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Dominica: Offers Escape From the Everyday 远离尘嚣的好去处:多米尼克








Hiking, snorkeling, diving, kayaking and swimming are all popular on this beautiful island  健行、浮潜、潜水、泛舟和游泳,都是这座美丽岛屿上广受欢迎的活动


Dominica is meant to be explored on foot. It’s crawling with natural hiking trails adorned by 1,200 species of plants and flowers, some of which recoil when touched. There are spectacular waterfalls and hot spring, including the huge Boiling Lake in the center, and the island is surrounded by waters clear enough for snorkeling, deep enough for diving and just choppy enough to make kayaking interesting. And because it’s not easy to get here, it remains – and here’s the tour operator’s selling point – “one of the most unspoilt islands in the Caribbean.”



Pronounced “Dom-in-EEK-a,” this English-speaking volcanic island is home to about 71,000 people, including 3,000 native Caribs, who reside in a dedicated Carib Territory on the island’s northeast side. They were the primary inhabitants of this island. The indigenous Carib name is Wai’tu kubuli, or “tall is her body,” as the island is a lengthy 47-kilometer stretch of beautiful curves and contours.



There are a few tourists, but they’re a fairy specific breed; thrill-seekers who climb mountains for kicks. Like Denise and Jeff.



From Los Angeles, Denise Calfo and Jeff Biddle have visited Dominica seven times over the last eight years. They commute around Dominica’s 751 square kilometers the way most of its residents do: via the bus system and their own feet. They’ve hiked up to Boiling Lake, Dominica’s gem of a landmark, twice; they’ve reached the summit of Morne Diablotin, the island’s tallest mountain (1,447 meters) and most challenging hike. They know a few Creole-inspired Dominican phrases.



“The best thing about Dominica is how many things there are to do,” Calfo said. “Or if you just want to sit and do nothing, it’s so peaceful and the air is just so fresh and fragrant from all these exotic flowers that grow all over the place.”






More Information

crawl [krɔl] v.(常用进行式)(为虫,蚁等)爬满,充斥着[(+with)]

adorn [əˋdɔrn] v. 装饰;使生色[(+with)]

recoil [rɪˋkɔɪl] v. 退缩; 后退 to coil again

unspoilt [ʌnˈspɔɪlt] adj. 未遭破坏的 not left to spoil

dedicated [ˋdɛdə͵ketɪd] adj. 专用(于…)的;专门(为…而)设计制造的

indigenous [ɪnˋdɪdʒɪnəs] adj. 土著的;本地的

stretch [strɛtʃ] n.(土地,时间的)延亘,连绵

contour [ˋkɑntʊr] n. 轮廓;轮廓线

breed [brid] n. 种类,类型

Creole [ˋkriol] n. 克里奥尔语 a language, which is a combination of a European language and a mixture of other local languages, and is mainly spoken in the Caribbean

inspire [ɪnˋspaɪr] v. 引起,产生;煽动









There are no traditional resorts and fewer traditional hotels. Wearing beachwear on the street in the two cities, Roseau and Portsmouth, is considered improper. But in the jungle – where mosquitoes surprisingly aren’t a problem – it’s a different story.



“The first rule in Dominica is, always wear your swimsuit.”



That mantra comes from Samuel Raphael, owner of Jungle Bay Resort and Spa which, true to its name, is nestled in the middle of a jungle overlooking Pointe Mulatre Bay on the island’s southeast side. Sam and his wife, Glenda, spent 10 years developing and building the 55-acre property, which is the perfect prototype for Dominica’s slowly growing tourism industry: It’s eco-conscious, unapologetically hospitable and naturally gorgeous. Each of its 35 tropical hardwood cottages is raised on stilts for ideal views and circulation; their solar-heated outdoor showers drip back into the jungle, polluted only by natural and organic soaps. All of the furniture is made from local wood, handcrafted by folks from the neighboring villages of Delices and Petit Savane.



Everyone at Jungle Bay wears a swimsuit constantly – and not necessarily to take advantage of the modest swimming pool assembled with volcanic stones. They wear their swimsuits because on Dominica, all roads lead to hikes, and all hikes (most of them, anyway) lead to water.



Take Victoria Falls. Located a few miles inland from Pointe Mulatre Bay, the hour hike to the spectacular 130-meter falls entails traversing a muddy trail that loses itself amid the rapidly growing rain forest, and, thereafter, four river crossings each way. The water is swift but not cold; it’s incredibly clean and softened by sulfur. One of the crossings required this 5’11” lady to wade up to her waist; the others are tests of balance and confidence while scaling slippery boulders and wading through swift rapids. The difficulty level of this hike? “Moderate.”






