Snowblind – The Great Alaskan Adventure 雪盲驰千里
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年6月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:343
The Iditarod Race is one of the most grueling endurance events in the world. So tough are the demands of the 1,688-kilometer course that fewer people have successfully completed the race than have climbed Mount Everest. To reach the finish line in northern Alaska, sled dog racers, or mushers, must drive their teams of dogs over mountains, through forests, and across a frozen sea; and they have to do it in temperatures that, when wind chill is accounted for, can reach minus 70 degrees Celsius.
The Discovery Channel documentary Snowblind follows one of the race’s newest mushers, Rachael Scdoris, as she trains for and competes in the 2008 race. Rachael is both determined and professional; she has to be, because she must face the Iditarod’s treacherous conditions with an added disadvantage – Rachael is legally blind and sees the world in blurry, black-and-white images. She has never let this hold her back, though, and began mushing when she was just three years old.
To help Rachael find her way along the frozen Iditarod course, she is allowed to race with another sled dog team. Her travel partner acts as an extra set of eyes and is allowed to call out instructions for Rachael to follow. For the 2008 race, she pairs up with Joe Runyan, a previous Iditarod champion.
Like nearly all the competitors, Joe uses Alaska Huskies to pull his sled; Rachael, however, has other ideas. She uses Husky-Pointer hybrids for their enthusiasm and affectionate natures. It’s a brave decision, but will she be proven right?
grueling [ˋgruəlɪŋ] adj. 累垮人的;令人受不了的
endurance [ɪnˋdjʊrəns] n.(忍)耐力
tough [tʌf] adj. 困难的; 费力的
demand [dɪˋmænd] n. 要求
determined [dɪˋtɝmɪnd] adj. 〔尤指在困境中〕坚决的﹐坚定的
disadvantage [͵dɪsədˋvæntɪdʒ] n. 不利条件
hold one back 阻止; 阻挡 to restrain someone from getting at or getting to something
hybrid [ˋhaɪbrɪd] n. 杂种;混血儿
enthusiasm [ɪnˋθjuzɪ͵æzəm] n. 热情
affectionate [əˋfɛkʃənɪt] adj. 充满深情的,温柔亲切的
More Information
Iditarod Race 阿拉斯加州爱迪塔罗德狗拉雪橇比赛
sled [slɛd] n. 雪橇
musher [ˈmʌʃɚ] n. 赶狗拉雪橇的人 a traveler who drives (or travels with) a dog team
wind chill 风寒
account for 作某事物的解释, 解释某事物的原因 to provide an explanation or justification for
Celsius [ˋsɛlsɪəs] adj. 摄氏的
treacherous [ˋtrɛtʃərəs] adj. 不牢靠的;危险的
Husky [ˋhʌskɪ] n. 爱斯基摩犬
pointer [ˋpɔɪntɚ] n.(能指出猎物位置的)猎犬
As Rachael Scdoris lines up at the start of the Iditarod, she is already a winner. The organizers didn’t want a legally blind musher taking part in the race, and Rachael had to fight for three years to change their minds. She’s not content with just taking part, though, and has much higher ambitions. Having taken 12.5 days to complete the race in 2006, her goal is now to cross the finish line under 12 days.
Rachael and her travel partner, Joe Runyan, get off to a good start and steadily move up the rankings. They progress even further when other teams pull out after taking a battering from the steep slopes and thick forests of the Alaska Range mountains. Despite her eyesight, Rachael makes it through relatively unharmed.
Just when things begin to look good for Rachael, tragedy strikes. She had planned to switch her heavy, mountain sled for a lighter one that should have been sent to a rest station. Unfortunately, her sled never arrives and she loses time trying to borrow one from other racers. Things get worse when her dogs begin to suffer with injury and illness. One by one, they get left behind at rest stations, and it gets harder and harder for Rachael to maintain a good place.
Will she be able to finish in less than 12 days – will she finish at all? Whatever happens, Rachael’s positive attitude and determination to overcome every obstacle in her path should serve as an inspiration to us all.
−by Andrew Crosthwaite
organizer [ˋɔrgə͵naɪzɚ] n. 组织者
ambition [æmˋbɪʃən] n. 雄心,抱负
get off to a good start 一开始就顺利, 有好的开始 starting out correctly; beginning something carefully and cautiously
steadily [ˋstɛdəlɪ] adv. 稳定地;不断地
ranking [ˋræŋkɪŋ] n. 排行﹐名次
progress [ˈprɑgrɛs] n. 进步;发展
pull out 撤离; 撤出; 退出 to withdraw from something
steep [stip] adj. 陡峭的
injury [ˋɪndʒərɪ] n.(对物体的)损伤,损害
overcome [͵ovɚˋkʌm] v. 战胜;克服
obstacle [ˋɑbstək!] n. 障碍(物)
More Information
take part in something 参加, 出席 to participate in something
battering [ˋbætərɪŋ] n. 重创,连续打击
slope [slop] n. 斜坡
tragedy [ˋtrædʒədɪ] n. 悲剧; 不幸; 遗憾
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is NOT a reason why the Iditarod is considered a difficult race?
A. Racers must travel over mountains.
B. Racers must make it through forests.
C. Racers must sail across a sea.
D. Racers must deal with freezing cold weather.
2. What is provided for Rachael to help her stay on the path?
A. She is given an extra sled dog to help her out.
B. Her sled is equipped with a GPS device.
C. Her sled makes a noise when it travels off the track.
D. She is allowed to work with another driver.
3. According to the article, what do we know about Rachael’s performance?
A. She began slowly but started going faster at the end.
B. She did well at the start but then encountered some problems.
C. She was forced to quit after a serious accident occurred.
D. She was able to finish the race in 12 days.
4. How can we best describe this article?
A. It’s a tragic story about sled dog racers.
B. It’s a comical tale about beating the odds.
C. It’s a horrifying account of a dangerous event.
D. It’s an inspiring tale about an interesting sport.
Good Morning Northwest with Rachael Scdoris
National Geographic "Rachel Scdoris"
1. ( C ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( D ) |