Survival of the Fittest on Jao: Secret Creatures of Jao 《昭岛的奇妙生物》
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年10月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年3月31日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:343
If you’re a fan of drama, suspense, and intrigue, Discovery has a riveting new series that you’re sure to enjoy – a magical wildlife show called Secret Creatures of Jao. Jao is a small island in Botswana, which at the time of filming is surrounded by winter floodwaters. To survive in this waterlogged environment, the animals featured on the show must always stay alert and discovery ways to outsmart their enemies.
The first episode introduces the Banded Brothers, a troop of cute and furry mongooses. Like many other creatures, they are stranded on Jao until the floodwaters subside. Unfortunately, mongooses are near the bottom of the food chain. After their fearless and beloved leader, Mongo, is suddenly killed by a hungry leopard, the group breaks up, and they are forced to make their way through the murky swamps to reach the Wild Woods, their new home.
Another colorful character who is hoping to make it through the wet season is Kobe the otter. Like many others, he is a loner, always on the move in search of two things: food and female companionship. Kobe has no problem catching fish, crabs, birds, and the occasional mongoose, but finding Miss Right is another matter. However, love may be on the horizon for Kobe, as a female otter named Kima is also spotted in the area. If their paths cross, perhaps a love connection will be made.
suspense [səˋspɛns] n. 挂虑;悬疑
intrigue [ɪnˋtrig] (尤指复杂的)n. 情节;阴谋 a secret or underhand scheme; a plot
riveting [ˋrɪvɪtɪŋ] adj. 极有吸引力的
waterlogged [ˋwɔtɚ͵lɑgd] adj.(土地等)水浸的; 水涝的
alert [əˋlɝt] adj. 警觉的
troop [trup] n. 一群
furry [ˋfɝɪ] adj. 覆有毛皮的
mongoose [ˋmɑŋgus] n. 獴
strand [strænd] v. 使搁浅; 使处于困境
subside [səbˋsaɪd] v. 消退;消失
murky [ˋmɝkɪ] adj. 混浊的
otter [ˋɑtɚ] n. 獭,水獭
loner [ˋlonɚ] n. 喜孤独者
companionship [kəmˋpænjən͵ʃɪp] n. 伴侣关系; 友谊
occasional [əˋkeʒən!] adj. 偶尔的
connection [kəˋnɛkʃən] n. 关系,关联
survival of the fittest 适者生存 Natural selection conceived of as a struggle for life in which only those organisms best adapted to existing conditions are able to survive and reproduce.
break up 结束;瓦解 to separate or be separated into pieces
make one’s way 前进 to move in a particular direction
make it 成功(活下来) to stay alive
on the move 在活动中 very busy or active; moving from place to place
Miss Right 理想中的未来妻子 a perfect, ideal or suitable female mate or wife
on the horizon 即将发生的 soon to happen
Perhaps the most unusual character on the show is Amara, a timid yet territorial serval. This glamorous cat is known for its elegant, slender legs and oversized ears. Amara spends most of the day tucked away in her hideout in the bushes, as it provides excellent cover from leopards and lions. There are also plenty of snack-sized rodents nearby, which she is a master at catching. Like Kobe, Amara would also like to start a family. But that plan will be put on hold, as there are no male servals on Jao this flood season.
The most feared creatures in this wetland are the Delta Pride. These ferocious lions have mastered the art of hunting in this landscape. They’ve even managed to overcome their fear of water to become ruthless killers. Wherever the Delta Pride go, they leave a trail of blood and victims in their wake. Even the lanky giraffe with his tremendous height isn’t safe from these hunters. But despite their physical superiority, these lions must remain vigilant, especially when traveling through the water. The true kings of this domain are crocodiles, and they will gladly go after a lion that is out of its element.
On this show, the hunter can become the hunted in the blink of an eye. So be sure to tune in to Secret Creatures of Jao. With more drama and plot turns than a Korea soap opera, it’s sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
-by Jamie Blackler
timid [ˋtɪmɪd] adj. 胆小的
territorial [͵tɛrəˋtorɪəl] adj. 领域性的
serval [ˋsɝv!] n. 一种山猫
glamorous [ˋglæmərəs] adj. 迷人的
slender [ˋslɛndɚ] adj. 修长的,苗条的
hideout [ˈhaɪdˌaʊt] n. 隐匿处 a place of shelter or concealment
feared [fɪrd] adj. 令人恐惧的 worrisome; formidable
pride [praɪd] n.(狮子等的)群 a company of lions
ferocious [fəˋroʃəs] adj. 凶猛的;残忍的
landscape [ˋlænd͵skep] n. 地形 the area of land that a person can look at all at the same time
ruthless [ˋruθlɪs] adj. 无情的,残忍的
trail [trel] n. 痕迹;踪迹;足迹 a marked or beaten path, as through woods or wilderness
in one's wake 在....过后
wake [wek] n. (航行中的船等留下的)伴流,尾流,航迹
lanky [ˋlæŋkɪ] adj.(身材)瘦长的;(臂腿)细长的
tremendous [trɪˋmɛndəs] adj. 巨大的,极大的
superiority [sə͵pɪrɪˋɔrətɪ] n. 优势
vigilant [ˋvɪdʒələnt] adj. 警戒的;警惕的
domain [doˋmen] n. 领域,范围 lands owned or ruled by a particular person, government, etc, especially in the past
tuck away 藏起来 to put something/oneself in a place where it is not easy to find or to see
snack-sized 小型的 small
put on hold 搁置;延期;暂停 to postpone; to stop the progress of something
manage to 设法完成 to be able to do something; to succeed or cope
go after 追逐,追赶 go after with the intent to catch
out of one’s element 处于不适应的环境 in a situation that one is not familiar with
in the blink of an eye 一眨眼的功夫 extremely quickly
on the edge of one’s seat 令人目不转睛,全神贯注 if a story keeps you on the edge of your seat, it is very exciting and you want to know what is going to happen next
Reading Questions
1: What do most of the creatures on Jao have in common?
(A) They have all inhabited Jao for a number of years.
(B) They are all safe in this environment for the moment.
(C) They are cooperating with other species to survive.
(D) They are unable to leave the island when the show was filmed.
2. Which of the following statements about Kobe is NOT true?
(A) He has little interest in female otters.
(B) He doesn’t stay in one place for a long time.
(C) He doesn’t eat mongooses very often.
(D) He is good at capturing crabs.
3. Which of the following descriptions best fits the Delta Pride?
(A) A group of lions who are in immediate danger of dying out.
(B) A group of lions that rely on other creatures to bring them their food.
(C) A group of lions who totally control the streams on the island of Jao.
(D) A group of lions who are tough on land but weak in the water.
4. Which of the following people would probably most enjoy watchingSecret Creatures of Jao?
(A) A zookeeper who wants to learn new techniques for breeding animals.
(B) A fan of nature shows who likes watching animals battle for survival.
(C) A pet owner who is interested in teaching his cat to do new tricks.
(D) A wealthy businessman who is planning to buy his own island.
The Secret Creatures of Jao Teaser
Jumping Serval Cat: Earth Ranger Meghan and Sammy visit Daily Planet
1. ( D ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( B ) |