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Join Bobby Chinn at the World Café 鲍比秦的《街头小吃》








On TLC’s World Café: Asia and World Café: Middle East, chef and restaurateur Bobby Chinn takes you on a whirlwind tour of the regions’ most interesting locations. Each show focuses on a different city or country, introducing the best cuisine and cultural experiences it has to offer. But, while the food and travel highlights are important, there’s no doubt that Bobby’s the star of the show. The New Zealand-born, half-Chinese, half-Egyptian host is a one-man party, and he’s ready to talk and joke with everyone he meets, whether they want him to or not!



When Bobby travels to Calcutta, India, he discovers a city unlike any other. Back when the British had an empire that stretched around the world, Calcutta was the jewel in their crown. Even now, more than 60 years after the end of British rule, their influence is still evident in the city’s buildings, tram system, and food.



Calcutta also received merchants and travelers from France, Arabia, Holland, and China, and they all had their impact on the local cuisine – something Bobby learns when he heads out to try Calcutta’s famous street food. He finds curried beans on toast, steamed chicken buns, and even a Swiss bakery.



Bobby also eats, and learns how to cook, some authentic Indian food. He uses a mouth-watering array of ingredients to make the kind of slow-cooked curry that would have once fed Indian royalty. And at the other end of the scale, he visits a restaurant where destitute women are taught how to prepare food.



After watching Bobby travel and eat his way around Calcutta, you’ll definitely be left wanting more.






chef [ʃɛf] n.(餐馆等的)主厨,大师傅

cuisine [kwɪˋzin] n. 菜肴

cultural [ˋkʌltʃərəl] adj. 文化的

has to offer 带给, 能够提供...

one-man party 一人派对

unlike any other 不同于其他

empire [ˋɛmpaɪr] n. 帝国

the jewel in one's crown 皇冠上的宝石; 最有价值或吸引力的东西

merchant [ˋmɝtʃənt] n. 商人

head out 离开去某处;前往  to begin a journey to something or some place

authentic [ɔˋθɛntɪk] adj. 真正的

scale [skel] n. 规模﹐范围﹐程度

definitely [ˋdɛfənɪtlɪ] adv. 肯定地



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restaurateur [͵rɛstərəˋtɝ] n.【法】餐馆老板

whirlwind [ˋhwɝl͵wɪnd] adj. 旋风般的

Calcutta [kælˋkʌtə] (印度)加尔各答市

tram [træm] n.【英】有轨电车

mouth-watering〔食物〕令人馋涎欲滴的; 诱人的

curry [ˋkɝɪ] n. 咖喱

destitute [ˋdɛstə͵tjut] adj. 穷困的,贫困的








In the first episode of World Café: Middle East, Bobby Chinn visits Istanbul, Turkey. He describes the city as being one of the most exciting in the world, and it’s not hard to see why. For one thing, Istanbul spans two different continents, with one half of the city in Europe and the other half in Asia. For another, it was once the center of many of the world’s ancient trade routes. With visitors arriving from so many different lands, Istanbul developed a wealth of different foods to tantalize the taste buds. There are over 40 kinds of locally made cheese; there’s also fresh seafood, lamb kebabs, beans, sweet pastry desserts, and bread, which is eaten at every meal.



Bobby explains that Turkish cuisine can be divided into two groups, Ottoman and Anatolian, and, naturally, he’s keen to try them both. Ottoman food is seen as being sophisticated, and recipes can be traced back to the times of the Ottoman emperors, who ruled the surrounding countries for hundreds of years. When Bobby meets an expert in ancient Ottoman dining, he helps make stuffed mackerel and even learns how to take the bones out of a fish without cutting it open.



For a taste of the more rural, Anatolian food, he visits a small island and enters a cooking competition. His dish of eggplant cooked in olive oil doesn’t win, but Bobby still has fun trying the local food.



The best thing about World Café is Bobby Chinn’s passion for traveling. He’s enthusiastic about eating and cooking new dishes, and he loves interacting with the people he meets. Watching him, you’ll find it hard not to love it all, too.



by Andrew Crosthwaite






continent [ˋkɑntənənt] n. 洲; 大洲; 大陆

route [rut] n. 路;路线

a wealth of 丰富的, 大量的…

taste bud 味蕾

pastry [ˋpestrɪ] n. 酥皮点心(如馅饼,水果派)

naturally [ˋnætʃərəlɪ] adv. 当然

keen [kin] adj. 渴望的,极想的[F][(+on)][+to-v]

sophisticated [səˋfɪstɪ͵ketɪd] adj. 不落俗套的; 精致的

stuff [stʌf] v. 填..料;装..馅

rural [ˋrʊrəl] adj. 农村的;田园的;有乡村风味的

passion [ˋpæʃən] n. 热情,激情

enthusiastic [ɪn͵θjuzɪˋæstɪk] adj.〔对某事物〕热心的﹐热衷的[+about]



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Istanbul [͵ɪstænˋbul] n. 伊斯坦堡(土耳其都市)

Turkey [ˋtɝkɪ] n. 土耳其(共和国)

tantalize [ˋtænt!͵aɪz] v. 逗惹; 强烈的诱惑

kebab [kəˋbɑb] n.【印度】烤肉串

Ottoman [ˋɑtəmən] adj. 土耳其民族的; 奥斯曼帝国的

Anatolian [͵ænəˋtolɪən] adj. 安那托利亚(人)的

mackerel [ˋmækərəl] n. 鲭鱼〔一种海鱼〕

eggplant [ˋɛg͵plænt] n. 茄子



Reading Questions


1.   What is World Café mainly about?

A.  A man who travels around the world tasting dishes from other cultures.

B.  A businessman who is searching for a place to open his next restaurant.

C.  A manager who travels to Asia and the Middle East to find a new job.

D.  A chef who travels in order to explore the best landmarks.


2.   Which of the following is NOT true about Calcutta, India?

A.  Calcutta is a truly unique place.

B.  Calcutta was part of Great Britain in the past.

C.  People from several other nations influenced the cuisine there.

D.  On his visit, Bobby Chinn only enjoys food that kings and queens once ate.


3.   What does Bobby Chinn discover when he visits Istanbul, Turkey?

A.  It is larger than two continents combined.

B.  You have to be wealthy to enjoy the food there.

C.  Ottoman food is much better than Anatolian dishes.

D.  He sees a new, practical way to remove fish bones.


4.   What would be another suitable title for this article?

A.  The Party Never Stops with Bobby Chinn

B.  The Best Recipes from Asia and the Middle East

C.  Fine Food from Around the Globe

D.  It’s a Small Menu After All



World Café Asia, TRAVEL AND LIVING Channel, 2006



World Cafe Middle East







1. ( A )

2. ( D )

3. ( D )

 4. ( C )



当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Discovery (探索频道) Join Bobby Chinn at the World Café 鲍比秦的《街头小吃》