Living with the Kombai Tribe 《前进荒野部落》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年10月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:398
Deep in the jungles of West Papua, New Guinea live the Kombai tribe – a people frozen in time. In the midst of the scientific and technological advancement of the 21st century, the Kombai still hunt with bows and arrows and use stone axes to work the land. They are almost entirely untouched by the outside world, and their lifestyle has hardly changed since the Stone Age. Now, on Discovery’s Living with the Kombai Tribe, we get to see what happens when explorer Mark Anstice and journalist Olly Steeds go to live with these incredible people.
The Kombai are completely self-sufficient and get their food, building materials, and clothing – such as it is – from the land around them. Although they are resourceful, living off the land is not easy, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the constant search for food. The Kombai eat whatever they can get their hands on, but their staple diet is the pounded-up fibers of the sago tree. For protein, they adore sago grubs: the fat, wriggling larvae of the capricorn beetle.
Kombai families live in wooden houses, built around 20 feet above the ground and supported by tree trunks. They prefer to live high up because it gives them protection from insects and witches, or suangis, who they believe prowl the land during the night.
If Mark and Olly are to survive in the jungle, they will need to find a Kombai family willing to teach them, and they will need to learn fast. Their new environment is unforgiving, and so, it seems, are the Kombai themselves.
tribe [traɪb] n. 部落
in the midst of 在...之中
advancement [ədˋvænsmənt] n.【正式】进步; 进展
explorer [ɪkˋsplorɚ] n. 探险家;勘探者
journalist [ˋdʒɝnəlɪst] adj. 新闻工作者,新闻记者
self-sufficient [ˋsɛlfsəˋfɪʃənt] adj. 自给自足的
such as it is (用以对某物质量不好表示歉意或贬抑) 虽然质量不过如此; 尽管价值不过尔尔
resourceful [rɪˋsorsfəl] adj.【褒】足智多谋的﹐机智的
apparent [əˋpærənt] adj. 明显的,显而易见的
staple [ˋstep!] adj. 主要的; 最重要的
adore [əˋdor] v. 喜爱,热爱
prowl [praʊl] v. 徘徊;潜行
unforgiving [͵ʌnfɚˋgɪvɪŋ] adj. 不原谅人的;无情的
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Papua [ˋpæpjʊə] n. 巴布亚岛(即新几内亚岛,= New Guinea)
live off the land 靠农产品生活 to live by eating only the food that one produces from the land; to survive by gathering or stealing food, fruits, berries, eggs, etc., while traveling through the countryside
pounded-up 捣烂的; 捣碎的
sago [ˋsego] n.西米
grub [grʌb] n. 幼虫;蛆
wriggle [ˋrɪg!] v. 蠕动;扭动
larva [ˋlɑrvə] n.【动】幼虫;幼体(名复: larvae, larvas)
capricorn [ˋkæprɪkɔrn] beetle 天牛
Mark Anstice and Olly Steeds share a dream of living with the Kombai tribe. Olly wants to learn more about the culture of these people, while for Mark, it’s all about discovering how to survive in the jungle. If they’re to achieve their goals, their first mission will be to find an accommodating Kombai clan.
Their guide takes them out into the jungle to find the perfect group, but they are soon stopped in their tracks. A Kombai warrior appears from out of the trees and fires an arrow right over their heads. After shouting and threatening to fire again, the warrior disappears, but Mark and Olly are not out of danger. Their expedition guide explains that they must have crossed into someone’s territory and could be attacked at any moment. Luckily, they are able to make a peace offering and avoid bloodshed. Their guide quickly leads them to another group of Kombai, who agree to adopt the westerners into their family and teach them about jungle survival.
Over the next few weeks, the guys do their best to immerse themselves in the local lifestyle. They build a traditional tribal house, eat rat meat and larvae, and learn how to hunt wild pigs. To become accepted as members of the tribe, though, they know they’ll need to do more than that. They’ll have to abandon everything they’ve come to depend on, including their food rations, modern tools, and possibly even their clothes.
It’s truly compelling television, and you can watch it all on Living with the Kombai Tribe.
-by Andrew Crosthwaite
achieve [əˋtʃiv] v. 完成,实现
mission [ˋmɪʃən] n. 使命,任务
accommodating [əˋkɑmə͵detɪŋ] adj. 乐于助人的,亲切的
clan [klæn] n. 氏族;部落
in one's tracks【口】就地; 当场; 突然
expedition [͵ɛkspɪˋdɪʃən] n. 远征;探险
territory [ˋtɛrə͵torɪ] n. 领土,版图
offering [ˋɔfərɪŋ] n. 供品﹐祭品
immerse oneself in 埋头, 专心于…
abandon [əˋbændən] v. 丢弃;抛弃
ration [ˋræʃən] n. 配给量
compelling [kəmˋpɛlɪŋ] adj. 令人激动的﹐ 极为有趣的
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warrior [ˋwɔrɪɚ] n. 战士,勇士
cross into 越界进入
bloodshed [ˋblʌd͵ʃɛd] n.〔常指在搏斗或战争中的〕流血﹐ 杀戮
Reading Questions
1. What is Mark and Olly’s main purpose for traveling to West Papua?
A. To learn more about the Kombai’s way of life.
B. To convince the Kombai to change their ways.
C. To introduce the Kombai to Western culture.
D. To offer the Kombai a new show on Discovery.
2. Which of the following statements about the Kombai is NOT true?
A. They still use primitive tools for hunting.
B. They are not particular about their diet.
C. They prefer to live at high elevations.
D. They rely on other tribes to provide them with clothes.
3. How can we best describe Mark and Olly’s first encounter with the Kombai?
A. Mark and Olly are immediately accepted by the tribe.
B. A Kombai warrior tries to make a trade with them.
C. The Kombai declare war on them immediately.
D. They are issued a warning message by one clan member.
4. What would be another suitable title for this article?
A. The Curious History of the Kombai
B. Learning to Fight Like a Kombai Warrior
C. A Month in the Life of the Kombai
D. Olly and Mark’s Sudden Discovery
Living with the Kombai Tribe - Last episode
1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( C ) |