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Nietzsche: The Will to Think 尼采:思想的决心








Holden is reading the newspaper over lunch with his book club friend, Lucille:  荷登和读书会的朋友鲁思儿一起用午餐读报纸:


H: Well, how about that? Friedrich Nietzsche – that often maligned nineteenth-century German philosopher – didn’t, in fact, go mad and die from syphilis. According to new research, he almost certainly died of brain cancer.



L: So, why the widespread belief that syphilis drove him insane?



H: Says here the story was cooked up after World War IIby intellectuals who wanted to destroy Nietzsche’s reputation and debunk his ideas.



L: I suppose they didn’t like the fact that some aspects of Nietzsche’s philosophy were distorted by the Nazis and used to underpin their belief in themselves as supreme beings.



H: Exactly. Some intellectuals! If you know anything at all about Nietzsche, you’d know that he loathed anti-Semiteshad no time for nationalists, and detested the herd mentality.



L: Right. The Nazis really twisted his idea of the ubermensch, or “superman,” didn’t they?



H: Indeed. Nietzsche’s concept of a “superman” was an individual who rejected the repressive, life-denying qualities of Western culture and rose above banal social and moral conventions to construct an authentic life.



L: Which is hardly how one would describe a mob of fascists hell-bent on establishing themselves as the master race.



H: For sure, the two are as different as chalk and cheese.






malign [məˋlaɪn] v. 诽谤,中伤

syphilis [ˋsɪflɪs] n.【医】梅毒

insane [ɪnˋsen] adj.【尤法律】(患)精神病的﹐ 精神失常的﹐ 疯癫的

cook up【口】编造某事物(尤指行骗)

intellectual [͵ɪnt!ˋɛktʃʊəl] n. 知识分子;有很高智力的人

debunk [ˋdiˋbʌŋk] v. 证明〔观点或观念〕错误

underpin [͵ʌndɚˋpɪn] v. 巩固﹐ 支持〔想法﹑信念等〕

loathe [loð] v. 厌恶,憎恨[U][+v-ing]

anti-Semite [͵æntɪˋsimaɪt] n. 反犹太分子

have no time for 不能或不愿为...花费时间

detest [dɪˋtɛst] v. 厌恶,憎恶[+v-ing]

herd [hɝd] n.〔同一种类并一同栖息的〕兽羣; 【贬】民众,百姓

repressive [rɪˋprɛsɪv] adj.〔政制或法律〕残酷的; 严苛的

life-denying 否定生命的

banal [bəˋnɑl] adj. 平庸的;陈腐的

moral [ˋmɔrəl] adj. 道德(上)的

convention [kənˋvɛnʃən] n. 惯例,习俗;常规

mob [mɑb] n. 暴民,乌合之众

fascist [ˋfæʃɪst] n. 法西斯主义者,法西斯分子

hell-bent 坚决的﹐ 不顾一切的

as different as chalk and cheese  天差地远, 迥然不同



Sentence of the Day

His ideas were caught in a war of words.



war of words  舌战, 笔战, 论战





Lucille and Holden continue to discuss Nietzsche:  荷登和鲁思儿继续讨论尼采的话题:


L: I’m intrigued by Nietzsche’s critique of traditional morality and Christianity.



H: Me, too. His criticism seems to center on his idea of “life-affirmation.” Nietzsche wanted people to question everything that denied their individuality or life energy. A controversial outcome of this principle is his claim that universal equality among human is an illusion.



L: Perhaps that’s why he’s regarded as an early existentialist philosopher – one of the first to believe in living creatively for its own sake, and living for the realities of this world, rather than the rewards of an afterlife.



H: In many ways, it seems he ignored philosophy as a theoretical discipline in order to stress its implications for life.



L: On that point, his approach was similar to Eastern philosophy and the thinking of the earliest Greek philosophers. I wonder if Nietzsche anticipated the profound effect he’d have on Western thought?



H: He definitely did. And what an effect he’s had on many brilliant minds – particularly on the Continent – like Freud, Jung, Camus, Sartre, and Foucault, just to name a few.



L: Nietzsche was far more than an academic philosopher. He dreamed of changing society by transforming the way people see the world.



H: Which makes him a visionary, as well as a philosopher?



by Layla Wales






intrigue [ɪnˋtrig] v. 激起……的好奇心(或兴趣)

critique [krɪˋtik] n. 评论(文章﹑书刊等)

affirmation [͵æfɚˋmeʃən] n. 肯定

individuality [͵ɪndə͵vɪdʒʊˋælətɪ] n. 个人(或个体)的特征

existentialist [ɛgzɪsˋtɛnʃəlɪst] n. 存在主义者

afterlife [ˋæftɚ͵laɪf] n. 来世﹐ 来生

theoretical [͵θiəˋrɛtɪk!] adj. 理论的;非应用的

implication [͵ɪmplɪˋkeʃən] n.〔计划﹑行为或事件需要考虑或讨论的〕可能的影响﹐ 可能的后果

the Continent 欧洲大陆

visionary [ˋvɪʒə͵nɛrɪ] n. 有远见卓识者



Sentence of the Day

He earned his place in the history books.





当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English People (人物) Nietzsche: The Will to Think 尼采:思想的决心