Into the Pride 贴近狮群
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年1月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:255
Wildlife documentaries often feature daring and adventurous hosts who are prepared to put themselves in hazardous situations to get up close and personal with their animal subjects. In Animal Planet’s five-part series Into the Pride, host Dave Salmoni takes this quality to hair-raising extremes by living among a pride of potentially deadly lions.
Salmoni is a predator expert with a background in training big cats in captivity. His daunting mission is to spend six months alone in the African bush with the aim of getting a particularly aggressive and dangerous pride of lions to live in harmony with humans. The lions’ fate may well hang on Salmoni’s efforts as, unless he can reform their behavior, they could end up being exterminated.
Five weeks into his mission, Salmoni is still struggling to get close to the pride. They’ve proven to be even more hostile than expected. After his initial attempts to calm the lions are met with repeated charging, he decides to focus his attempt on one particular individual, Brutus. Brutus is the “alpha” male, meaning he’s the most feared and powerful member of the pride. Encountering a lone Brutus guarding a fresh kill, Salmoni spots a prime chance to make his move. He cautiously moves towards the carcass and, with incredible boldness, carves off a piece of it for himself. By demonstrating to Brutus that he’s not afraid, Salmoni manages to gain the chief lion’s grudging respect. It could well be a decisive step on the road to gaining proper acceptance from the pride.
hazardous [ˋhæzɚdəs] adj. 有危险的;冒险的
series [ˋsiriz] n. 连续发生的同类事件; 系列
extreme [ɪkˋstrim] n. 极度;最大程度
potentially [pəˋtɛnʃəlɪ] adv. 潜在地;可能地
deadly [ˋdɛdlɪ] adj. 致命的
in captivity [kæpˋtɪvətɪ] 囚禁, 被关
mission [ˋmɪʃən] n. 使命; 任务
aggressive [əˋgrɛsɪv] adj. 好斗的﹐挑衅性的
in harmony with 与...和谐(相处)
reform [͵rɪˋfɔrm] v. 改正
hostile [ˋhɑstəl] adj. 怀敌意的;不友善的
encounter [ɪnˋkaʊntɚ] v. 意外地遇见
prime [praɪm] adj. 最好的,最优的
demonstrate [ˋdɛmən͵stret] v. 显示,表露
decisive [dɪˋsaɪsɪv] adj. 决定性的,决定的
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wildlife [ˋwaɪld͵laɪf] n. 野生生物
documentary [͵dɑkjəˋmɛntərɪ] n. 纪录片
up close and personal 亲密地 intimately
hair-raising [ˋhɛr͵rezɪŋ] adj. 令人恐惧的
pride [praɪd] n.(狮子等的)群
predator [ˋprɛdətɚ] n. 食肉动物;掠夺者
daunting [ˋdɔntɪŋ] adj. 令人怯步的;使人气馁的
hang on 有赖于, 取决于 depend on
exterminate [ɪkˋstɝmə͵net] v. 灭绝;消灭
charge [tʃɑrdʒ] v. 袭击;进攻 to attack violently
alpha male 大男人主义者
lone [ lon] adj. 孤单的,无伴的
cautiously [ˋkɔʃəslɪ] adv. 小心地,谨慎地
carcass [ˋkɑrkəs] n.(动物的)尸体
carve [kɑrv] v. 切开肉
grudging [ˋgrʌdʒɪŋ] adj. 勉强的;吝啬的;不情愿的
By the time Salmoni has been living among the pride for four months, he is seeing some significant progress in his intervention project. Like Brutus, the other lions feel more comfortable in his presence to varying degrees. The one exception is the lead female, Cleo, who continues to act aggressively towards Salmoni, growling and charging whenever she sees him.
Salmoni realizes that unless he takes some drastic action, Cleo’s aggressive behavior will be imprinted on the pride’s four cubs. So, in order to make a connection with the young ones, he takes a chance with some improvised “toys.” In this way, he hopes to make the cubs less suspicious of humans and, thus, boost hope for the survival of the next generation. Salmoni also makes use of a remote-controlled car that provided an interesting insight into the lions’ psychology. While they are curious about it, they don’t respond to it aggressively, unlike the other new things that Salmoni has shown them. Salmoni deduces that this is because it is the only object that isn’t physically connected to him. Therefore, it seems that the lions are wary not of new things, but of “people things.”
While Into the Pride documents one lionhearted man’s enlightening personal journey, the real stars of the show are the lions themselves. Tune in to this fascinating series to see these majestic beasts as you’ve never seen them before. And find out if Salmoni can fully succeed in his mission to help the pride secure its future by learning to accept its human neighbors.
−by David Vickers
significant [sɪgˋnɪfəkənt] adj. 顯著的; 重大的
intervention [͵ɪntɚˋvɛnʃən] n. 干預; 介入
in one's presence 在某人面前; 有某人在場
drastic [ˋdræstɪk] adj. 激烈的,猛烈的
connection [kəˋnɛkʃən] n. 關聯
suspicious [səˋspɪʃəs] adj. 懷疑的﹐猜疑的
survival [sɚˋvaɪv!] n. 繼續生存; 幸存
respond [rɪˋspɑnd] v. 反應﹐回應
physically [ˋfɪzɪk!ɪ] adv. 身體上
wary [ˋwɛrɪ] adj.〔人〕小心翼翼的; 謹慎的
document [ˋdɑkjəmənt] v.〔通过记述﹑拍电影或拍照片的方式来〕记载
enlightening [ɪnˋlaɪtnɪŋ] adj. 富有启发的
tune in 收聽(廣播); 收看(電視)
secure [sɪˋkjʊr] v. 保衛
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exception [ɪkˋsɛpʃən] n. 例外
growl [graʊl] v.〔動物〕吼叫
imprint [ˋɪmprɪnt] v. 銘刻;牢記
improvised [ˋɪmprəvaɪzd] adj. 即席而作的; 即興的
insight [ˋɪn͵saɪt] n. 洞悉;深刻的理解
deduce [dɪˋdjus] v. 推論
lionhearted [ˋlaɪənˋhɑrtɪd] adj. 勇猛的;豪膽的
majestic [məˋdʒɛstɪk] adj. 雄偉的;威嚴的
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is NOT true about Dave Salmoni?
A. He is the host of a wildlife TV program.
B. He is very knowledgeable about big cats.
C. He is a particularly courageous individual.
D. He plans to release a pride of lions into the wild.
2. How does Salmoni get Brutus to respect him?
A. He challenges Brutus to a fight.
B. He shows Brutus that he isn’t scared.
C. He helps Brutus to kill another animal.
D. He demonstrates his physical strength in front of Brutus.
3. In the second part of the article, what is Salmoni worried about?
A. That his project isn’t making progress.
B. That Cleo has a weak relationship with her young.
C. That the lion cubs are being negatively influenced.
D. That he can’t understand how the lions regard humans.
4. What is the main aim of Into the Pride?
A. To investigate the psychology of lions.
B. To prove that lions are not as deadly as people think.
C. To show one man’s efforts to reform a group of lions.
D. To report on a daring mission to capture lions in Africa.
Into The Pride - Episode 2 (Part 1)
Into The Pride - Episode 3 (Part 1)
Into The Pride - Episode 4 (Part 3)
Dave Salmoni Into The Pride - Episode 1 (Part 4)
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( C ) |