Herbie Hancock 爵士浮生:贺比.汉考克
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年3月24日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:351
The legendary jazz pianist hasn’t lost a bit of his go-for-broke attitude 这位传奇性的爵士钢琴手孤注一掷全力以赴的态度不曾稍减
Herbie Hancock was barely 23 and awestruck when he joined the Miles Davis quintet in 1963. He figured the best he could do was make Davis feel comfortable, so for two months he followed blueprints devised by the trumpeter’s former pianists.
“What I didn’t realize was that inside I was getting very frustrated,” says Hancock. “After a couple of months of trying to play what I thought would please Miles, I said to myself, ‘I’ve got to let this out.’”
“Miles walked up and said” – and here Hancock imitates Davis’ famous raspy whisper – “’Why didn’t you play like that before?’ Miles wanted to hear me. That set me free.”
The lesson launched Hancock on a course that changed the sound of jazz. He quickly became an innovator, reconciling a studied sophistication with a common-man touch rooted in the blues.
Making an impact 举足轻重的影响力
“To my mind, Herbie Hancock is the most influential jazz pianist of the last 50 years,” says Detroit pianist Kenn Cox. “He almost single-handedly changed the style of jazz piano with his use of impressionist harmony while retaining the all-important elements of blues and swing.”
Hancock’s go-for-broke attitude electrifies the bandstand. Very little in jazz matches the anticipation that rises when Hancock starts a solo, because you never know what’s going to happen – and there’s a chance you’re about to hear the greatest piano solo you’ve ever heard.
Hancock, 67, traces much of that attitude back to Davis. “I pay you to practice on the bandstand,” the trumpeter told his charges, meaning he wanted them to play in the moment, not regurgitate what they practiced at home.
“That’s what jazz is about,” says Hancock. “I feel comfortable exploring. Actually, I feel uncomfortable exploring – but that’s comfortable to me. That’s the secret: You have to be comfortable being uncomfortable.”
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barely [ˋbɛrlɪ] adv. 仅仅; 勉强; 几乎没有
quintet [kwɪnˋtɛt] n.【音】五重奏;五重唱;五重奏(唱)团
blueprint [ˋbluˋprɪnt] n. 蓝图;计划 (指包括伴奏及指法等之蓝图本) an early plan or design which explains how something might be done
trumpeter [ˋtrʌmpɪtɚ] n. 小号手,号手
walk up 走过来, 走近
reconcile [ˋrɛkənsaɪl] v. 调和,协调(两种信仰、事实或要求)
sophistication [sə͵fɪstɪˋkeʃən] n. 老练; 老于世故
touch [tʌtʃ] n. 格调; 风格; 特点
single-handedly [ˋsɪng!ˋhændɪdlɪ] adv. 独立地;单独地
impressionist [ɪmˋprɛʃənɪst] adj. 印象派的
harmony [ˋhɑrmənɪ] n. 和声; 和谐悦耳的音调
all-important [ˋɔlɪmˋpɔrtnt] adj. 至关重要的
swing [swɪŋ] n. 摇摆舞音乐
electrify [ɪˋlɛktrə͵faɪ] v. 使…通电
bandstand [ˋbænd͵stænd] n. 演奏台 a covered place where musical group can play
match [mætʃ] v. 敌得过,比得上 to do as well as or better than in competition; equal
trace [tres] v. 追溯;查考[(+back/to)]
charge [tʃɑrdʒ] n. 被照顾的人(或事物)one that is entrusted to another's care or management
regurgitate [rɪˋgɝdʒə͵tet] v. 依样复述
From child prodigy to imaginative pioneer 从神童到富于想象力的先锋乐手
Chicago-born, Hancock began piano lessons at 7 and was gifted enough to play a Mozart concerto movement with the Chicago Symphony at 11. The trumpeter Donald Byrd gave the precocious 20-year-old his first break in 1960, and by 1962 he was recording as a leader for Blue Note. Hancock forged a new post-bop piano template by synthesizing disparate styles and adding his imagination and progressive currents in the air.
“The avant-garde was thriving, and it was the ‘60s,” says Hancock. “It was a very fruitful time for civil rights, social consciousness. With that kind of excitement and that kind of creative activity, I was just trying to find out more about what was happening.”
Diversity was his calling card as a composer; he wrote hummable melodies tied to shrewd harmony, pulsating abstractions and catchy vamps. His classical training colored his palette and touch, and he kept his ears open, studying composition briefly at the Manhattan School of Music and dissecting scores by Bartok and Stravinsky.
