当前位置:Home 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Discovery (探索频道) Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 尼克的怪兽朋友

Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 尼克的怪兽朋友








There are loads of cute, cuddly animals out there, koala bears and pandas for example, but Animal Planet host Nick Baker isn’t interested in them. He doesn’t care much about the usual animal documentary subjects like lions and crocodiles either. Instead, he prefers his animals to be a little bit freaky. In the first season of his hugely popular show Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures, he introduced us to vampire fish, blood-squirting lizards, and the crocodile from Mars. Now he’s back, and he’s got a few more weird creatures for us to meet.



One of the most unusual, and most interesting, of these animals is a bizarre turtle with a spiky shell, the claws of a bear, and the most powerful bite in the animal kingdom. They’re called Alligator Snapping Turtles, and Nick goes looking for them in the swamps of New Orleans.



Finding one might not be easy, though. For one thing, these prehistoric-looking monsters spend most of their time sitting at the bottom of the swamp, snapping at whatever comes along. For another, they’ve been hunted aggressively for years to provide meat for the area’s most popular dish: turtle soup.



Several New Orleans natives help Nick on his search to find an Alligator Snapping Turtle, and they’ve got some amazing stories to share. One man tells the legend of a 160kg, 350-year-old turtle, and others explain what they’re doing to help save the species from extinction. These local residents are almost as interesting as the turtle itself, and they really help bring the show to life.







creature [ˋkritʃɚ] n. 生物;动物

documentary [͵dɑkjəˋmɛntərɪ] n. 记录像片

squirt [skwɝt] v. 喷射; 喷

bizarre [bɪˋzɑr] adj. 奇异的;异乎寻常的

snap [snæp] v. 猛咬

swamp [swɑmp] n. 沼泽;沼泽地

aggressively [əˋgrɛsɪvlɪ] adv. 侵略地;攻击地

native [ˋnetɪv] n. 本地人

resident [ˋrɛzədənt] n. 居民,定居者



More Information



cuddly [ˋkʌdlɪ] adj. 令人想拥抱的

freaky [ˋfrikɪ] adj.【口】古怪吓人的

spiky [ˋspaɪkɪ] adj. 带(尖)刺的﹐有刺的

alligator [ˋælə͵getɚ] n.(产于美国及中国的)短吻鳄

prehistoric [͵prihɪsˋtɔrɪk] adj. 史前的

legend [ˋlɛdʒənd] n. 传说;传奇故事

bring something to life 给某人/某事物有趣或更生动  to make something exciting and interesting








Nick Baker is fascinated by weird creatures, and he’ll travel around the world, jumping into swamps, climbing mountains, and journeying deep into rainforests to meet them. But there are some animals that stop him in his tracks. In fact, there’s one creature that’s so weird it even gives him nightmares. Meet the Aye-Aye, one of the most unusual creatures on the face of the planet, and possibly one of the scariest, too.



The Aye-Aye is unique to the African island of Madagascar. It’s a type of primate, which means it’s directly related to monkeys and apes, but you’d never know it by looking at once. They’re about the size of a cat, have the tail of a squirrel, the ears of a bat, the nose of a rabbit, the sharp front teeth of a rat, and hands that are like nothing else on earth. Their two middle fingers are very, very long; one of them is quite fat, and the other is thin and bony. The fat one is used to drum on branches to detect insects living inside the wood. If they find any, they use their thin, skeletal finger to dig them out and eat them with.



With all these unusual body parts, it’s no wonder Nick describes the Aye-Aye as the weirdest of the weird. But all the animals featured on Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures are unique and special in their own way. By introducing them so enthusiastically, Nick shows us that all animals, whether cute or hideous, deserve our care.



by Andrew Crosthwaite





fascinate [ˋfæsn͵et] v. 迷住;强烈地吸引

journey [ˋdʒɝnɪ] v. 旅行

in one's tracks【口】就地; 当场; 突然

stop someone in his tracks ..... 使某人止住脚步 if something stops someone in their tracks, or if they stop in their tracks, they suddenly stop what they are doing because they are so surprised

primate [ˋpraɪmɪt] n. 灵长类动物

directly [dəˋrɛktlɪ] adv. 直接地

feature [fitʃɚ] v. 以……为特色;是……的特色

introduce [͵ɪntrəˋdjus] v. 介绍

enthusiastically [ɪn͵θjuzɪˋæstɪk!ɪ] adv. 热心地;满腔热情地

hideous [ˋhɪdɪəs] adj. 极丑的﹐极难看的



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nightmare [ˋnaɪt͵mɛr] n. 梦魇;恶梦

aye-aye [ˋaɪ͵aɪ] n. 栗鼠猿,狐猿

Madagascar [͵mædəˋgæskɚ] n. 马达加斯加

be related to  与……是亲戚

at once 立刻, 马上, 立即 immediately; instantly

squirrel [ˋskwɝəl] n. 松鼠

bony [ˋbonɪ] adj. 瘦削的;骨瘦如柴的

drum [drʌm] v. 咚咚地敲

skeletal [ˋskɛlətəl] adj. 骨瘦如柴的



Reading Questions


1. What kinds of animals does Nick Baker like?

A. Ones that are popular in the media.

B. Ones that are kind and friendly to humans.

C. Ones which have recently been discovered.

D. Ones which are a little bit strange in some way.


2. Which of the following is true about the Alligator Snapping Turtles?

A. They’ll attack whatever comes near them.

B. They usually float on the top of the water.

C. Their bite is less powerful than most animals.

D. They survive by hiding and eating soup.


3. What makes Aye-Aye such unique creatures?

A. They are from the island of Madagascar.

B. They are directly related to monkeys.

C. They don’t look like any other animals.

D. They eat insects on occasions.


4. How can we best describe this article?

A. It’s a commercial for a funny cartoon.

B. It’s a promotion for a TV program.

C. It describes the events of a new film.

D. It describes the advantages of owning animals.


Weird Creatures with Nick Baker - Series 3


Vampire Fish


Blood Squirting Lizard


Alligator Snapping Turtle Bites Researcher


World's Weirdest: The Demon Primate (Aye-Aye)






1. ( D )

2. ( A )

3. ( C )

4. ( B )



当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Discovery (探索频道) Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures 尼克的怪兽朋友