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CATS 101: Fabulous Felines 《猫咪101》








For roughly 9,500 years, cats have served as human companions, and they are currently the world’s most popular pet. But if you’re interested in adopting a cat, finding the pick of the litter can be a daunting task, as there are over 70 different cat breeds to choose from. Thankfully, a new TV show on Animal Planet entitled Cats 101 is there to help you find the purr-fect cat for you.



Scottish Fold  苏格兰折耳猫


One of the most adorable types of cat is the Scottish Fold. With their large oval-shaped eyes and small droopy ears, many feel they resemble owls. These cats trace their lineage back to a white barn cat from Scotland named Susie. Their unique ears are the result of a cartilage defect. Folds are known to sit upright, and rest their paws atop their chubby belly. It’s called the Buddha position, because it makes them look exactly like the laughing Buddha.



Savannah  热带草原猫


If you’re interested in a more ferocious feline, Savannahs are a mix between a housecat and an African wild cat. They look like miniature leopards and can weigh up to 15 kilograms. In addition to being the largest domestic cats, Savannahs are also the best leapers, and can jump seven feet in the air from a standstill. Savannahs are also the newest cat breed, created in 1986 when a domestic cat was bred with an African wild cat. But if you opt for a Savannah, be sure you have plenty of space because they love to play and explore.







companion [kəmˋpænjən] n. 伴侣

daunting [ˋdɔntɪŋ] adj. 令人怯步的

breed [brid] n. 品种

purr [pɝ] n.(猫等满足时)呜呜的叫声

Scottish Fold 苏格兰折耳猫

adorable [əˋdorəb!] adj.【口】可爱的

droopy [ˋdrupɪ] adj. 下垂的

lineage [ˋlɪniɪdʒ] n. 血统;家族

cartilage [ˋkɑrt!ɪdʒ] n. 软骨

chubby [ˋtʃʌbɪ] adj. 圆胖的;丰满的

Buddha [ˋbʊdə] n. 佛陀

Savannah [səˋvænə] n. 热带草原猫

ferocious [fəˋroʃəs] adj. 凶猛的

miniature [ˋmɪnɪətʃɚ] adj. 小型的

leopard [ˋlɛpɚd] n. 豹;美洲豹

standstill [ˋstænd͵stɪl] n. 静止(状态)






pick of the litter  仔细挑选 the best of a group

opt for  选择, 选中







American Shorthair  美国短毛猫


Another standout species in the world of cats is the American Shorthair. These little guys come in 80 different varieties and color patterns. They are actually descended from the first cats that came over to America on the Mayflower. Shorthairs are known to be easygoing and they are low-maintenance pets. Their busy owners never need worry about them because Shorthairs have no problems keeping themselves amused. In addition, they are one of the healthiest breeds around, so owners don’t have to fork out lots of cash for frequent trips to the veterinarian.



Persian  波斯猫


Persians have a long and illustrious history. They were first smuggled into Europe during the 17th century and quickly became the choice pet of the elite. England’s Queen Elizabeth is particularly fond of these funny-looking furballs. Persians are known for their long, fluffy coats of hair and their pushed-in noses. They are also notoriously lazy creatures, which is why they’ve been nicknamed “lounge lizards.” As their appearance suggests, Persians like to be pampered and to receive lots of attention. Their luxurious coats need frequent grooming to ensure they look their best. Persians are also prone to kidney disease, so it’s important to monitor their health closely. But if you provide them with tender loving care, they’ll return the favor by giving you plenty of adoration and affection.



If, for some reason, these breeds don’t float your boat, tune in to Cats 101 on a weekly basis and you’re bound to spot a feline that you think is the cat’s meow.



by Jamie Blackler






American Shorthair 美国短毛猫

descend [dɪˋsɛnd] v. 传下来,来自于[(+from)]

around [əˋraʊnd] adv. 在某处; 在附近 being in existence

veterinarian [͵vɛtərəˋnɛrɪən] n. 兽医

Persian [ˋpɝʒən] n. 波斯猫

illustrious [ɪˋlʌstrɪəs] adj. 著名的,杰出的,卓越的

smuggle [ˋsmʌg!] v. 走私; 偷运

elite [eˋlit ɪˋlit] n.(社会)精英; 上层人士

fluffy [ˋflʌfɪ] adj. 松软的

pushed-in 如被推进的; 向内凹的 concave

notoriously [noˋtɔrɪəslɪ] adv. 恶名昭彰地,声名狼藉地

lounge [laʊndʒ] n. 休息室

pamper [ˋpæmpɚ] v. 宠﹐娇惯﹐过分呵护

grooming [ˋgrumɪŋ] n. 整洁;梳理

kidney [ˋkɪdnɪ] n. 肾脏

tender [ˋtɛndɚ] adj. 温柔的,体贴的

favor [ˋfevɚ] n. 善意的行为;恩惠

adoration [͵ædəˋreʃən] n. 敬爱;倾慕






fork out 【非正式】〔不情愿地〕付钱; 付出 Slang to pay (money, goods, etc.), esp with reluctance

fond of 喜欢 in love with

prone to 易于; 有...倾向的  likely to [do] something

float one’s boat  顺心顺意 make one happy

bound to  一定会(做)certain to

cat’s meow 满意; 妙极了 an expression referring to something that is considered outstanding; a highly admired person or thing



Reading Questions


1.    Why do many people compare Scottish Folds to owls?

(A)  Their tails are roughly the same length.

(B)  Both creatures are active during the night.

(C)  They both have extremely large ears.

(D)  They are somewhat similar in appearance.


2.    Which of the following statements about Savannahs is NOT true?

(A)  Savannahs have only existed for a short period of time.

(B)  They are the largest wild cat in the entire world.

(C)  No other house cats are able to jump as high as them.

(D)  Savannahs are heavy compared to other domestic cats.


3.    What type of person might want to own a Shorthair?

(A)  Someone who works a lot of hours but wants to keep a pet.

(B)  Someone who needs a pet to protect their home from robbers.

(C)  Someone who is interested in paying a lot of money for a unique cat.

(D)  Someone who wants to own a cat with beautiful fluffy hair.


4.    How can we best describe the show Cats 101?

(A)  It gives viewers special advice about how to breed their own cats.

(B)  It offers suggestions to people about how they can adopt stray animals.

(C)  It provides tips and fun facts about cats and how they behave.

(D)  It explains laws regarding animal ownership in many different countries.



My Scottish Fold on Fat Cats 101, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel TV



cats 101 Savannah






Animal Planet Cats 101 Persian Doll Face Chinchilla Silver and Golden







1. ( D )

2. ( B )

3. ( A )

4. ( C )