Hasty Home Cooking with Jamie Oliver 《奥利佛30分钟上菜》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年6月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:343
In our always-on-the-go society, fast food has become a way of life. And as more of us seek nourishment in these fatty meals, the global obesity epidemic continues to worsen. But one chef wants to show that meals made in a jiffy can be just as nutritious, healthy, and filling as slow-cooked cuisine. On his new show, Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals, the incomparable “Naked Chef” has prepared a slew of scrumptious dishes that even a novice can prepare in half an hour or less.
Over the past decade, Jamie Oliver has established himself as one of the world’s top culinary experts. At age 24, the British chef shot to stardom as the host of the hit TV series The Naked Chef. Here, the term “naked” refers to his penchant for preparing dishes with fresh ingredients, and not for baking in the buff. More recently, Oliver has made it his personal mission to educate people about the dangers of processed foods and how they can destroy our health. On his show Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, he teaches people from the fattest city in the U.S. to cook healthy meals and lose weight. And now, on Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals, he’s out to prove that anyone can whip up a tasty dinner in no time at all.
On each episode, Oliver shows viewers how to prepare a delicious meal, which includes a main course, a few side dishes, and a dessert. Along the way, this gastronomical genius dishes out several tips, tricks, and shortcuts that he’s learned over the years.
nourishment [ˋnɝɪʃmənt] n. 食物; 滋养品; 营养
obesity [oˋbisətɪ] n. 肥胖;过胖
epidemic [͵ɛpɪˋdɛmɪk] n. 流行病; (流行病的)传播
jiffy [ˋdʒɪfɪ] n. 瞬间
filling [ˋfɪlɪŋ] adj. 使人感到饱的 substantial and satisfying
incomparable [ɪnˋkɑmpərəb!] adj. 无比的; 无双的; 无可匹敌的
scrumptious [ˋskrʌmpʃəs] adj.【口】绝妙的;极好的
novice [ˋnɑvɪs] n. 新手,初学者
stardom [ˋstɑrdəm] n. 明星的地位
penchant [ˋpɛntʃənt] n. 嗜好﹐爱好〔尤指别人有点不赞成的事物〕
ingredient [ɪnˋgridɪənt] adj.(烹调的)原料
buff [bʌf] n. 暗黄色
gastronomical [͵gæstrəˋnɑmɪk!] adj. 美食[烹饪] 学的
on the go 忙碌 constantly busy or active
in the buff [bʌf] 【口】一丝不挂; 赤身露体 completely unclothed
whip up 【口】匆匆做(饭等) Informal to prepare quickly
in no time 很快 almost instantly; immediately
dish out 大量给予或分发 to dispense freely
On the first episode, Oliver takes an exotic poultry dish, piri piri chicken, and simplifies it for the masses. He begins by explaining that when you’re cooking for speed, it’s important to have the right mindset. So, Oliver makes a mental note of the cookware and ingredients he will need before getting down to business. Then, he lightly seasons some chicken thighs and places them on the grill. As they sizzle away, Oliver shifts his attention to dessert – gorgeous Portuguese tarts loaded with custard filling and topped with caramel sauce. Then he lightly steams sweet potatoes and mixes them with a dash of coriander and a chunk of feta cheese. Finally, he blends together a tangy and spicy piri piri sauce for the chicken. When all is said and done, he’s prepared a meal that is fit for a king. And if you follow along, you can easily do the same!
在第一集中,奥利佛选择烹饪一道充满异国风味的禽菜piri piri chicken,并简化该道菜的烹煮步骤传授给大众。一开始他说明当你要快速地烹调,有正确的心态很重要。所以奥利佛在开始着手烹煮前就在心里默想好所需用到的烹饪用具与食材。接着,他大略地在鸡腿肉上加上调味料并将它们放置烤架上。当它们被烤的滋滋作响时,奥利佛将注意力转移至甜点──充满蛋奶馅与淋上焦糖酱的美味葡式蛋塔。他接着开始蒸煮地瓜并将之与一些香菜跟一大块羊奶干酪混合。最后,他将带有强烈辛味的piri piri酱汁跟鸡肉混合。当大功告成后,他已经准备好了一道丰盛佳肴。只要跟着做,你也可以很轻易地有相同的成果。
On another episode, Oliver provides a recipe for Thai red prawn curry and serves it along with jasmine rice, cucumber salad, and a papaya platter. He even shows his improvisational skills, adding a piping hot cup of jasmine tea to the rice to provide more pleasure for the palate. Once again, the total cook time clocks in at well under the 30-minute deadline – but when your dinner guests see the results, they’ll probably assume it took hours to prepare.
