The Big, the Bad, and the Stupid: Dinosaurs Uncovered 《恐龙面对面》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年8月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:343
In the grand scheme of things, humans are relative newcomers to Earth. Long before we existed, gigantic dinosaurs inhabited the planet. But to make it in this hostile environment, these creatures had to develop some advanced evolutionary defense mechanisms. Discovery’s show Dinosaurs Uncovered uses cutting edge technology to explore the lives of these primitive beasts and reveal their secrets to survival.
The most fearsome of all dinosaurs is undoubtedly the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The T. Rex could grow to be 18 feet tall and over 40 feet in length. Their enormous, sharp teeth allowed them to easily crush bones and rip through flesh. Their gigantic eyes, which were the size of softballs, could spot prey from up to four miles away. And, their acute sense of smell enabled them to detect animals in hiding. But few people realize that these beasts had a gentler side as well. In fact, the T. Rex was one of the most nurturing of all dinosaur parents, as they vigorously protected their hatchlings.
Sauroposeidons, on the other hand, adopted a different approach to ensuring the survival of their species. Although they were the tallest animal ever to walk the Earth, at 60 feet tall, they were also one of the stupidest. Their tiny brain didn’t provide them with enough sense to individually care for their young, so Sauroposeidons laid thousands of eggs instead. Most of these eggs would be eaten by predators. However a small percentage would make it to adulthood, enabling the species to survive for another generation.
scheme [skim] n. 系统,体制,结构
newcomer [ˋnjuˋkʌmɚ] n. 新近到达的移民
inhabit [ɪnˋhæbɪt] v. 居住于;栖息于
hostile [ˋhɑstəl] adj. 怀敌意的;不友善的
cutting edge 最前线;尖端
primitive [ˋprɪmətɪv] adj. 原始的
fearsome [ˋfɪrsəm] adj. 可怕的
Tyrannosaurus [tə͵rænəˋsɔrəs] Rex 霸王龙〔一种大型食肉恐龙〕
crush [krʌʃ] v. 碾碎; 压碎
softball [ˋsɔft͵bɔl] n. 垒球
acute [əˋkjut] adj. 尖锐的;敏锐的
nurturing [ˋnɝtʃɚɪŋ] adj. 养育的
vigorously [ˋvɪgərəslɪ] adv. 精神旺盛地
hatchling [ˋhætʃlɪŋ] n. 刚孵化出之鱼苗或小鸟
Sauroposeidon 波塞东龙
in the grand/great scheme of things 在广大的事物中 if you say that in the grand scheme of things something is not important, you mean that it is not important when compared to much more serious things
make it 成功 Informal to achieve a goal; be successful
rip through 穿透....
walk the Earth 横行地球
The most dangerous challenger to the T. Rex’s reign as king of the planet was the unruly Triceratops. With its stout build and large horns, some archeologists have compared it to a gigantic white rhinoceros on steroids. This fierce herbivore weighed approximately 6 tons and stood about 10 feet tall. On the offensive, the Triceratops was a powerful foe. Its 3-foot-long horn could puncture the cardiac chamber or lungs of whatever creature it was up against. The Triceratops also had a solid defense in battle, as their bodies were encased in a rock hard keratin shield.
The Ankylosaurus was another strong plant eater that was a force to be reckoned with. In fact, going up against an Ankylosaurus was like facing a tank. From head to tail, these beasts were covered by a natural shield of bone and cartilage, which was like a bulletproof vest. The Ankylosaurus also possessed what may have been the most powerful weapon of all: a bony tail club. One swift blow from its tail could shatter the legs of a T. Rex or any other creature dumb enough to mess with it.
Although dinosaurs are long gone, scientists continue to learn a lot by studying the fossils they left behind. They lived for 165 million years, which is roughly 800 times longer than humans have been around. These fascinating and ferocious beasts had one function in their lives – to survive and reproduce. And no creature in history has done that better than dinosaurs.
-by Jamie Blackler
unruly [ʌnˋrulɪ] adj. 难驾驭的; 难以控制的
Triceratops [traɪˋsɛrə͵tɑps] n. 三角恐龙
stout build 粗壮的; 厚的体型
stout [staʊt] adj. 粗壮的,厚的
archeologist [͵ɑrkɪˋɑlədʒɪst] n. 考古学家
rhinoceros [raɪˋnɑsərəs] n. 犀牛
herbivore [ˋhɝbə͵vɔr] n. 食草动物
foe [fo] n. 敌人,仇敌
puncture [ˋpʌŋktʃɚ] v. 刺穿
encase [ɪnˋkes] v. 包装;围绕
keratin [ˋkɛrətɪn] n. 角质
Ankylosaurus 甲龙
cartilage [ˋkɑrt!ɪdʒ] n. 软骨原骨
bony tail club 骨质的尾锤
dumb [dʌm] adj. 愚笨的
fossil [ˋfɑs!] n. 化石
ferocious [fəˋroʃəs] adj. 凶猛的;残忍的
片语发音 将...比作 correlate to, mention in the same breath as, liken to
on steroids 强而有力 in a much more powerful or extreme form
on the offensive 采取攻势; 主动出击 actively attacking
up against 较量; 与...相对抗 in conflict with something
reckon with 认真考虑 someone or something that is important and powerful and must not be ignored
go up against 面临 to compete with someone; to face someone in competition
mess with 招惹; 卷入 to bother or interfere with someone or something
Reading Questions
1. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) A fictional television program about pre-historic dinosaurs.
(B) The weapons and techniques that dinosaurs used to attack other creatures.
(C) How a few types of dinosaurs were able to survive in a violent world.
(D) The reason why dinosaurs were wiped off the face of the Earth.
2. Which of the following statements about the T. Rex is NOT true?
(A) It had an extremely powerful sense of smell.
(B) Its excellent eyesight helped it to capture prey.
(C) It often used its teeth to bite other dinosaurs.
(D) It could not be harmed or injured by other dinosaurs.
3. How is the Sauroposeidon different from other dinosaurs in the passage?
(A) It was more intelligent than most other dinosaurs.
(B) It used its height to hide from predators that attacked it.
(C) It did not eat any meat whatsoever, unlike all other dinosaurs.
(D) It did not provide any care for its offspring after birth.
4. In the final paragraph, what does the writer suggest about dinosaurs?
(A) They would have lived for much longer if they had been smarter.
(B) Humans are likely to encounter dinosaurs again in the future.
(C) Dinosaurs had an incredible talent for staying alive.
(D) No creature in history will ever survive as long as dinosaurs.
wipe off: 擦掉, 去掉 remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing
Tyrannosaurus REX (Extreme Survivor)
1 T-Rex vs Triceratops
1. ( C ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( C ) |