Body In Numbers 解读人体密码








Your heart pumps 2,113 gallons (about 8,000 liters) of blood every day, and the blood vessels it travels through could stretch around the world 2.5 times over. Your eyes can recognize 70 million different colors and, in your lifetime, will produce 143 pints (67.7 liters) of tears. The human body is a source of a wealth of incredible figures – figures that are laid bare in Discovery’s Body In Numbers.



In episode one, we’re taken on a journey from conception through to our first birthday. It all starts with a single cell measuring only two thousandths of an inch (0.005 cm) across. The cells quickly grow in number, and adult bodies usually contain around 100 trillion of them. But let’s get back to that first one. It’s formed at the moment of conception, when all the information from our father is added to that of our mother, and our very own DNA, or biological blueprint, is created.



After that, our cells begin to multiply and form the different parts of our body. This process happens quickly. After just over three weeks, our heart starts beating, another five weeks on and all our organs have developed. We’re even able to detect the world outside the womb less than halfway through a pregnancy. And the changes don’t stop when we’re born. Fueled by large quantities of milk, our brain develops and our body more than doubles in weight during our first 12 months of life. But this is just the start of the journey; there’s a lot more to discover when we examine our body in numbers.







pump [pʌmp] v. 用泵抽;注入

vessel [ˋvɛs!] n. 血管,脉管

recognize [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] v. 认出,识别

a wealth of 丰富的, 大量的… a large amount of

figure [ˋfɪgjɚ] n. 数字

lay bare 揭露, 揭示 to reveal or explain

conception [kənˋsɛpʃən] n. 概念,观念

cell [sɛl] n. 细胞

measure [ˋmɛʒɚ] v. 测量;计量

biological [͵baɪəˋlɑdʒɪk!] adj. 生物的;生物学的

blueprint [ˋbluˋprɪnt] n. 蓝图

womb [wum] n. 子宫

pregnancy [ˋprɛgnənsɪ] n. 怀孕

fuel [ˋfjʊəl] v. 对……供给燃料

quantity [ˋkwɑntətɪ] n. 数量;大量



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gallon [ˋgælən] n. 加仑

stretch [strɛtʃ] v. 延伸

pint [paɪnt] n. 品脱

thousandth [ˋθaʊzndθ] adj. 千分之一的

trillion [ˋtrɪljən] n. 万亿,兆








The human body is a wonderful machine, unparalleled by anything found in the man-made world. To keep it running smoothly requires a diverse combination of ingredients, the most important of which is simple H2O. Water makes up about 70% of our total weight, and we’d collapse after just a couple of days without it. Our bodies also contain large amounts of carbon and calcium, enough to fill 9,000 pencils and make 266 sticks of chalk. Our bodies also contain tiny amounts of titanium, gold, and even uranium.



These elements aren’t the only things that keep us going, though. We also need sleep, about 26.5 years of it over the course of an average lifetime. These hours give our brains time to sort through what happened in the day, organize memories, and discard the thousands of things that aren’t worth remembering. It’s also the time when the body fights off infections and repairs cuts and bruises.



The human body’s ability to mend scrapes or heal broken bones is remarkable, but over time, the body doesn’t so much repair itself as completely rebuild. We could replace all the skin on our bodies in just three weeks. Over a lifetime, that would be enough to cover 1,352 people. And it’s not just skin; we replace our entire blood stream every four months, and before we die, we’ll produce bone to make 12.5 skeletons – that’s one big Halloween party!



It’s incredible what you learn when you start looking at the body in numbers, so make sure you watch this fascinating Discovery Channel show – you’ll never look at yourself the same again.



by Andrew Crosthwaite





unparalleled [ʌnˋpærə͵lɛld] adj. 无比的;无双的;空前未有的

diverse [daɪˋvɝs] adj. 多种多样的;多变化的

collapse [kəˋlæps] v. 崩溃,瓦解

carbon [ˋkɑrbən] n. 碳

calcium [ˋkælsɪəm] n. 钙

over the course of 在…过程中

discard [ˋdɪskɑrd] v. 抛弃,摒弃,丢弃

fight off 抵抗或击退某人 to defend against

infection [ɪnˋfɛkʃən] n.〔由细菌或病毒造成对身体某部位的〕感染

bruise [bruz] n. 青肿; 擦伤

mend [mɛnd] v. 使愈合

scrape [skrep] n. 擦伤;擦痕

remarkable [rɪˋmɑrkəb!] adj. 非凡的;卓越的

skeleton [ˋskɛlətn] n. 骨骼


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chalk [tʃɔk] n. 粉笔

titanium [taɪˋtenɪəm] n. 钛

uranium [jʊˋrenɪəm] n. 铀

sort through 查看并整理〔某堆相似的东西〕to look at a lot of things in order to find what you want or need

blood stream  血流; 血液



Reading Questions


1. What occurs during the first year of our life?

A. Our weight increases rapidly.

B. Our first cell splits in half.

C. We are required to make a DNA test.

D. We develop 100 trillion cells.


2. Which of the following facts about the body is NOT true?

A. Our hearts pump over 2,000 gallons of blood daily.

B. Our eyes can see 70 million different colors.

C. Our blood vessels are shorter than the distance around the planet.

D. Our bodies create 143 pints of tears during our lifespan.


3. Which of the following summarizes what our brain does while we sleep?

A. It completely shuts down while we rest our minds.

B. It constantly creates plans for the future.

C. It operates in the same manner as it does while we are awake.

D. It begins to rebuild and makes sense of what has happened.


4. How does the author feel about the human body?

A. It is an ordinary and predictable machine.

B. It is somewhat limited when compared to most animals.

C. It is able to accomplish many incredible feats.

D. It will evolve to accomplish even greater things.


Body In Numbers Part 1-3



Body In Numbers Part 2-3



Body In Numbers Part 3-3






1. ( A )

2. ( C )

3. ( D )

4. ( C )