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Worst case Scenario with Bear Grylls 脱险求生秘技








Have you ever imagined your worst-case scenario? For some people, it would be getting bitten by a poisonous snake; for others, it might be getting attacked by someone in the street. How would you deal with incidents like these? Personally, I have no idea and would probably end up crying on the floor. But if you want to know how to handle dangerous situations without looking like a three-year-old, tune in to Worst Case Scenario on Discovery.



The show is presented by martial artist, mountaineer, extreme sports enthusiast, and ex-SAS soldier Bear Grylls. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Bear is also the host of the popular Man vs. Wild show, on which he treks through inhospitable environments like deserts, jungles, and the arctic wilderness.

这个节目是由一位既是武术家、登山家、极限运动狂热者也是前空军特种部队军人的贝尔.格里尔斯所主持。如果你觉得这个名字听起来很熟悉,那是因为贝尔也担任广受欢迎的Man vs. Wild的节目主持人,在那个节目中他在荒凉的环境下跋涉,像是沙漠、丛林跟北极的荒野。


Bear is a born survivor; when he broke his back in a parachuting accident at the age of 22, it was feared that he would never walk again. Bear, however, had other ideas, and just 18 months later, he fulfilled a childhood dream of climbing Mount Everest. Over the years, he has also led a number of other expeditions which include crossing the northern Atlantic Ocean in a small open-top boat and paramotoring over the Himalayan Mountains. He has also found the time to earn a black belt in karate and to study the art of ninjutsu.



For this new show, Bear uses all his skills and instincts to show us how to overcome life-threatening scenarios that we could face in our regular, day-to-day lives.







scenario [sɪˋnɛrɪ͵o] n. 可能发生的事﹐可能出现的情况

deal with 对待, 处理

incident [ˋɪnsədnt] n.〔尤指不平常的〕事件

end up 以...终结

extreme [ɪkˋstrim] adj. 极端的; 激烈的

enthusiast [ɪnˋθjuzɪ͵æst] n. 狂热者, 爱好者

trek [trɛk] v. 艰苦跋涉

wilderness [ˋwɪldɚnɪs] n. 荒野,荒漠

survivor [sɚˋvaɪvɚ] n. 幸存者,生还者

fulfill [fʊlˋfɪl] v. 完成(任务等);实现



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martial [ˋmɑrʃəl] adj. 战争的; 战斗的

SAS (Special Air Service) 特种航空队〔英国一支经特殊训练﹑执行秘密危险任务的特种部队〕

inhospitable [ɪnˋhɑspɪtəb!] adj.〔地方〕荒凉的; 不适宜居住的

born [bɔrn] adj. 天生的 having from birth a particular quality or talent

parachute [ˋpærə͵ʃut] v. 跳伞

expedition [͵ɛkspɪˋdɪʃən] n. 远征队;探险队

paramotor 动力伞,滑翔伞

karate [kəˋrɑtɪ] n. 空手道(一种徒手武术)







For each episode of Worst Case Scenario, Bear Grylls, television’s ultimate survival expert, puts himself into potentially dangerous situations and then tells us exactly what to do to get out of it. Bear is a charming and enthusiastic host who manages to fill each show with just the right combination of useful advice and action-packed suspense. This keeps viewers both well informed and perched on the edges of their seats with excitement.



In episode one, Bear is involved in a terrible car crash. With his car lying sideways on the road, the presenter explains that, as with all emergency situations, the most important thing is to stay calm. He then breaks car windows, cuts through a seat belt with a piece of broken mirror, and even saves the driver of the other vehicles just before his truck explodes into a ball of flames.



The next episode sees Bear face to face with a pair of vicious dogs. Apparently, the worst thing you can do in this situation is to run. Dogs respond to energy, so if you run, they will chase you, and there’s no way you’ll be able to outrun a large dog. If you can, you should climb over walls and fences, and, if necessary, you should use your arm to keep the dogs away from your face or other sensitive areas.



Almost all emergencies arise from everyday situations, but most of us would have no idea how to handle them. So follow Bear Grylls and find out what you can do if you encounter a worst-case scenario.



by Andrew Crosthwaite





ultimate [ˋʌltəmɪt] adj.〔同类中〕最出色的

potentially [pəˋtɛnʃəlɪ] adv. 潜在地;可能地

charming [ˋtʃɑrmɪŋ] adj. 迷人的;有魅力的

advice [ədˋvaɪs] n. 劝告,忠告

perch [pɝtʃ] v. 使座落于;使处于

involve [ɪnˋvɑlv] v. 涉及; 影响

crash [kræʃ] n.(发出猛烈声音的)碰撞

emergency [ɪˋmɝdʒənsɪ] n. 紧急情况;突然事件

vicious [ˋvɪʃəs] adj. 凶恶的

apparently [əˋpærəntlɪ] adv. 显然地

encounter [ɪnˋkaʊntɚ] v. 遭遇(敌人);遇到(困难,危险等)



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episode [ˋɛpə͵sod] n.(电视等的)连续剧的一出(或一集)

action-packed(电影、故事、活动等)内容丰富有趣的  full of activity or exciting events

suspense [səˋspɛns] n. 悬疑

on the edges of one’s seat  被影片情节紧紧抓住; 引人入胜  in suspense; waiting eagerly or anxiously for some resolution

outrun [aʊtˋrʌn] v. 跑得比……快

arise [əˋraɪz] v. 产生,出现



Reading Questions


1.  Which of the following could be considered to be a worst case scenario?

A.  A person unexpectedly wins the lottery.

B.  A sailor is left all alone on a deserted island.  

C.  A woman spills her drink on the carpet and stains it.

D.  A zookeeper remembers to lock the cage of a lion.


2.  Which of the following statements about Bear Grylls is NOT true?

A.  Worst Case Scenario isn’t the first TV show he has hosted.

B.  He managed to climb Mount Everest when he was a child.

C.  He was told that he would not be able to use his legs again.

D.  In the past, he served his country by joining the military.


3.  What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.  To encourage people that they can accomplish anything.

B.  To give readers tips on how to handle uncomfortable circumstances.

C.  To introduce Bear Grylls to those who aren’t familiar with him.

D.  To promote a TV show about surviving dangerous situations.


4.  What would be another suitable title for this passage?

A.  The Strange and Curious Life of Bear Grylls.

B.  What You Should Do If You Meet Wild Dogs

C.  The Ins and Outs of Extreme Adventures

D.  Don’t Expect the Worst, Prepare For It



Worst Case Scenario: Extreme Cold







1. ( B )

2. ( B )

3. ( D )

 4. ( D )



当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Discovery (探索频道) Worst case Scenario with Bear Grylls 脱险求生秘技