The Trojan War 特洛伊战争:神人交手,英雄齐聚
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年4月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:403
The story of the Trojan War is one of the most familiar myths in the world. It’s mostly remembered for its cause – Helen, the world’s most beautiful woman – and for the rage of Achilles, the greatest of the Greek warriors.
Helen had been promised to Paris, a prince of Troy, by the goddess of love, Aphrodite, in exchange for his honoring her as the most beautiful goddess. However, Helen was already married to Menelaus, a Greek king. Nonetheless, she ran away with Paris, which understandably upset her husband. Menelaus and his brother, Agamemnon, the greatest king in Greece, assembled an alliance of other Greek lords to declare war on Troy and retrieve Helen.
The best warrior of all the Greek heroes was Achilles. His mother, the sea nymph Thetis, had rendered him invulnerable by dipping him as a baby in the Styx, the river of the Underworld. His only weak point was his heel, where his mother had held on to him. When Agamemnon took one of Achilles’ slave-girls, Achilles, furious, refused to fight. Without their best fighter, the Greeks suffered, and it seemed they might lose. Only when Achilles’ best friend, Patroclus, was killed by a Trojan prince named Hector did Achilles rejoin the fight.
Hector was Achilles’ counterpart, the best warrior among the Trojans. After Patroclus’ death, Achilles sought out Hector, finally trapping and killing him outside the city walls of Troy. Achilles himself was ultimately killed when an arrow shot by Paris struck him in his vulnerable heel. We still use the phrase “Achilles’ heel” to describe a weakness in an otherwise strong person.
rage [redʒ] n.(一阵)狂怒,盛怒
warrior [ˋwɔrɪɚ] n. 战士,勇士
in exchange for 作为...的交换
assemble [əˋsɛmb!] v. 集合,召集
declare [dɪˋklɛr] v. 宣布,宣告
retrieve [rɪˋtriv] v. 重新得到,收回
render [ˋrɛndɚ] v. 使得,使成为
suffer [ˋsʌfɚ] v. 受损害,受损失;变糟
counterpart [ˋkaʊntɚ͵pɑrt] n. 对应的人(或物)
ultimately [ˋʌltəmɪtlɪ] adv. 最后;终极地
vulnerable [ˋvʌlnərəb!] adj. 易受伤的
otherwise [ˋʌðɚ͵waɪz] adv. 在其他方面;除此以外
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alliance [əˋlaɪəns] n. 结盟;联盟
nymph [nɪmf] n.〔希腊和罗马神话中居于山林水泽中的〕仙女
invulnerable [ɪnˋvʌlnərəb!] adj. 不会受伤害的;刀枪不入的
underworld [ˋʌndɚ͵wɝld] n.(大写)阴间,地狱
heel [hil] n. 脚后跟,踵
furious [ˋfjʊərɪəs] adj. 狂怒的
seek out 找到, 找来
The Trojan War lasted for ten years. One of the reasons for this, as well as the reason that the war started in the first place, was the meddling of the gods. Because Paris chose Aphrodite as the most beautiful of the goddesses, she naturally supported the Trojans, as did Apollo, Artemis, and Ares. Hera, Athena, and Poseidon favored the Greeks. Though Zeus’ sympathies were with the Trojans, he remained neutral. The gods constantly interfered in battles, helping their favorite warriors or rescuing them from certain death. Paris wasn’t a great fighter, and he was only able to kill the mighty Achilles because Apollo guided his arrow to the Greek hero’s weak point.
Despite their success on the battlefield, the Greeks could not get over or through Troy’s great walls. Then Odysseus, the most cunning of the Greek leaders, suggested a trick. He had the Greeks construct a huge wooden horse, and they sailed their ships out of sight. The Trojans, thinking the horse was a peace offering, brought it inside the city walls. After they had finished celebrating and were asleep, Odysseus and a few other Greeks climbed out of the horse, where they had been hiding, unlocked the gates, and let in the Greek army. Taken by surprise, the Trojans were finally defeated.
Even after the war, the gods continued to meddle in the lives of the Greek army. Because of the Greeks’ acts of cruelty and sacrilege in the defeated city, some of them did not have a happy homecoming. Agamemnon was murdered by his queen when he returned home. More famously, Odysseus, as told in Odyssey, spent ten years trying to get home to his native island, Ithaca.
−by Barry Hall
favor [ˋfevɚ] v. 偏爱;偏袒; 支持
sympathy [ˋsɪmpəθɪ] n. 同情,同情心
neutral [ˋnjutrəl] adj. 中立的
rescue [ˋrɛskju] v. 援救;营救;挽救[(+from)]
mighty [ˋmaɪtɪ] adj. 强大的;强有力的
despite [dɪˋspaɪt] prep. 尽管
cunning [ˋkʌnɪŋ] adj. 狡猾的,奸诈的
out of sight 超出视野
offering [ˋɔfərɪŋ] n. 供物,祭品
unlock [ʌnˋlɑk] v. 打开(锁等),解开
cruelty [ˋkruəltɪ] n. 残酷,残忍
murder [ˋmɝdɚ] v. 谋杀,凶杀
native [ˋnetɪv] adj. 出生地的,祖国的,家乡的
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meddle [ˋmɛd!] v. 干预; 干涉; 管闲事
interfere [͵ɪntɚˋfɪr] v. 介入;干涉,干预
get over (使)越过 to get across
sacrilege [ˈsækrəlɪdʒ] n. 亵渎神明
homecoming [ˋhom͵kʌmɪŋ] n. 返乡; 回家
Reading Questions
1. Why was Achilles considered the greatest of all the Greek warriors?
A. Because it was almost impossible to destroy him.
B. Because he had inherited the powers of his sea nymph mother.
C. Because he was the angriest of all the Greek heroes.
D. Because he was born in the Underworld.
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The gods’ interference caused the war to last a decade.
B. The gods were responsible for starting the war.
C. The gods stayed out of the war, refusing to get involved.
D. The gods influenced the warriors’ lives, even after the war.
3. How might you describe Zeus’ position regarding the war?
A. He could not decide which side he favored.
B. He did not support one side over the other.
C. He was enthusiastically on the side of the Trojans.
D. He originally backed the Greeks and then changed sides.
4. What does the article aim to do?
A. Inspired a debate about the merits of war.
B. Evaluate the actions of gods in Greek mythology.
C. Provide a brief history of ancient Greece.
D. Summarize a well-known tale about a decade-long war.
The truth of Troy (2004 BBC Horizon)
Troy trailer
Troy- Achilles Vs Hector
1. ( A ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( D ) |