Piracy on the PCs 对等联网,「盗」高一丈?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2002年11月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:398
A Cutthroat Business
The internet may be yet to live up to the expectations of the legitimate business that have invested billions in its infrastructure, but, for software pirates around the world, it has already far exceeded their wildest dreams.
Of the eleven different forms of internet piracy identified by the Business Software Alliance, peer-to-peer technology, or P2P, is currently recognized as the greatest threat. P2P allows thousands of computers to share files directly, without going through a central server—and without paying a fee to copyright holders.
The erstwhile music file-sharing giant, Napster, employed an early version of P2P technology but differed from true P2P systems because it operated via a central server. Ultimately, this was Napster’s undoing because a centralized network allows the music industry to target the company that owns it. Various music labels sued Napster and the file-sharing company was forced to walk the plank. Numerous decentralized systems, however, have since sprung to take its place.
P2P technology can be used to trade any files, from pictures to complete software programs, but the two groups who seem to be most affected are the movie and music industries; both are considering seemingly desperate measures to combat the menace of internet piracy.
piracy [ˋpaɪrəsɪ] n. 剽窃;著作权侵害;盗印
live up to 符合〔标准〕; 履行〔诺言〕
pirate [ˋpaɪrət] n. 剽窃者;侵犯版权者
exceed [ɪkˋsid] v. 超过;胜过[(+in)]
identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] v. 确认;识别
alliance [əˋlaɪəns] n. 结盟;联盟
erstwhile [ˋɝst͵hwaɪl] adj. 从前的; 过去的〔指不久以前〕
undoing [ʌnˋduɪŋ] n. 毁灭;垮台
label [ˋleb!] n. 唱片公司
sue [su] v. 控告,对……提起诉讼
walk the plank 被迫辞职;被迫做有损于自己的事; 被海盗逼着走上木板掉海淹死 to be forced to leave your job
plank [plæŋk] n.(厚)木板
decentralize [diˋsɛntrəl͵aɪz] v. 分散﹐下放〔权力〕
spring [sprɪŋ] v. 突然活跃起来; 突然出现
seemingly [ˋsimɪŋlɪ] adv. 看上去﹐ 表面上
desperate [ˋdɛspərɪt] adj. 极端的;险恶的
menace [ˋmɛnɪs] n. 威胁,恐吓
Sentence of the Day
They have no right.
Crossing Swords
The record companies and movie studios are approaching the problem of piracy from a variety of angles, including attempting to persuade manufacturers to build antipiracy safeguards into players and recorders. The focus of their attack, however, is on P2P systems; according to Fritz Attaway of the Motion Picture Association of America, the aim is to make unauthorized file sharing “sufficiently inconvenient or …unsuccessful.”
To do so, copyright holders are looking to technology companies such as Intel, Microsoft, and Dell for help. These companies express a certain amount of sympathy over piracy but warm that they are not about to do anything to undermine file-swapping technology. In a letter addressed to the heads of various Hollywood studios, technology executives wrote that “any solution to the problem of piracy must not compromise the innovation… [P2P technology] has to offer.”
The studios and recording companies are now threatening tactics such as bottlenecking major file sharers’ internet connections with barrages of false requests—an illegal move that could backfire. Such saber rattling won’t take the wind out of P2P’s sails, however, and until the companies can find a legitimate way to scupper them, the Internet pirates will continue to ply the information channels with their plundered booty.
-by Michael Costello
approach [əˋprotʃ] v. 着手处理,开始对付
persuade [pɚˋswed] v. 说服,劝服
safeguard [ˋsef͵gɑrd] n. 保护;防卫;预防措施;保证条款
unauthorized [͵ʌnˋɔθə͵raɪzd] adj. 未经授权[批准]的
look to someone or something: 依靠[指望](某人或某事)to expect someone or something to supply something
sympathy [ˋsɪmpəθɪ] n. 同情,同情心
undermine [͵ʌndɚˋmaɪn] v. 暗中破坏;逐渐损害
address [əˋdrɛs] v. (给……)写(信)[(+to)]
compromise [ˋkɑmprə͵maɪz] v. 连累,危及
tactic [ˋtæktɪk] n. 手法; 策略
bottleneck [ˋbɑt!͵nɛk] v. 阻碍; 阻塞
barrage [bəˋrɑʒ] n. 齐射式攻击;猛烈的攻击
backfire [ˋbækˋfaɪr] v. 产生和预期情况完全相反的结果;事与愿违;适得其反
saber rattling 炫耀武力,武力恫吓
saber [ˋsebɚ] v. 用马刀砍(或杀)
rattling [ˋrætlɪŋ] adj. 发嘎嘎声的
take the wind out of someone’s sails 抢先占某人上风; 使狼狈, 挫败…
legitimate [lɪˋdʒɪtəmɪt] adj. 合法的
scupper [ˋskʌpɚ] v.【非正式】破坏〔计划﹑机会等〕
ply [plaɪ] v. 定期往返于; 不断使用;不断给;不断问;不断做
plunder [ˋplʌndɚ] v.〔尤指以暴力〕窃取; 侵占; 掠夺﹐抢劫
booty [ˋbutɪ] n.【尤文】赃物; 战利品
Sentence of the Day
They are all at sea.
at sea 不知所措, 茫然, 胡涂