Saving While Shopping 购物的省钱妙方
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年10月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:310
Stores are designed for impulse buys, so here’s how to fight back 商店的设计是为了刺激冲动购物,以下提供反击妙招
We all know it’s happening but that doesn’t mean you should let your guard down: Stores want – need – you to make impulse buys and spend more than you originally planned.
Who doesn’t realize candy, sodas and pop magazines are deliciously stacked right next to the check out to entice you to spend just a little more before you leave? That’s an easy trick to spot.
Here are more: 还有更多窍门:
Attack the sense: If your mom said, “Don’t go to the grocery store hungry,” she was on to something. Stores tend to turn your senses against you, subconsciously and continuously attacking your sense of smell and sight to get you to buy. Whether a grocery or department store, the smell of fried chicken, baked goods and hot-selling perfumes permeate certain aisles to get you thinking ….. of spending.
What to do: Eat before you arrive, have a list in hand and get in and out as fast as possible.
Aisle designs: Of course, the whole store is a giant maze engineered to get you to see as many products as you can. The newest, highest-priced products will sit on eye-level shelving, possibly bathedin warm mood light, to grab your attention. The older or lesser-priced goods will often be on shelves that are harder to get to.
Also, be aware that the end of the aisle is a place where stores love to put new items, items for sale or popular items they want to sell more of because they know most shoppers stop at the end of the aisle.
What to do: If you want an older product, off-brand product, or a cheaper product that is not in stock, do not compromise and buy the higher-priced item. Ask a clerk or manager whether the item you want is in a back room. If you still can’t get the lower-priced item, check a competitor.
More Information
impulse buy 冲动购物; 冲动购买 something that one buys suddenly and without thinking carefully
soda [ˋsodə] n. 苏打水; 汽水
deliciously [dɪˋlɪʃəslɪ] adv. 怡人地; 美美地
be on to something 了解…, 看透… to realize something’s importance or intentions
aisle [aɪl] n.(戏院,列车,教堂等座席间的)通道,走道
shelving [ˋʃɛlvɪŋ] n. 棚架
off-brand 杂牌的;未注册的;非品牌 of or being a product sold inexpensively under a relatively unfamiliar brand name and often considered inferior to better known brands.
in stock 有现货或存货 available for sale or use; on hand
Shopping cart guerrilla warfare: I used to think stores stacked shopping carts in the front of the store for shopper convenience. Actually, they may just want you to have a big bin to drop lots of items into. It’s like the big dinner plate phenomenon: The bigger the plate, the more likely you are going to fill it up whether you’re that hungry or not.
What to do: Go for the smaller handheld carriers if you are not shopping for a lot and skip the shopping cart.
Toys, electronics and other destination points: If you’ve ever shopped with a child, you know going in you’re going to have to stop at the toy aisle at least once. That’s why it’s usually located at the very back of the store, so you have to pass as many other products and items as possible as you trek there. The store hopes you’ll impulse buy all the way there and back. [It’s the] same with electronics, furniture and other high-profit items.
What to do: Bring a toy with you, taking your child’s interest at visiting the toy aisle away, or at least diminishing it.
A few more tips 更多诀窍
If you have to travel to the back of the store, think about the trickery going on as you walk there. That should get you mad enough to grab your new electronic alarm clock and walk away as fast as possible. If you don’t have that discipline gene, grab just enough cash to make your purchase and leave your credit cards in the car, with a loved one or another place you feel is safe. It’s impossible to buy what you don’t have enough money for on hand.
−by Daniel Vasquez
More Information
guerrilla warfare 游击战(引申为奇巧战术) the use of unusual methods to combat a problem
guerrilla [gə`rɪlə] n. 游击队(员)adj. 游击队的
warfare [ˋwɔr͵fɛr] n. 战争;交战状态
mad [mæd] adj.【口】恼火的
Vocabulary Focus
let one’s guard down 让…卸下心防 to stop being carefully to avoid difficulty; to stop guarding oneself against trouble; to relax one's vigilance
entice [ɪnˋtaɪs] v. 诱使; 怂恿 to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant
subconsciously [͵sʌbˋkɑnʃəslɪ] adv. 潜意识地 in a manner in which mental processes take place without the mind’s being entirely aware of its own activity
permeate [ˋpɝmɪ͵et] v. 充满; 弥漫 to spread through something and be present in every part of it
engineer [͵ɛndʒəˋnɪr] v. 精明地处理; 操纵; 策划 to arrange cleverly and often secretly to make something happen
compromise [ˋkɑmprə͵maɪz] v. 妥协; 让步 to lower or weaken your standards
trickery [ˋtrɪkərɪ] n. 耍花招; 欺骗; 哄骗 the use of certain actions to deceive or cheat people