Monster Resurrected – Meet the Mega Beasts 远古巨兽大复活
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年3月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:359
Discovery presents Monster Resurrected, a look at “mega beasts” from the past. The latest scientific and multi-media technology give us a fascinating insight into how these fearsome creatures lived and died – hunting, fighting, eating, and sometimes being eaten.
Episode one focuses on the terror bird, a ten-foot-tall, flightless bird with a huge, pointed beak, powerful legs, and a hawk’s sharp eyesight. This beast hunted across North and South America around four million years ago, competing with wolves and saber-toothed cats. The terror bird, however, had some strong advantages. It could pursue prey over long distances like the wolf but was also capable of deadly surprise attacks like the cat. Its main weapon was its enormous, curved beak. Monster Resurrected uses technology to show how this weapon worked.
Using a steel replica of the terror bird’s head, scientists attempted to test its strength. Because the terror bird most closely resembled modern birds of prey, they were used as a guide for recreating its muscle structure and striking action. What did they find? The terror bird’s beak was able to easily crush a victim’s skull with a single blow.
With such speed and power, why did the terror bird become extinct? Some scientists say that climate change and lack of adequate food played a role. Others believe that it was due to the habitual characteristics of the terror birds. As solitary hunters, they were no competition for the wolves who hunted in packs; besides, their breeding habit of nesting on the ground made their young vulnerable to other predators. It seems this combination of factors inevitably led to their ultimate doom.
insight [ˋɪn͵saɪt] n. 深刻的理解; 洞察力; 眼光
fearsome [ˋfɪrsəm] adj. 可怕的﹐吓人的
compete [kəmˋpit] v. 竞争[(+with/against/for)]
pursue [pɚˋsu] v. 追赶;追踪;追捕
replica [ˋrɛplɪkə] n. 复制品
crush [krʌʃ] v. 压碎;碾碎
extinct [ɪkˋstɪŋkt] adj. 绝种的,灭绝的
adequate [ˋædəkwɪt] adj. 足够的
habitual [həˋbɪtʃʊəl] adj. 习惯(性)的; 惯常的
solitary [ˋsɑlə͵tɛrɪ] adj. 单独的,独自的
breed [brid] v. 繁殖; (动物)生产;孕育
combination [͵kɑmbəˋneʃən] n. 结合﹐联合; 混合
inevitably [ɪnˋɛvətəblɪ] adv. 不可避免地;必然地
ultimate [ˋʌltəmɪt] adj. 最后的,最终的
doom [dum] n. 毁灭,死亡
More Information
resurrect [͵rɛzəˋrɛkt] v. 复活
mega [ˋmɛgə] adj. 大得异乎寻常的
flightless [ˋflaɪtlɪs] adj.(鸟等)不能飞的
beak [bik] n.(鹰等的)鸟嘴
saber-toothed [ˋsebɚ͵tuθt] adj. 长而锐利之犬齿的
prey [pre] n. 被捕食的动物
birds of prey 猛禽
guide [gaɪd] n. 指导;指南
blow [blo] n.(用拳,武器等的)一击,殴打
vulnerable [ˋvʌlnərəb!] adj. 脆弱的; 易受伤的
The Monster Resurrected series continues with a look at one of the most terrifying beasts in our planet’s history – the awesome mosasaur, a 45-foot-long aquatic reptile with six-foot jaws and a flat, crocodile-like tail.
Tyrannosaurus (T. rex) may have been supreme on land 85 million years ago, but the mosasaurs ruled the seas which, at that time, covered 85% of the earth’s surface. They are sometimes described as the T. rex of the deep. The mosasaur’s jaw and tail were deadly weapons used not only to hunt but to battle their rivals – giant sharks bigger than today’s great white; and 40-foot plesiosaurs, huge marine reptiles with long, snake-like necks.
