him naked. The other two goddesses watch nearby.
The Judgement of Paris - Hendrick Van Balen
1. ( D ) |
2. ( G ) |
3. ( J ) |
4. ( I ) |
5. ( H ) |
6. ( A ) |
7. ( E ) |
8. ( B ) |
9. ( F ) |
10. ( C ) |