The Starving Billionaires 穷得只剩下钱
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年3月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:266
In Zimbabwe, you can now carry $10 billion in your pocket – in Zimbabwean dollars, that is. The country’s central bank recently unveiled a new $10 billion note in December 2008. Despite the seemingly huge amount, however, the bill was only worth about US$20 on the black market. Zimbabwe’s economy is a classic case of inflation getting out of control.
Inflation refers to the rising prices of goods and services over time. According to economists, price increase for two main reasons: either the economy is growing too fast, or it is collapsing. In the first situation, people and companies are increasing their buying, but supply cannot keep up with demand. To better understand the idea, imagine if the world only had two things: oranges from trees, and paper money printed by the government. If a storm wiped out the supply of oranges, the price of oranges would go up, as there would be “too many dollars chasing too few goods.”
The second scenario is the most common situation in which inflation takes place nowadays. Here, the government keeps printing money to inject more cash into society, but this lowers the value of the money already in circulation. As a result, vendors constantly raise their prices to keep pace with inflation.
inflation [ɪnˋfleʃən] n. 通货膨胀
collapse [kəˋlæps] v. 垮掉﹐崩溃
wipe out 彻底消灭或摧毁某事物 to destroy or be destroyed completely
in circulation [͵sɝkjəˋleʃən] 在流通的
keep pace with 跟上…的步伐 maintain the same pace
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Zimbabwe [zɪmˋbɑbwe] n. 津巴布韦(南非洲的一共和国)
Zimbabwean [zɪmˋbɑbwɪən] adj. 津巴布韦的
unveil [ʌnˋvel] v. 使公诸于众;揭露
note [not] n. 纸币
bill [bɪl] n.【美】钞票
Trying to measure the rate of inflation presents a challenge for government officials everywhere. What many do is assemble a “market basket” of household goods that represent the economy. The prices of items in this basket are then tracked over time, creating a “consumer price index.” By comparing current prices to past prices, people can get a good idea of the inflation rate.
But why does the mention of inflation strike fear into so many? One of the worst effects of inflation is that it erodes purchasing power, meaning that the same amount of money will buy fewer goods as time goes by. For example, during World War II, you could buy a house for US$5,000! But today, US5,000 is not even enough to buy a new car. Another problem is that inflation causes companies and people to spend less, which hurts the economy. At its worst, inflation can transform into “stagflation,” a vicious circle where the economy slows and prices soar.
Inflation is not always bad, however. Steady and anticipated inflation can be a sign that the economy is growing. As long as your salary is rising in pace with inflation, there’s no need to worry.
Knowing about inflation can help you understand the economy better. Remember, though, inflation is not inherently good or bad. Its impact depends on the economy, not to mention your personal financial state.
−by Marcus Lindy Sortijas
rate [ret] n. 率;比率
consumer [kənˋsjumɚ] n. 消费者
strike fear into someone 使..感到害怕 to make someone extremely frightened
erode [ɪˋrod] v. 腐蚀;侵蚀
vicious [ˋvɪʃəs] circle 恶性循环
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assemble [əˋsɛmb!] v. 聚集; 收集
at its worst 最糟糕的时候 under the most negative circumstances, estimation, or interpretation
stagflation [stægˋfleʃən] n. 停滞性通货膨胀﹐滞胀〔指出现通货膨胀﹐但许多人失业﹑商业萧条的一种经济状况〕
soar [sor] v. 暴涨
anticipate [ænˋtɪsə͵pet] v. 预期,期望
inherently [ɪnˋhɪrəntlɪ] adv. 固有地
Reading Questions
1. What is true about inflation?
A. Inflation refers to when demand cannot keep up with supply.
B. Inflation happens when “too many dollars chase too few goods.”
C. The increased supply of goods can cause inflation.
D. It makes goods more expensive and services cheaper.
2. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. When goods are scarce, prices go up.
B. Zimbabwe’s economy is worth US$20 on the black market.
C. Today, over-printing of money is the most common cause of inflation.
D. To keep pace with inflation, vendors continually raise prices.
3. According to the article, why can inflation be frightening?
A. It can wipe out all your savings.
B. It can only be measured with a consumer price index.
C. It shows the economy isn’t growing.
D. Over time, it decreases the value of money.
4. What would be another good title for this article?
A. How to Fight Inflation
B. What to Buy With Only $5,000
C. Zimbabwe’s Black Market
D. Rising Prices and Their Impact
1. ( B ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( D ) |