Going for Gold in Alaska 《阿拉斯加金矿的赌注》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年7月21日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:344
The U.S. is known throughout the world as the Land of Opportunity. In the 1800s, millions scrambled across the country with the hope of finding gold and becoming millionaires overnight. But over the years, the notion that an everyday “Joe” could mine the earth and strike it rich seems to have vanished. However, in Discovery’s new series Gold Rush: Alaska, six men from Sandy, Oregon are out to prove this American dream is still alive and well.
The team is led by Jack Hoffman and his son Todd. For years they have run a small aviation company. But in the recent economic downturn, their business has hit hard times. Instead of giving in, they’ve decided to roll the dice with their future. To assist them in their quest, they’ve recruited four other team members who also need a break to turn their lives around.
After a careful study, the Hoffmans select Porcupine Creek, Alaska as their destination – and with good reason. Since 1898, prospectors have extracted about $100 million of gold from this area. However for every miner that hits the jackpot, there are a hundred who go home empty handed. But Todd feels that with the right equipment, his team can beat the odds. To finance their expedition, Todd and Jack sell essentially everything they own, and they use the proceeds to buy the expensive machinery they need. At the end of the day, the future of the team is resting on Todd and Jack’s big dream.
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 争夺,抢夺 to struggle or contend frantically in order to get something
Joe [dʒo] n. 家伙 US and Canadiana man or fellow
vanish [ˋvænɪʃ] v. 突然不见;消失
downturn [ˋdaʊntɝn] n.(经济)n. 衰退,下降
prospector [ˋprɑspɛktɚ] n. 勘探者,探矿者
extract [ɪkˋstrækt] v. 采掘;提取,提炼
finance [fəˋnæns] v. 供资金给;融资,为……筹措资金; [ˋfaɪnæns] n. 财政;金融
expedition [͵ɛkspɪˋdɪʃən] n. 探险
proceeds [ˋprosidz] n. 收益,收入
Land of Opportunity 机会之地
strike it rich 发横财 to acquire wealth suddenly
hard times 低潮 a period that offers difficulties, such as when there is not enough food, money, or work
give in 屈服;投降 consent reluctantly; to cease opposition; yield
roll the dice 碰运气 to gamble; to take a risk
turn around 使变得完全不同;(使)好转 improve significantly; go from bad to good
with good reason 有充足理由地 because of something obviously true
hit the jackpot 意外地得到一大笔钱 to win a large amount of money gambling or in a lottery
empty-handed [ˋɛmptɪˋhændɪd] adj., adv. 一无所有地 having received or gained nothing
beat the odds 获得出乎意料的成功 overcoming improbability. That is, something is not likely to happen, but either by luck or skill (or a little of both), it happens anyway.
rest on 依靠 be based on; of theories and claims
The team’s first task is a logistical nightmare. They must arrange to have 180,000kg worth of mining equipment transported from Oregon to Alaska. Travel delays must be minimized because the team is strapped for cash – and every day they aren’t mining, they’re losing money. After loading the gear onto five trucks, they set off for a barge in Seattle. The boat will leave at precisely 3:00 pm, and if they miss the departure, it will be another week before they can ship the equipment. Disaster strikes when several of the trucks get flat tires en route. Luckily, the crew quickly repairs the tires and puts the pedal to the metal, making it to the barge with only two minutes left to spare.
In Alaska, they suffer another setback when the old bridge they need to cross can’t support the heavy load of their equipment. With their fate hanging in the balance, Todd heroically drives their equipment through a shallow section of the river. Upon arrival at Porcupine Creek, Jack raises everyone’s spirits with an inspiring pep talk. He tells them that they are already millionaires; they just need to find a way to get it out of the ground. But doing so won’t be easy. Danger is everywhere, and they’ll need to contend with growling bears, falling trees, and a host of other unexpected misfortunes. To find out whether the team will go from rags to riches or end up flat broke, watch the remaining episodes of Gold Rush: Alaska.
-by Jamie Blackler
minimize [ˋmɪnə͵maɪz] v. 使减到最少
barge [bɑrdʒ] n. 驳船,大型平底船
spare [spɛr] v. 剩下
setback [ˋsɛt͵bæk] n. 挫折
heroically [hɪˋroɪk!ɪ] adv. 英雄地
shallow [ˋʃælo] adj. 浅的
inspiring [ɪnˋspaɪrɪŋ] adj. 激励人心的
contend [kənˋtɛnd] v. 全力对付;搏斗
growling [ˋgraʊlɪŋ] adj. 咆哮的
remaining [rɪˋmenɪŋ] adj. 剩余的,剩下的
logistical [lɑˋdʒɪstɪk!] nightmare 难办之事 Any situation or event that requires considerable coordination of many people, beyond the original organizer's expectations.
be strapped for cash 极需要钱 without money, or low on money
set off 出发 to start on a journey
en route [ɛn rut] 在途中 on or along the way
put the pedal to the metal 开快点; 加快速度 to press a car's accelerator to the floor; to drive very fast
hang in the balance 悬而未决 If an outcome is hanging in the balance, there are at least two possibilities and it is impossible to predict which will win out.
pep [pɛp] talk 【口】鼓励性讲话;演说 a speech of exhortation, as to a team or staff, meant to instill enthusiasm or bolster morale
a host of 许多一大群
(go) from rags to riches 从赤贫变为巨富 to start your life very poor and then later in life become very rich
flat broke【口】穷到极点 having no money at all
Reading Questions
1. Why did Jack and Todd Hoffman decide to search for gold?
(A) They were experiencing some financial difficulties.
(B) They thought it would be easier than running an aviation company.
(C) They wanted to help their friends make more money.
(D) They already owned the machinery needed to so some digging.
2. What do we know about people who searched for gold in Alaska?
(A) Almost all of them became extremely wealthy from their efforts.
(B) None of them found more than a few hundred dollar’s worth of gold.
(C) The majority of explorers decided to move to Alaska permanently.
(D) Most of them were unable to find what they were looking for.
3. Which of the following statements about Gold Rush: Alaska is NOT true?
(A) The team needs to be careful about how much money they spend.
(B) Everyone makes it to the barge in Seattle just before it leaves.
(C) The bridge in Alaska collapses when they start to cross it.
(D) Jack makes everyone feel better at Porcupine Creek by giving a speech.
4. What can we assume from reading the last paragraph?
(A) The Hoffmans and their team are likely to give up if there is danger.
(B) The team will go back and repair the bridge they find in Alaska.
(C) They will have to overcome many challenges if they are to find gold.
(D) Although they had many problems at first, the odds are now in their flavor.
Gold Rush - Episode 1 - Saving The Gator
1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( C ) |