The Lover and the laurel: Apollo and Daphne 神话中的错爱:阿波罗与达芙妮
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年6月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:369
Since time immemorial, unrequited love has been a mainstay of literature. Such is the fateful tale of Apollo and the radiant Daphne. The story began when Apollo spotted Eros, god of love, playing with bows and arrows. Apollo mocked Eros, telling him he had no place meddling with weapons. ___1___ No sooner was Apollo pierced than he fell in love with the nymph Daphne and tried to woo her.
___2___ Daphne begged her father, Peneus, to abandon his desire for grandchildren and allow her to remain chaste and unmarried. Peneus reluctantly agreed but warned her, “Your own face will forbid it.”
With Apollo pursuing her, it seemed the old man would be proved correct. ___3___ Although the maiden was fast, the captivated god did not give up. The playful Eros intervened again, providing Apollo with the extra speed he needed to catch his love. ___4___ She called on Peneus for help: “Change my form which has brought me into this danger!”
Peneus heard her plea. Within moments, Daphne was transformed into a laurel tree. Her arms became branches, her hair became leaves, and her feet took root in the ground. Looking on astounded, Apollo kissed the rough bark where Daphne’s soft skin had been. ___5___ And he bestowed eternal life on the tree so that the laurel’s leaves would never know decay.
−by Alice Davis
(A) Eros took offense and, to punish Apollo, shot him through the heart with a golden arrow.
(B) “Now you cannot be my wife,” pledged the heartbroken god, “these laurel leaves will form the wreaths of victors.”
(C) The laurel provides safety for Daphne from the deities responsible for thunder and lightning.
(D) The frightened Daphne ran from Apollo, but his desire for her was so strong that he gave chase.
(E) Vengeful Eros has also shot the nymph Daphne, but with a leaden arrow that prevented her from loving and caused her to reject any man.
(F) Despairing, Daphne saw her suitor about to grab her.
fateful [ˋfetfəl] adj. 命中注定的
radiant [ˋredjənt] adj. 光芒四射的; 容光焕发的
abandon [əˋbændən] v. 放弃,中止
reluctantly [rɪˋlʌktəntlɪ] adv. 不情愿地;勉强地
forbid [fɚˋbɪd] v. 禁止,不许
plea [pli] v. 请求,恳求
transform [trænsˋfɔrm] v. 改变;变换;转换
eternal [ɪˋtɝn!] adj. 不朽的,永恒的
decay [dɪˋke] n. 腐朽,腐烂
take offense(因……)发怒;生气
wreath [riθ] n. 花圈;花环
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Daphne [ˋdæfnɪ] n.【希神】达夫妮(化作月桂树的女神)
since time immemorial【谚】自古以来 since a very long time ago
immemorial [͵ɪməˋmorɪəl] adj.(因年代久远而)无法追忆的;古老的
unrequited [͵ʌnrɪˋkwaɪtɪd] adj. 无报答的;得不到报酬的
mainstay [ˋmen͵ste] n. 支柱, 中流砥柱
mock [mɑk] v. 嘲弄,嘲笑
meddle with 瞎弄 to mess around with someone or something
meddle [ˋmɛd!] v. 干涉;管闲事
no sooner do something than do something else 一...就... immediately after one thing happens another thing happens
nymph [nɪmf] n.【希神】【罗神】居于山林水泽的仙女,女神
woo [wu] v. 追求; 求爱,求婚
chaste [tʃest] adj. 贞洁的;纯洁的;在性关系上严肃的
maiden [ˋmedn] n. 少女,处女
captivate [ˋkæptə͵vet] v. 使着迷;蛊惑
intervene [͵ɪntɚˋvin] v. 干涉,干预
form [fɔrm] n. 形状;外形
astounded [əˋstaʊndɪd] adj. 被震惊的;受惊骇的
bestow [bɪˋsto] v.【正式】给予; 赠给; 授予
pledge [plɛdʒ] v. 许诺;发誓
laurel [ˋlɔrəl] n. 月桂枝叶
vengeful [ˋvɛndʒfəl] adj.【文】有复仇心理的; 图谋报复的; 复仇的
leaden [ˋlɛdn] adj. 铅的,铅制的; 铅灰色的
despairing [dɪˋspɛrɪŋ] adj. 感到绝望的
suitor [ˋsutɚ] n.〔女子的〕追求者; 求婚者
Bernini, Apollo and Daphne
1. ( A ) |
2. ( E ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( F ) |
5.( B ) |