Inspiring others 鼓舞他人
Bassist Ron Carter says playing with Hancock is both rewarding and a challenge because he’s such a brilliant listener, switching gears instantly based on the ideas ricocheting on the bandstand. His risk-taking inspired the same in others.
低音吉他手朗.卡特表示,和汉考克合奏,获益良多,但同时也很有挑战性,因为他是个优异的聆听者,随时会依据演奏台激荡出来的创意加以转换变奏(译注:switch gears指转换不同的层级、活动等),而他这种勇于冒险的精神也启发了其他人效法。
“I’ll play notes with Herbie that I wouldn’t with other piano players because they are unable or unwilling to relate to that note and how it can affect their chords,” says Carter. “Herbie does that better than anyone.”
Saying less with more is another lesson from Davis. “I like presenting something that has an access point for anybody,” says Hancock. “Not always, but I do have a tendency to do that. But then through the access point, I slip in a bunch of slick things too.”
−by Mark Stryker
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prodigy [ˋprɑdədʒɪ] n. 奇才,天才
concerto [kənˋtʃɛrto] n. 【音】协奏曲
movement [ˋmuvmənt] n.【音】乐章 a principal self-contained section of a symphony, sonata, etc., usually having its own structure
break [brek] n.【口】机会;好运 a fortunate opportunity
record [riˋkɔrd] v. 进行录音(或录像)
forge [fɔrdʒ] v. 编造
post-bop 后咆勃的 (承接比咆勃爵士乐风并加以变化) a type of jazz music that followed the bebop style first played by small groups in the 1940s
bop [bɑp] n. 【美】【口】波普爵士音乐
template [ˋtɛmplɪt] n. 样板
synthesize [ˋsɪnθə͵saɪz] v. 综合;合成 bringing things that different together to create something new
disparate [ˋdɪspərɪt] adj. 不同的;异类的
progressive [prəˋgrɛsɪv] adj. (变化等)逐渐的,逐步发生的,逐步发展的; 进步的;先进的;革新的
civil rights 民权 the rights that each person has in a society, whatever their race, sex or religion
calling card <美>名片(引申为特色) a distinguishing characteristic or behavior
hummable [hʌməb!] adj. 可以哼唱的
hum [hʌm] v. 哼曲子 to sing (a tune) without opening the lips or forming words
pulsating [ˋpʌl͵setɪŋ] adj. 激动人心的
catchy [ˋkætʃɪ] adj.(曲调等)动听而易记的
vamp [væmp] n. 即席伴奏 an improvised jazz accompaniment consisting of a succession of simple chords
color [ˋkʌlɚ] v. 使带上色彩
palette [ˋpælɪt] n.(某画或某画家常用的)独特色彩 the range of qualities inherent in nongraphic art forms such as music and literature
touch [tʌtʃ] n.格调; 风格; 特点 a characteristic way of doing things
dissect [dɪˋsɛkt] v. 仔细分析;细心研究
score [skor] n.【音】总谱,乐谱 the music written for a film or a play; the music written for a film or a play
rewarding [rɪˋwɔrdɪŋ] adj. 有所得的
note [not] n. 音符; 调子
chord [kɔrd] n.【音】和弦,和音
slip in 不失时机地插入 insert casually
slick [slɪk] adj. 技法娴熟的; 灵巧的;机灵的
Vocabulary Focus
go for broke【主美】【口】孤注一掷 to risk everything in the hope of having great success
awestruck [ˋɔstrʌk] adj. 顿生敬畏的 filled with feelings of admiration or respect
raspy [ˋræspɪ] adj. 刺耳的;粗糙的 unpleasantly rough
studied [ˋstʌdɪd] adj. 有计划的; 故意的; 深思熟虑的 very carefully and intentionally done, made or considered
precocious [prɪˋkoʃəs] adj. 早熟的; 早成的 showing mental development or achievement much earlier than usual
avant-garde [ɑvɑŋˋgɑrd] adj. 前卫的 creative ideas, styles and methods that are very original or modern in comparison to the period in which they happen
shrewd [ʃrud] adj. 精明的, 锐利的, 剧烈的 having or based on a clear understanding and good judgment of a situation, resulting in an advantage
ricochet [͵rɪkəˋʃe] v. 弹开 to hit a surface and move away from it at an angle
access point 切入点 a feature of something that enables others to begin to understand and appreciate it
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Miles Davis - Miles Davis Live In Europe 1967 Trailer
Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 21 - Andante
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