The Cartoonist Tsai Chi-Chung: Everything Old is New Again 漫画大师蔡志忠:古意翻新
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年7月21日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:347
While many consider comics to be “kid stuff,” an inventive writer-illustrator by the name of Tsai Chi Chungis proving the opposite: Comics are capable of conveying classical themes and complex philosophies.
Tsai began drawing comic strips at the age of seventeen. In 1976, he founded his own production company and produced two cartoon films: Old Master Q and Shao Lin Temple. But the fun really began around 1983 when he published his first four-box comics, featuring such characters as Drunken Swordsman and Fat Dragon. However, it was his pioneering work in the art of visualizing classics of Chinese literature and philosophy that brought him the greatest critical, artistic and commercial success.
In works such as 1993’s retelling of the immortal Journey to the West, Tsai is able to maintain the basics of the original while veering off course humorously into modern times. Thus, episodes in classical literature are spiked with modern political figures – like Ronald Reagan – and gadgets, such as elevators and cell phones. It is this strategy of selective modernization that adds a crucial dimension to his satire, skillfully allowing the readers to laugh at literary classics, society and themselves.
inventive [ɪnˋvɛntɪv] adj. 善于发明创造的; 有创造力的
illustrator [ˋɪləs͵tretɚ] n. 插图画家
comic strip 连环图画
visualize [ˋvɪʒʊə͵laɪz] v. 使形象化
veer [vɪr] v. 改变方向;转向
off course 不在规定的过程中
episode [ˋɛpə͵sod] n.(连载小说中的)一节
spike [spaɪk] v. 偷偷往(饮料中)搀烈性酒(或毒品) to add flavor or spice to
dimension [dɪˋmɛnʃən] n. 特点;方面
satire [ˋsætaɪr] n. 讽刺作品
Sentence of the Day
His works are very tongue in cheek.
tongue in cheek 假心假意的; 半开玩笑的
Coworkers Parker and Jenny bump into each other on a Saturday: 帕克和珍妮是同事,他们在某个星期六碰面:
P: Hey Jenny, where are you going?
J: I’m headed to the bookstore to buy another comic by Tsai Chih chung.
P: He’s really great. I still remember reading his Sayings of Zhuang Zi when I was in grade school.
J: I haven’t read that one yet, but I just finished his Journey to the West, which was incredible. His retelling of ancient stories that poke fun at our society is devilishly clever.
P: I know what you mean. There’s a scene in Journey to the West where Tsai changes an original scene so that the characters are supposedly actors.
J: Right. And the pig Zhu Bajie tells the others he’s been chosen to be the hero because he’s from Hong Kong, and the ratings are always better for Hong Kong actors. That line is hilarious.
P: His story is so different from the original in parts, but so funny. Most of all, his distinctive drawing style really sets his work apart from other cartoonists.
J: Absolutely. But I really admire how he’s not afraid to stray from the story to relate to the world of his readers.
P: When it comes to brave spoofs of Chinese classics, no one beats Tsai Chih Chung’s work!
-by Michael Loncar
bump into【口】碰见某人; 偶遇; 巧遇
grade school【美】小学 elementary school
poke fun at (通常作贬义)开玩笑; 嘲弄; 嘲笑 to ridicule in a mischievous manner; tease
devilishly [ˋdɛv!ɪʃlɪ] adv.【过时】非常﹐ 极其〔表示恼怒〕
rating [ˋretɪŋ] n.〔电影﹑电视节目等的〕排行榜
hilarious [hɪˋlɛrɪəs] adj. 极好笑的﹐ 极有趣的
in part 在某种程度上;部分地
set something apart from something else 使某人/某事物与众不同或优于其他的 to make something stand out when compared to something else
stray [stre] v. 走失;走散[(+from)]
spoof [spuf] n. 嘲讽性的模仿作品
Sentence of the Day
He reworks old chestnuts.
chestnut [ˋtʃɛs͵nʌt] n.【口】陈腐的笑话(或故事等);陈词滥调