Man, Woman, Wild 《求生铁人双拍档》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年1月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月10日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:343
Surviving in the wild is a frightening task for modern humans. We’ve become so reliant on modern technology that hunting, building fires, and dealing with wild animals have become tall tasks for most people. Now, imagine trying to accomplish these feats while listening to your spouse complaining in your ear! Discovery’s new show Man, Woman, Wild explores whether two people who made the vow to live happily ever after can keep it, when in the most remote regions of the world.
Mike Hawke is certainly no stranger to rough terrain. As a survival expert and former Special Forces member, he’s made it through all sorts of sticky situations. However, his wife, Ruth is a novice in this field. She’s a professional news anchor, yet she’s eager to learn the skills necessary to survive in these unforgiving conditions. In each episode, Mike and Ruth are dropped at a different spot where they must survive for four days, with little more than a knife and the clothes on their backs.
In one episode, the couple is sent to the rocky coast of Tasmania. Upon reaching the shoreline, the first thing they must do is get warm. The icy winds and frigid waters there could cause them to get hypothermia. So, after finding a suitable location, Mike begins to build a fire. Without a lighter, he is forced to use the primitive method of rubbing two sticks together. After several attempts, he is finally able to spark a flame. But their quest to survive has just begun.
reliant [rɪˋlaɪənt] adj. 依赖于
tall [tɔl] adj. Informal【口】困难的, 无理的 difficult to accomplish
feat [fit] n. 功绩; 壮举
spouse [spaʊz] n. 配偶
vow [vaʊ] n. 誓言,誓约
rough [rʌf] adj. 剧烈的; 恶劣的
terrain [ˋtɛren] n. 地形;地势
sticky [ˋstɪkɪ] adj. 棘手的,麻烦的
novice [ˋnɑvɪs] n. 新手,初学者
anchor [ˋæŋkɚ] n. 新闻节目主播
unforgiving [͵ʌnfɚˋgɪvɪŋ] adj. 无情的
shoreline [ˋʃorlaɪn] n. 海岸线
frigid [ˋfrɪgɪd] adj. 寒冷的,严寒的
hypothermia [͵haɪpəˋθɝmɪə] n. 体温过低
primitive [ˋprɪmətɪv] adj. 原始的
attempt [əˋtɛmpt] n. 企图; 尝试
spark [spɑrk] v. 点燃
quest [kwɛst] n. 探索
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live happily ever after 从此永远过着快乐的日子 to live in happiness after a specific event
ever after 从此以后一直
no stranger to something 熟悉某事 familiar with something or with some place
The next item on Mike and Ruth’s agenda is to find a source of drinkable water, as they are beginning to get dehydrated. Mike uses a plastic cover and some rocks to create a solar still, which he uses to extract fresh water from seaweed. In the meantime, Ruth finds a large strip of kelp and makes a drinking container out of its thick hide.
After that, Ruth sets out to find food and Mike explores the island for additional water sources. Luckily, Ruth spots some edible mollusks, called abalones. These tasty treats are packed with protein, which is exactly what the couple needs after a tough day of manual labor. But their feast is delayed, as a loud thunderclap is heard in the distance.
Mike and Ruth hastily spring into action, in hopes they can waterproof their shelter before the imminent rainstorm. In addition to keeping themselves dry, they must also protect their campfire at all costs. They begin stacking branches around their shelter to provide additional protection. Next, they stretch out the remains of their deflated raft over the top of the structure, which serves as a roof. After ensuring the shelter is free from holes which would allow rain to leak in, they can finally find the time to eat in peace.
But their troubles are far from over. Can the courageous couple survive blood-sucking leeches and find a way to alert a rescue team? Or, will their domestic quarrels and battles against the elements tear them apart? To find out, watch Man, Woman, Wild on Discovery.
-by Jamie Blackler
agenda [əˋdʒɛndə] n.〔事项的〕待办
dehydrated [ˌdihaɪ'dreɪtɪd] adj. 脱水的
solar still 太阳能蒸馏器
seaweed [ˋsi͵wid] n. 海草,海藻
kelp [kɛlp] n. 巨藻; 大型褐藻
hide [haɪd] n. 皮革
edible [ˋɛdəb!] adj. 可食的; 食用的
mollusk [ˋmɑləsk] n. 软件动物
abalone [͵æbəˋlonɪ] n. 鲍鱼
packed [pækt] adj. 充满…的; 含有很多…的 completely filled; full
thunderclap [ˋθʌndɚ͵klæp] n. 雷鸣;霹雳
hastily [ˋhestɪlɪ] adv. 匆忙地,仓促地
waterproof [ˋwɔtɚ͵pruf] v. 使不透水,使防水
shelter [ˋʃɛltɚ] n. 躲避处;避难所
imminent [ˋɪmənənt] adj. 逼近的;即将发生的
stack [stæk] v. 形成堆
remains [rɪˋmenz] n. 残骸 all that is left after other parts have been taken away, used up, or destroyed
deflated [dɪˋfletɪd] adj.(球、轮胎等)泄气的
raft [ræft] n.(救生用)橡皮艇
courageous [kəˋredʒəs] adj. 英勇的,勇敢的
leech [litʃ] n. 水蛭
alert [əˋlɝt] v. 向…发出警报; 通知
quarrel [ˋkwɔrəl] n. 争吵;不和
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set out 动身, 开始 to begin an earnest attempt; undertake
spring into action 马上行动起来 to suddenly begin moving or doing something
at all costs 不惜任何代价 regardless of the difficulty or cost; no matter what
stretch out 伸展开 stretch, unfold, extend
Reading Questions
1. According to the passage, why are many people unable to survive in the wild?
(A) There are more dangerous animals than there were in the past.
(B) Hunting has been made illegal in many locations in the world.
(C) People are used to living a more comfortable lifestyle these days.
(D) Machines that help people survive are too expensive for most people.
2. Which of the following statements about the Hawkes is NOT true?
(A) Mike has far more knowledge about surviving outdoors than Ruth.
(B) Ruth has not been on TV as much as her husband Mike.
(C) Ruth is a beginner when it comes to battling against the elements.
(D) Both Mike and Ruth are given few tools each episode to help them survive.
3. Why do Mike and Ruth have to delay eating their meal?
(A) The meal isn’t safe to eat because it is dirty.
(B) They do not have a container they can put it in.
(C) They must protect their temporary home from rain.
(D) They need to find shelter or they will be struck by lightning.
4. Which of the following would NOT be a likely setting for an episode of Man, Woman, Wild?
(A) A jungle that was constructed for a Hollywood film scene.
(B) A small stretch of land in the middle of the Sahara desert.
(C) A deserted island which is filled with wild animals.
(D) A piece of land in modern-day Europe that is cold and dangerous.
Man, Woman, Wild - EP 4 - Sneak Peek
SEA STILL SURVIVAL boil sea water into drinkable water
Man, Woman, Wild - Vuur
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( A ) |