More Information

beachwear [ˋbitʃ͵wɛr] n. 海滩装

unapologetically [ˌʌnəpɑləˈdʒɛtɪkəlɪ] adv. 理直气壮地; 毫无悔意地 unwilling to make or express an apology

hospitable [ˋhɑspɪtəb!] adj. 好客的,招待周到的

stilt [stɪlt] n. 支撑物,支柱; 高跷

circulation [͵sɝkjəˋleʃən] n. 流通, 循环

drip [drɪp] v. 滴下

modest [ˋmɑdɪst] adj. (房屋等)不太大的,普通的

traverse [trəˋvɝs] v. 横渡,横越;越过;穿过

swift [swɪft] adj. 速度飞快的; 湍急的

sulfur [ˋsʌlfɚ] n.【化】硫(磺

wade [wed] v. 涉水而行 [(+across)]

boulder [ˋboldɚ] n. 卵石,大圆石;巨砾









In all, there are 365 rivers on Dominica – some easily explored; some strenuous. Emerald Pool, Dominica’s most popular tourism destination, is an easy one. The green-hued natural pool sits pretty in the island’s UNESCO World Heritage Site and is a 15-minute walk through the rain forest. Stop even for a minute and you’ll spot parrots and hawks flapping by nonchalantly.



Perched above Grand Bay on Dominica’s south side is the tiny village of Stowe. From here, conditions are nearly perfect for kayaking a half-mile out to Carib Point, then snorkeling along the reef below. The waves are relatively calm in this bay, even when mild storms pass through. Snorkeling in the rain isn’t glamorous – few things on this island are – but floating just below sea level, looking down on schoolsof exotic fish while millions of little drops of water dot the ocean’s surface, is surreal.



On my last day here, I went down to Soufriere Bay off Scotts Head for one last swim. As soon as I waded out to my waist, some kind of giant beautiful aqua-colored ray floated by, and a million little yellow and black fish fluttered around my bare feet.



There had been other snorkeling experiences on Dominica – the most spectacular was farther up Soufriere Bay at Champagne Reef, named for the underwater bubbles produced by small volcanic fissures leaking from the ocean bed. But that calm, quiet, overcast day on Scotts Head was just as special.



Afterward, bumping along that twisty, windy road one last time for the trek up the side of the island to the airport, driving was the easy part.



The hard part? Leaving.



by Lauren Viera




More Information

emerald [ˋɛmərəld] n. 祖母绿;绿宝石; 翡翠

hued [hjud] adj. 有……颜色的

perch [pɝtʃ] v.(在较高或较险处)座落

glamorous [ˋglæmərəs] adj. 富有魅力的;迷人的

dot [dɑt] v. 星罗棋布于;(星星点点地)布满;点缀

aqua [ˋækwə] n. 浅绿色,水绿色

ray [re] n.【动】鳐;魟鱼 a large flat sea fish with a long narrow tail

flutter [ˋflʌtɚ] v. 焦急地乱动

fissure [ˋfɪʃɚ] n.(尤指岩石上的)裂缝,裂隙 a deep narrow crack in the earth’s surface

overcast [ˋovɚ͵kæst] adj. (被云等)遮蔽的;多云的,阴的

bump [bʌmp] v. 颠簸着行进[(+along)]






Vocabulary Focus

crawl with(常用进行式)充斥着[(+with)] to be completely covered with or full of a particular type of thing

choppy [ˋtʃɑpɪ] adj. 波浪起伏的 describing seas, lakes or rivers with lots of small, rough waves caused by the wind

for kicks 为了寻欢作乐,为了追求刺激(常指不道德或不负责任的作乐)for the excitement something will deliver

mantra [ˋmʌntrə] n. 真言;(尤指认为并不正确或只是部分正确的)准则,原则,圭臬 a word or phrase that is often repeated and which sometimes expresses a belief

prototype [ˋprotə͵taɪp] n. 原型; 样品 the original model of something from which later forms are developed

entail [ɪnˋtel] v. 必需 [+v-ing] to make something necessary

strenuous [ˋstrɛnjʊəs] adj. 费劲的,费力的 needing or using a lot of effort

sit pretty 处于极有利的位置,成功 to be in a good situation or position

nonchalantly [ˋnɑnʃələntlɪ] adv. 漠不关心地;冷淡地;满不在乎地 in a calm manner, often in a way which suggests lack of interest

surreal [səˋriəl] adj. 梦幻般的; 超现实的 not like reality; like a dream




Roseau Dominica April 17, 2010




Boiling Lake - Jungle Bay Resort & Spa, Dominica


Dominica's Carib Indians and tourism


Overview of Jungle Bay Resort & Spa


Victoria Falls - Dominica

Donna Dips In The Emerald Pool, Dominica

Snorkeling Champagne Reef in Dominica







当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Advanced English Travel (旅游景点) Dominica: Offers Escape From the Everyday 远离尘嚣的好去处:多米尼克