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Escape to Chimp Eden 黑猩猩的伊甸园








For Eugene Cussons, the mistreatment of chimpanzees is incomprehensible. He has traveled the African continent, sometimes putting his own life in danger, to rescue chimpanzees that have been held in captivity – often abused and neglected for years. They are brought to Mpumalanga, South Africa, to Cussons’ Chimp Eden Sanctuary, where Cussons and his team do everything they can to rehabilitate the animals. In Animal Planet’s Escape to Chimp Eden2, Cussons introduces us to his sanctuary’s most recent additions.



In episode one, we meet Tony and Sampa, rescued from Angola four months earlier. With their quarantine period over, it’s time for them to be integrated into the infant chimpanzee community. Integration is a difficult process that involves many complications. Will the alpha male, Jao, accept the new group members? Will the other chimpanzees take to the smart, stubborn Sampa and accept the adorable young Tony?



But before Cussons can move the chimps to the outdoor enclosure where they will learn how to live in the wild, he faces the daunting task of sedating the sometimes intimidating primates. He is able to safely transfer Sampa to her new home, but events take a dramatic turn when Tony suffers an adverse reaction to the anesthetic. Things are very tense as the vet tries to keep Tony breathing – everyone hopes against hope he did not come all the way from Angola to die this way.



Thankfully, Tony recovers and is released to join Sampa and the others. Meanwhile, Cussons is left to reflect on how close the sanctuary came to losing its first chimpanzee. He is also reminded how fragile the chimpanzees really are.







mistreatment [mɪsˋtritmənt] n. 虐待

incomprehensible [ɪn͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsəb!] adj. 不能理解的,难懂的;不可思议的

continent [ˋkɑntənənt] n. 洲; 大洲; 大陆

abuse [əˋbjus] v. 虐待

neglect [nɪgˋlɛkt] v. 忽视,忽略

sanctuary [ˋsæŋktʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n. 庇护所,避难所

integrate [ˋɪntə͵gret] v. 使成一体,使结合,使合并[(+with/into)]

infant [ˋɪnfənt] n. 幼儿; 婴儿

complication [͵kɑmpləˋkeʃən] n. 使复杂化的问题[情况]

stubborn [ˋstʌbɚn] adj. 倔强的,顽固的

adorable [əˋdorəb!] adj. 【口】可爱的

enclosure [ɪnˋkloʒɚ] n. 圈地;围场

reaction [rɪˋækʃən] n. 反应

tense [tɛns] adj.(心理或神经)紧张的

hope against hope  抱一线希望  to hope very strongly that something will happen, although you know it is not very likely



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chimpanzee [͵tʃɪmpænˋzi] n. 黑猩猩

captivity [kæpˋtɪvətɪ] n. 囚禁;被俘

rehabilitate [͵rihəˋbɪlə͵tet] v.(使)恢复原状

episode [ˋɛpə͵sod] n.(电视等的)连续剧的一出(或一集)

quarantine [ˋkwɔrən͵tin] n. 隔离;检疫

alpha male 大男人主义者

take [tek] v. 接受 to accept and place under one's care or keeping

daunting [ˋdɔntɪŋ] adj. 令人怯步的

sedate [sɪˋdet] v. 给〔某人〕服镇静剂 to administer a sedative to; calm or relieve by means of a sedative drug

intimidating [ɪnˋtɪmə͵detɪŋ] adj. 吓人的,令人生畏的

primate [ˋpraɪmɪt] n. 灵长类动物

take a turn 发生某种变化

adverse [ædˋvɝs] adj. 不利的,有害的

anesthetic [͵ænəsˋθɛtɪk] n. 麻醉剂; adj. 麻醉的

reflect [rɪˋflɛkt] v. 思考,反省

remind [rɪˋmaɪnd] v. 提醒








Like humans, chimpanzees have their own personalities and they’re not always pleasant. In the second episode, we meet Josephine. Given that she spent years in a dog cage, suffering cruelty at the hands of humans, it’s understandable that, according to Cussons, she is “aggressive and mistrustful; maybe even psychotic.”



