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Social Networking 101 社交网站101








How to make your online networks work for you  如何有效建立在线人脉网络


Log on to social networking, but know the risks  登入社交网站并无妨,但应了解其中可能存在的风险


People will say you’ve got to use Twitter, an Internet social networking tool that’s currently all the rage. These are the same people who earlier twisted your arm to join other networking platforms such as Facebook, MySpace and Friendster.



Dan Costa isn’t one of them. As executive editor for PCMag.com, he’s well-versed in social networking technology. He’s also a devoted Twitter head. But he doesn’t proselytize. Instead, he wants people who decide to try out services like Twitter to appreciate their power – for both good and bad.



“The rules have changed, and it’s not just about social networking either,” he said. “Right now, online, anything you do is being recorded. That’s the default position you have to take.”



“Whether you’re blogging or using Twitter or even sending an e-mail, you have to assume that it will live forever. That’s a fundamental shift in how we view our privacy.”



What’s more, social networking sites might be the least dangerous, he said. By their very nature, users can share their complaints and push those who control the sites to make changes.



Moving information  流动的信息


The social networking services tend to be more open than many other online enterprises, he said. Any time you make a purchase over the Internet, for example, someone is probably compiling information about you.



“The information is moving whether you know it or not,” Costa said. “The thing about social networking is it tends to be more public. …. But people who aren’t used to using instant messaging, or using Twitter, or web pages and blogs still think of it as a little like letter writing or talking to friends.”



“It’s very different when you publish something and it’s out there for all the world to see. Many times you can’t really take it back.”





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platform [ˋplæt͵fɔrm] n. 平台 a place to make your ideas or beliefs known publicly

devoted [dɪˋvotɪd] adj. 忠实的;挚爱的

Twitter head  推特爱用者; 推友 a twitter head is a person who likes to twitter 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will twitter about anything that comes to mind.

proselytize [ˋprɑs!ə͵taɪz] v. 宣教;(使)改变信仰 to induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith

appreciate [əˋpriʃɪ͵et] v. 体会,领会 to be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize

assume [əˋsjum] v. 假定;(想当然地)认为

by its very nature 就其本质而言 because of its natural habits, because it is that way









Here to stay  持续延烧


Setting aside its dangers, Costa does believe that social networking is here to stay. He cites a statistic from a Pew Internet & American Life Project survey that said 11 percent of online American adults use Twitter or some other service that allows users to shareshort updates about themselves – called “tweets” in the Twitter universe.



“That’s a pretty remarkable number,” Costa said, noting that the figure includes both Twitter and Facebook users. He said that Twitter’s audience is changing as it grows.



“Twitter used to be very elite,” Costa said. “Technology enthusiasts, investors and so forth were getting together on it. Now it’s much more mainstream. The audience still tends to be younger, more connected, more into wireless technologies, heavier cell phone users. They’re pretty much your average early adopters.”



Multifunctional forums  多功能论坛


Significantly, users have found ways to use Twitter that extend well beyond describing what they ate for lunch or the television show they’re watching.



“The interesting thing about Twitter is, it’s really just a tool like any other medium, like e-mail or chats, or instant messaging,” Costa said. “It has multiple uses.”



While one woman in his office uses it to exchange witty banter with friends, another coworker uses it as a business tool for connecting with sources, sharing information, seeking answers to questions.



“We’ve never been in the place we are right now,” Costa said. “There’s usually nothing proprietary about the technologies, and if there is, there’s always the chance that something else could rise up and replace it.”



He said the online world is moving toward an attention-based economy. “It’s more about where our attention is focused. That’s what advertisers want, what media companies want, what journalists want. We want people to pay attention to us.”



by Sam McDonald





More Information

set aside 把…放到一边; 不顾; 不理会 to not let a particular feeling, opinion, or belief influence you, in order to achieve something more

here to stay 成为风尚; 普遍认可 if something is here to stay, it has stopped being unusual and has become generally used or accepted

Pew Internet & American Life Project 普网暨美国生活计划 a collection of facts that provides information on the impact of the computer on daily, contemporary lifestyles in the U.S.

update [ˋʌpdet] n. 最新的情况,最新的信息;最新报导

and so forth 等等 and other similar things

into [ˋɪntu] prep.【口】对……(极)有兴趣,热中于,入迷 Informal interested or enthusiastically involved in

early adopter 早期使用者 someone who accepts or begins to use something as soon as it is available


significantly [sɪgˋnɪfəkəntlɪ] adv. 值得注目地; 在相当大的程度上

witty [ˋwɪtɪ] adj. 机智的;说话风趣的

proprietary [prəˋpraɪə͵tɛrɪ] adj. 专利的









Balancing your Facebook  Facebook 细说分明


It seems everyone is on Facebook these days: your coworkers, your best friend from third grade, your mom.



Facebook usage has exploded in the past year, with the site claiming its fastest-growing demographic are adults ages 30 or older. Since abandoning its college-student-only model in 2006, the site has become the place for both longtime online citizens and relative Internet newcomers of all ages.



