Mysteries of the Universe: Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman 《摩根费里曼之穿越虫洞》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年5月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月18日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:337
From years of research and experiments, scientists have discovered many incredible things about our universe. However, we have only just scratched the surface when it comes to many of life’s greatest mysteries. Discovery’s show Through the Wormhole, hosted by Morgan Freeman, explores many perplexing questions that humans have pondered throughout the ages.
One question which fascinates many people is whether intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. Unfortunately, at this juncture, the subject is extremely difficult to investigate because, in the grand scheme of things, humans have barely left Earth. However, occasionally a bit of evidence falls right into our lap. In 1969, a 220-pound meteor came crashing down in Murchison, Australia. After examination, scientists determined it was as old as our solar system. Furthermore, it contained amino acids and other chemicals which are essential to our own bodies, as well as every other living creature on Earth. This demonstrates that the building blocks for life exist in other places in the galaxy.
Meanwhile, other researchers are keeping an eye out for any messages transmitted in space. The SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) project has used a large radio telescope to comb the cosmic radio dial for 50 years. For the most part, there isn’t a whole lot going on. But in 1977, SETI picked up a strong signal coming from the constellation Sagittarius, which lasted a full 72 seconds. Although this signal was just a one-time event, it has created some speculation that an alien race might be trying to contact us.
wormhole [ˋwɝm͵hol] n. 虫孔
perplexing [pɚˋplɛksɪŋ] adj. 使人困惑的;令人费解的
ponder [ˋpɑndɚ] v. 仔细考虑; 反思
juncture [ˋdʒʌŋktʃɚ] n. 时刻;重要关头
meteor [ˋmitɪɚ] n. 流星;陨星
amino acid [əˈmino ˈæsɪd] n. 氨基酸
extra-terrestrial [ˋɛkstrə͵təˋrɛstrɪəl] adj. 地球外的;大气圈外的
comb [kom] v. 彻底搜查
constellation [͵kɑnstəˋleʃən] n. 星座
speculation [͵spɛkjəˋleʃən] n. 思索;沉思;推测
scratch the surface 略懂皮毛, 不够介入研究 to just begin to find out about something; to examine only the superficial aspects of something
when it comes to 当涉及...时, 谈到...时 as for something; speaking about something
(in the) grand scheme of things 就事情的整体看来 if you say that in the grand scheme of things something is not important, you mean that it is not important when compared to much more serious things
fall into one's lap 合某人的意 to come to us without we making any effort
crash down 哗啦一声[咔嚓]倒下 to collapse on someone or something
building block 基础材料 a basic element or part of something
keep an eye out for someone or something 密切注意; 提防 to watch carefully for someone or something to appear
The biggest hurdle for astronomers who are trying to establish a communication channel with aliens is the vast, and possibly infinite, scope of the universe. If life is out there, locating it may prove to be more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. So, in northern California, SETI has launched a new project to build hundreds of small telescopes. By expanding its reach, SETI hopes to find evidence of alien life by wiretapping E.T. With this new and improved setup, researchers can now monitor hundreds of millions of radio channels all at once. And in the near future, this number will be in the billions.
In another ambitious attempt to unravel the mysteries of the universe, NASA launched the Kepler Space Telescope on March 6th, 2009. It is the first-ever satellite that is specifically devoted to hunting for planets outside our solar system. It works by detecting minute differences in light out in space. Scientists can then use these data to figure out precisely where these planets are located. Researchers have their fingers crossed that Kepler will discover some planets that are approximately the same size as Earth and have a similar atmosphere, because it would be likely that life would exist there.
In the next decade or so, astronomers hope to build a terrestrial planet finder that can take relatively detailed photographs of foreign planets. Scientists could then examine these pictures and attempt to determine if these planets could potentially contain alien life, or if they’re just pieces of vacant real estate in space.
-by Jamie Blackler
hurdle [ˋhɝd!] n. 障碍,困难
astronomer [əˋstrɑnəmɚ] n. 天文学家
infinite [ˋɪnfənɪt] adj. 无限的;无边的
scope [skop] n. 范围,领域
haystack [ˋhe͵stæk] n. 干草堆
wiretap [ˋwaɪr͵tæp] v. 窃听
unravel [ʌnˋræv!] v. 阐明;弄清;解决
minute [maɪtˋnjut]] adj. 详细的;微小的
precisely [prɪˋsaɪslɪ] adv. 精确地,准确地
vacant [ˋvekənt] adj. 空着的
figure out 想出, 理解, 明白 to understand something by thinking about it
have/keep one’s fingers crossed 祈求好运 to hope for a good outcome (for someone or something)
Reading Questions
1. What can we assume about alien life at this time?
(A) It most certainly does not exist in other places.
(B) There is some proof that aliens are living on Earth.
(C) Scientists haven’t determined whether life exists on other planets.
(D) It is somewhat ridiculous to assume that aliens exist in our galaxy.
2. In which of the following situations would SETI be useful?
(A) Scientists need to take pictures of a faraway planet.
(B) A large meteor suddenly lands in the Pacific Ocean.
(C) A signal is sent to space from the center of the Earth.
(D) Radio waves are detected coming from outside of Earth’s orbit.
3. What do scientists hope that the Kepler telescope will achieve?
(A) It will help them discover new planets in space.
(B) It will help them to determine how far Earth is from the Sun.
(C) It will provide data to help researchers study the Earth’s atmosphere.
(D) All of the above.
4. What does the passage suggest scientists will be able to do in the future?
(A) Locate every possible form of alien life in the universe.
(B) Examine faraway planets to determine if they might contain living things.
(C) Transport organisms from Earth to other galaxies to spread life.
(D) Claim empty real estate in the cosmos for the people of Earth.
Extraterrestrial: Life Aliens From Mars - Science Discoveries On Earth
1. ( C ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( B ) |