Josephine’s deep hostility towards humans and hostile behavior mean that it’s difficult to predict how she will merge with the seven other adult chimpanzees. It’s important that the four females accept Josephine, but it’s even more crucial that she submit to Abu, the dominant male who has been at the sanctuary for 15 years and who has the admiration of both the chimpanzees and humans.



Following the thankfully non-violent introduction of Josephine and Abu, the mood at Eden is buoyant. Sadly, the mood doesn’t last – during the night, tragedy strikes the enclosure when Abu dies. The loss of Abu is completely unexpected and the sanctuary is shaken by its first chimpanzee death. Nevertheless, there is no time to lose. Abu’s body must be removed and given an autopsy; if the alpha male died from a contagious disease, the whole colony could be in grave danger.



The resemblance between us and our primate cousins becomes apparent as we learn more about their nature and the way they interact: they have unique personalities, communicate with one another, and live in a hierarchical society. With each episode, we follow Cussons in his journey dedicated to giving chimpanzees a new lease on life. Catch Animal Planet’s captivating documentary to find out what happens in helping the chimpanzees Escape to Chimp Eden.



by Alice Davis





at the hands of 出自某人之手

aggressive [əˋgrɛsɪv] adj. 好斗的﹐挑衅性的

hostility [hɑsˋtɪlətɪ] n. 敌意,敌视

merge [mɝdʒ] v. 合并; 融合

crucial [ˋkruʃəl] adj. 重要的

submit [səbˋmɪt] v. 顺从﹐服从; 屈从[(+to)]

dominant [ˋdɑmənənt] adj. 占优势的,支配的

admiration [͵ædməˋreʃən] n. 敬佩﹐钦佩﹐赞美

violent [ˋvaɪələnt] adj. 暴力的

tragedy [ˋtrædʒədɪ] n. 悲剧性事件﹐惨剧﹐惨案

contagious [kənˋtedʒəs] adj. 传染性的;会蔓延的

colony [ˋkɑlənɪ] n. 集群;群体

resemblance [rɪˋzɛmbləns] n. 相似﹐类似

documentary [͵dɑkjəˋmɛntərɪ] n. 记录像片



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pleasant [ˋplɛzənt] adj. 讨人喜欢的;和蔼可亲的

given [ˋgɪvən] prep. 考虑到 granted as a supposition; acknowledged or assumed

mistrustful [mɪsˋtrʌstfəl] adj. 多疑的

psychotic [saɪˋkɑtɪk] adj. 精神病的﹐精神失常的

buoyant [ˋbɔɪənt] adj. 心情愉快的

autopsy [ˋɔtɑpsɪ] n. 尸体解剖,验尸

grave [grev] adj. 重大的

hierarchical [͵haɪəˋrɑrkɪkl] adj. 等级制度的; 按等级划分的

a new lease on life 延年益寿, 活得更带劲(或更惬意等)  a renewed and revitalized outlook on life

lease [lis] n.(较昔日更加)焕发生机;重振雄风



Reading Questions


1. Which of the following applies to Tony and Sampa?

A. They likely met for the first time on arrival at Chimp Eden.

B. They share very similar personalities.

C. They are joining the group of younger chimpanzees.

D. Tony dies, while Sampa happily joins the other chimpanzees.


2. What is NOT true of Josephine?

A. Her behavior is likely a consequence of how humans treated her.

B. She will easily integrate with the adult group.

C. Her feelings towards humans are feelings of hatred.

D. Her first meeting with Abu was peaceful.


3. After Abu’s death, why is there “no time to lose”?

A. Abu must be buried quickly so the sanctuary can mourn.

B. The other chimpanzees must not see Abu’s body.

C. Staff members are eager to carry out the plans in place for Abu’s death.

D. A vet needs to find out what killed Abu in case other chimpanzees are infected.


4. Which statement best describes Eugene Cussons?

A. He is completely committed to improving the lives of chimpanzees.

B. He used to harm chimpanzees but changed his ways.

C. Helping chimpanzees is just a job to him.

D. He advises against giving human characteristics to chimpanzees.


Escape To Chimp Eden



Escape to Chimps Eden - SCENE SELECTS







1. ( C )

2. ( B )

3. ( D )

4. ( A )