暴龙(简称T. rex)在8千5百万年前或许称霸陆地,但沧龙统治了当时占地球表面百分之85的海洋。牠们有时也被称为海洋深处的暴龙。沧龙的颌部及尾巴是致命的武器,不仅用来捕猎,也用来与敌手决斗。其竞争对手包括了比今日的大白鲨更大的巨鲨以及40英尺长的蛇颈龙,一种具有如长蛇般细长颈部的海洋爬虫类。
While the jaws of the mosasaur were as large as those of a T. rex, they were even more fearsome because of an extra set of teeth on the roof of the mouth. This unique adaptation prevented captured prey from escaping and forced the unfortunate victim mercilessly down the carnivore’s throat. To test the effect of the mosasaur’s jaws, the Discovery researchers built a life-size replica. It demonstrates that a mosasaur could eat 500 pounds of meat in just 20 seconds, by tearing off four-foot chunks of large animals or swallowing smaller prey in one gulp.
The mosasaur was the ultimate predator; no other creature could defeat it. What, then, ended its reign? The same disaster that spelled doom for the dinosaurs: the impact of a massive asteroid that filled the atmosphere with debris, blocked out the sun, and wiped out the mosasaur’s food chain.
In upcoming episodes, Monster Resurrected investigates more of prehistory’s most terrifying predators. Every show is a detective story; you wouldn’t want to miss out!
−by Barry Hall
awesome [ˋɔsəm] adj. 令人敬畏的
reptile [ˋrɛptaɪl] n. 爬行动物;爬虫类
supreme [səˋprim] adj. 最高的,至上的
marine [məˋrin] adj. 海的;海生的
adaptation [͵ædæpˋteʃən] n. 适应性的变化,适应
capture [ˋkæptʃɚ] v. 捕获;俘虏
escape [əˋskep] v. 逃跑;逃脱
mercilessly [ˋmɝsɪlɪslɪ] adv. 无情地;残忍地
demonstrate [ˋdɛmən͵stret] v. 证明
defeat [dɪˋfit] v. 战胜,击败
reign [ren] n. 统治;支配
wipe out 彻底消灭或摧毁某事物 to destroy or be destroyed completely
investigate [ɪnˋvɛstə͵get] v. 查明〔犯罪﹑事故或科学问题等的真相〕; 调查
detective [dɪˋtɛktɪv] n. 侦探
miss out【口】失去获得利益或获得乐趣的机会
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mosasaur [ˌmosə'sɔr] n. 沧龙
aquatic [əˋkwætɪk] adj. 水生的;水栖的
tyrannosaurus [taɪ͵rænəˋsɔrəs] n.【古生】暴龙
plesiosaur [ˋplisɪəsɔr] n. 蛇颈龙
carnivore [ˋkɑrnə͵vɔr] n. 食肉动物
life-size [ˋlaɪfˋsaɪz] adj. 与实物大小一样的
chunk [tʃʌŋk] n. 矮而壮实的人(或马)
gulp [gʌlp] n. 吞咽;一(大)口
spell [spɛl] v. 导致; 招致
asteroid [ˋæstə͵rɔɪd] n. 小行星
debris [dəˋbri] n. 碎片; 残骸
Reading Questions
1. What is this article mainly about?
A. Powerful monsters from ancient mythology.
B. The most dangerous animals on Earth.
C. Deadly creatures that are no longer in existence.
D. Furious beasts that may exist in the future.
2. Which of the following statements about terror birds is NOT true?
A. They could fly extremely long distances.
B. They were found in North and South America.
C. They killed their prey with their large beaks.
D. They hunted the same animals as wolves.
3. What made the mosasaurs unique?
A. They roamed across 85% of the land on Earth.
B. They survived mainly on plants and small animals.
C. They ate slowly and shared their leftovers with other creatures.
D. They had an additional set of teeth hidden in their upper jaws.
4. What eventually happened to the mosasaurs?
A. They evolved into tyrannosauruses over time.
B. Their food supply was eliminated after a disaster.
C. They were killed by even larger sea predators.
D. Humans hunted them and they became extinct.
Mega Beasts: T-Rex of the Deep (HD Quality) [Part 1/5]
Mega Beasts: T-Rex of the Deep (HD Quality) [Part 2/5]
Tyrannosaurus REX (Extreme Survivor)
1. ( C ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( B ) |