This rush to sign up has caused a collision of worlds. Many users are finding requests to be “friended” – added to someone’s friend list – by family, office mates and casual acquaintances.



The truth is, though, not all friends are the same. Confidences you share with one set of friends might not be something you’re eager to tell coworkers. While you may enjoy the amusing pictures former classmates are posting from your “younger days,” you may not want them broadcast to everyone else. And status updates proclaiming your boredom at work should be kept from any but the most loyal buddies.



Sharing information  信息的分享


But “social networking” is just that: sharing your actions with your entire friend list, from mom to boss. It’s disconcerting when a coworker mentions, “Wow, you looked different in college,” or when unrelated friends argue via comments on that story you posted. And it’s potentially career-threatening when your supervisor asks what you find boring at work, and why you are “Facebooking” on company time.



People are finding out there are some things you just shouldn’t – or don’t want to – share with everyone. That’s where privacy tools come in. Though most sites have them, few people remember to use them until it’s too late.






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demographic [͵dɛməˋgræfɪk] n. (尤指特定年龄段的)人群

sign up 注册;报名登记 join a club, an activity, etc. with the intention to join or participate

request [rɪˋkwɛst] n. 要求,请求

acquaintance [əˋkwentəns] n. 相识的人,熟人; 泛泛之交

amusing [əˋmjuzɪŋ] adj. 有趣的,好玩的

proclaim [prəˋklem] v. 表明,显示

argue [ˋɑrgjʊ] v. 辩论;讨论









Facebook no longer takes an all-or-nothing approach to privacy. Using tools introduced in the past six months, you can customize a dizzying array of options.



Here are the areas where you can customize your privacy settings:  以下是能让你自行设定隐私权的各种领域:


1, Profile  个人档案


The default setting for all privacy options is “My Networks and Friends.” Whether or not they’re on your friend list, anyone in your network can see your Wall and Info page: neighbors, colleagues, employers and the random cashier who remembers your name.



Your best option, even if it’s the only setting you change, is to turn off network sharing on all features. You can also change, delete or add a network through account settings.



2, Search  搜寻


You can hide yourself from profile searches, change the result settings and exclude your information from being shared with search engines.



However, unless you’re a covert spy, don’t close yourself from the unexpected contact – allow search, but keep the available details simple.



3, News Feed and Wall  新闻动态和留言板


You also can choose which actions you want posted to your Wall or your friends’ News Feed. Each time you comment on a photo, post a note, change your hometown – these actions are visible to others unless you change the default settings.



4, Applications  应用


Here you can set a default privacy setting for personal photo albums, notes, events or links you share. Never fear, you can override the default settings at any time on any given item. This allows you to create “exceptions” to your rule.



You can individually tailor privacy album by album – perhaps making one visible only to family, another just for old friends – by clicking “album privacy” on an existing album.



If you aren’t sure you’ve done what you meant to do, use the “see how a friend views your profile” feature found on Profile settings.



It’s that simple.



by Lisa Crouch





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dizzying [ ˈdɪzɪlɪŋ] adj. 令人昏乱的

profile [ˋprofaɪl] n. 人物简介

feature [fitʃɚ] n.(报纸等的)特写,特别报导,专栏

exclude [ɪkˋsklud] v. 拒绝接纳;把……排除在外

News Feed 动态消息; 动态讯息

override [͵ovɚˋraɪd] v. 撤销,推翻; 使无效






Vocabulary Focus

all the rage 风行一时 to be very popular

twist (someone’s) arm 强迫某人做你要他做的事 to persuade someone to do something that they may not want to do

well-versed [͵wɛlˋvɝst] adj. 熟知的,通晓的 knowing a lot about something

default [dɪˋfɔlt] adj. 默认的 a standard setting on equipment or software set by the maker that can be changed by the user

compile [kəmˋpaɪl] v. 收集(资料等)to collect information from a variety of places and arrange it in a book, report or list

cite [saɪt] v. 引用;引……为证;举出 to use information from a source beyond oneself and to identify the source

elite [ɪˋlit] adj. 高层次的; 精锐的; 上等的 organized for the benefit of a few people with special interests

banter [ˋbæntɚ] n. 玩笑; 逗乐 conversation that is often playful

collision [kəˋlɪʒən] n. 碰撞;相撞 damage that happens when two things hit each other with force

confidence [ˋkɑnfədəns] n.(向知心人吐露的)秘密,私房话 a secret, usually very personal

disconcerting [ˌdɪskənˈ sɝtɪŋ] adj. 令人难堪的 making someone feel suddenly uncertain or worried

all-or-nothing 非全有即全无的 relates to doing something either completely or not at all

covert [ˋkʌvɚt] adj. 秘密的; 隐藏的; 暗中的 hidden or secret




Friendster: Take a tour



Facebook Guide for Beginners - FACEBOOK 101



Facebook: Understanding Your News Feed



you need to get off facebook




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