If your stomach is growling for more of Oliver’s “fast food”, you can pick up his latest cookbook, which shares the same name as his TV show. Then, you too can enjoy nutritious dinners the Jamie Oliver way.
-by Jamie Blackler
exotic [ɛgˋzɑtɪk] adj. 异国情调的;奇特的
poultry [ˋpoltrɪ] n. 家禽(如鸡、鸭、鹅等)
simplify [ˋsɪmplə͵faɪ] v. 简化,精简
cookware [ˋkʊkˋwɛr] n. 厨房用具
season [ˋsizn] v. 给...调味;加味于
thigh [θaɪ] n.(鸟的)腿部
sizzle [ˋsɪz!] v. 把……烧得发嘶声 to make the hissing sound characteristic of frying fat
tart [tɑrt] n.〔顶部不用面皮密封的〕甜馅饼
custard [ˋkʌstɚd] n. 牛奶蛋糊﹐蛋奶甜羹
caramel [ˋkærəm!] n.(供食物着色用的)焦糖
dash [dæʃ] n. 少量搀和物
coriander [͵korɪˋændɚ] n. 芫荽,香菜
feta [ˋfɛtə] n. 羊奶酪
tangy [ˋtæŋɪ] adj.(味道)强烈的;(香气)扑鼻的
prawn [prɔn] n. 对虾﹐ 明虾﹐大虾
jasmine [ˋdʒæsmɪn] n. 茉莉
platter [ˋplætɚ] n. 拼盘; 大浅盘
improvisational [ɪmprəvaɪ'zeɪʃənl] adj. 即兴的
piping [ˋpaɪpɪŋ] hot 滚热的 very hot
palate [ˋpælɪt] n. 味觉
growl [graʊl] v.〔动物〕吼叫
make a mental note 心记, 默记, 记住 to make an effort to remember something, often something that you want to do later (often + to do sth)
get down to business 开始做正事 to begin seriously doing what you need to do
when all is said and done 该做的都做了; 该说的都说了 when everything is finished and settled; when everything is considered
fit for a king 极尽奢华的 very nice; luxurious
clock in 记录(工作)的时间 to record one's time of arrival, usually by punching a time clock
pick up 拿起; 拾起 to get something
Reading Questions
1. What do all the meals on Oliver’s new show have in common?
(A) None of the meals contain any fat or sugar.
(B) The recipes were all invented in under a half-hour.
(C) Each meal is tasty and not difficult to prepare.
(D) Oliver personally guarantees that people will like each dish.
2. Which of the following statement about Oliver is NOT true?
(A) He quickly rose to become an extremely popular chef.
(B) He is out to prove that packaged food is also healthy.
(C) The meals on Oliver’s show feature more than one course.
(D) Oliver aims to make nutritious meals that are also delicious.
3. Who would benefit the most from watching an episode of Oliver’s show?
(A) A mother who needs to prepare a plate of snacks for her children.
(B) A chef who is searching for exotic meals for his new restaurant.
(C) A student who wants to make her own meals but doesn’t have a kitchen.
(D) A busy office worker who can’t cook well, but wants to eat more healthily.
4. Where would you likely find this passage?
(A) In a cookbook featuring shopping advice from British chefs.
(B) On a website that provides tips for making French food.
(C) In a monthly guide that summarizes new TV shows.
(D) In a magazine article about the personal lives of celebrity chefs.
"Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" (The unhealthiest city in America...)
Jamie Oliver live in Australia making piri piri chicken
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( C ) |