God’s Wrath: Thunder from the Heavens 《上帝之怒》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年3月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:337
Throughout the ages, many people have turned to the Bible for inspiration. But in addition to its timeless wisdom, “The Good Book” vividly describes floods, earthquakes, and other catastrophic natural disasters that occur when humans bring forth the wrath of God. In reality, natural disasters are still the greatest threat to life on Earth, and in the future, the damage inflicted by them may be even worse than in Biblical times.
One event which completely changed the landscape of Earth occurred approximately 7,000 years ago, in the Black Sea Basin. Scientists theorize that a great deluge of saltwater from the Mediterranean Sea flooded the Black Sea, and submerged roughly 100,000 square kilometers of land underwater. Researchers speculate this cataclysmic disaster was triggered when glaciers, which formed during the last Ice Age, began to melt due to rising temperatures.
What’s particularly scary about this scenario is that it may happen again – very soon. The ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica are melting away at an alarming rate, and the pace seems to be accelerating. If sea levels were to rise a mere three feet, this would create millions of refugees and change the course of civilization. And if these sheets of ice were to completely disappear, Earth would be transformed into water world. In the Bible, after the great flood, God made a promise that he would never again wipe out life on earth. But scientists believe there are a variety of natural disasters that could cause massive destruction to life as we know it.
wrath [ræθ] n. 愤怒,狂怒
inspiration [͵ɪnspəˋreʃən] n. 灵感
Good Book 圣经 the Christian Bible
vividly [ˋvɪvɪdlɪ] adv. 生动地;逼真地
catastrophic [͵kætəˋstrɑfɪk] adj. 灾难的
inflict [ɪnˋflɪkt] v. 施以, 加害, 使承受 to impose
basin [ˋbesn] n. 盆地
theorize [ˋθɪə͵raɪz] v. 推理
deluge [ˋdɛljudʒ] n. 洪水
speculate [ˋspɛkjə͵let] v. 推测,推断
cataclysmic [͵kætəˋklɪzmɪk] adj. 大洪水的
ice cap(高山上常年不化的)冰帽
accelerate [ækˋsɛlə͵ret] v. 使增速
refugee [͵rɛfjʊˋdʒi] n. 难民
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bring forth 产生;发表 to give rise to; produce
wipe out 消灭, 彻底摧毁 to destroy completely; eradicate
Another natural disaster that could completely devastate our planet is a volcanic eruption. In the 16th century, an explosion on the Greek island of Santorini caused chaos around the world. It was one of the largest explosions in the past 10,000 years. The eruption sent a giant plume of ash between 10 and 20 miles high into the atmosphere. To spectators back then, it probably seemed like it was raining ash, as the sun was blocked out by an enormous cloud of dust. However, the eruption at Santorini is mere child’s play compared to what would happen if Yellowstone exploded.
Yellowstone is known to most people as one of the most famous natural parks in the U.S. But in reality, it’s a super volcano that has erupted a number of times in pre-historic times. If the 30-mile wide Yellowstone caldera exploded again, it would cause devastation across several continents. Yellowstone packs a punch that’s 100 times stronger than Santorini. In addition to destroying all forms of life in the vicinity, the eruption would send a tremendous amount of ash into the atmosphere, and an estimated one billion people would die, as Earth would be plunged into a frigid, apocalyptic winter. Unfortunately, it’s not a matter of if this will happen, but when. Yellowstone typically produces a super volcanic eruption every 600,000 years, and it has been about that long since the last one occurred. So in essence, a large-scale eruption is overdue.
In the end, the threat of these natural disasters is a reminder that despite our technological advances, we are still extremely vulnerable to the power of Mother Nature.
-by Jamie Blackler
devastate [ˋdɛvəs͵tet] v. 摧毁﹐毁灭
eruption [ɪˋrʌpʃən] n. 爆发
plume [plum] n. 羽状物(如烟云,雪尘等)
spectator [spɛkˋtetɚ] n. 目击者
caldera [kælˋdɛrə] n. 【地】巨火山口
devastation [͵dɛvəsˋteʃən] n. 毁坏
vicinity [vəˋsɪnətɪ] n. 附近地区
tremendous [trɪˋmɛndəs] adj. 巨大的,极大的
plunge [plʌndʒ] v. 使陷入,使遭受
frigid [ˋfrɪgɪd] adj. 寒冷的,严寒的
apocalyptic [ə͵pɑkəˋlɪptɪk] adj. 世界末日的
overdue [ˋovɚˋdju] adj. 早该发生的; 过期未发生的
vulnerable [ˋvʌlnərəb!] adj. 脆弱的; 易受伤的
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block out 遮住 shield from light
child’s play 不重要的事物; 无意义的事物 a trivial matter
pack a punch (指拳击手)能发出重击 to have a powerful effect or influence
in essence 在本质上 basically; essentially
Reading Questions
1. What do scientists think happened in the Black Sea seven thousand years ago?
(A) The water levels decreased due to hot weather.
(B) The water in the sea turned into salt water.
(C) Water levels rose and some land was covered by water.
(D) A flood in this region caused the last Ice Age.
2. Which of the following statements about the Bible is NOT true?
(A) It mentions a few times when God was angry at humans.
(B) The primary reason people read it is to learn about disasters.
(C) In the book, God promises not to cause any future disasters.
(D) A disaster at Yellowstone is not mentioned in the Bible.
3. What can we assume about Yellowstone?
(A) It is not likely to have an eruption again.
(B) People are losing interest in it as a tourist attraction.
(C) It probably won’t erupt for another 600,000 years.
(D) Another eruption could happen at any moment.
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
(A) The Mighty Powers of Mother Nature
(B) Finding Some Inspiration in the Good Book
(C) Practical Ways to Survive a Natural Disaster
(D) A Colder Planet Certainly Awaits
Yellowstone Eruption
Understanding Yellowstone Volcano 2012
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( A ) |