A Ghost of a Doubt: The questioned Authorship of William Shakespeare 莎翁魅影:莎士比亚著作等身的质疑
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年2月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:433
What if the greatest English writer ever was but a front for someone else? A loose-knit movement known as the anti-Stratfordians argues that Shakespeare, the actor from Stratford-upon-Avon was not the author of the plays and poems credited to him. Given the scheming, intrigue-ridden nature of Elizabethan society, it’s conceivable that Shakespeare’s plays were ghostwritten by another writer. But is it likely?
Until the late eighteenth century, there was never any doubt that “Shaksper” the actor (the name which the man from Stratford-upon-Avon often used) and “Shakespeare” the author were one and the same. Doubts arose when some claimed that the author of such sublime literature could not have been the son of an illiterate glove maker whose education was limited at best. Further, they argued that court life couldn’t have been described so accurately by Shaksper, a commoner. As it would also probably have been considered vulgar for proper Elizabethan gentlemen to scribble mere plays for the public, Shaksper could have stood in for a noble literati.
These and related irregularities have sustained the doubts of anti-Stratfordians for over two centuries. If they are right, then who was responsible for what would be the greatest literary hoax in history? That is …. Who was the real Bard?
authorship [ˋɔθɚ͵ʃɪp] n. 著作者的身分
front [frʌnt] n. (非法或秘密的组织或活动的)掩护,幌子
loose-knit 松散的
credit [ˋkrɛdɪt] v. 认为是…的功劳; (成就)归于…;在…名下
scheming [ˋskimɪŋ] adj. 惯耍阴谋的;诡计多端的
intrigue [ɪnˋtrig] n. 阴谋,诡计;密谋
-ridden [ˋrɪdn] adj. (常构成复合词)充斥……的
conceivable [kənˋsivəb!] adj. 想得到的;可能的
ghostwrite [ˋgost͵raɪt] v. 代笔; 代写
sublime [səˋblaɪm] adj. 崇高的
illiterate [ɪˋlɪtərɪt] adj. 未受教育的; 文盲的
at best 至多;最高(多)可能;充其量
commoner [ˋkɑmənɚ] n. 平民
vulgar [ˋvʌlgɚ] adj. 粗俗的;下流的; 通俗语的;乡土语的
proper [ˋprɑpɚ] adj. 正派的,高尚的
scribble [ˋskrɪb!] v. 草率地创作; 潦草地书写
stand in 暂时代替〔某人〕(intr, adverb; usually foll by for) to act as a substitute
irregularity [͵ɪrɛgjəˋlærətɪ] n. 不规则的事物, 例外
hoax [hoks] n. 骗局;玩笑;恶作剧
the Bard [bɑrd] 指莎士比亚
Sentence of the Day
They believe something is rotten in Denmark.
something is rotten in Denmark 情况很糟.
One of the earliest candidates put forth as the real Shakespeare was the great English philosopher and politician Sir Francis Bacon. In the nineteenth century, several anti-Stratfordians found encrypted messages supposedly left by Bacon in Shakespeare’s plays. These so-called encryptions were discredited in 1957 by legendary code experts William & Elizabeth Friedman. Bogus codes aside, it seems unlikely that a man as accomplished as Bacon would have had time to pen the many volumes of Shakespeare.
Another favored candidate is the great Elizabethan dramatist and secret agent, Christopher Marlowe. Marlowe, however, was murdered before the majority of Shakespeare’s plays were written. What’s more, Marlowe’s literary style was quite distinct from Shakespeare’s. Despite his talent and the opportunity, not a scintilla of evidence connects Marlowe to Shakespeare’s play any more than it does Queen Elizabeth herself.
Currently, the most popular candidate for the genuine Bard is Edward de Vere, the seventeenth Earl of Oxford. Those who champion his cause note de Vere’s education and intelligence, his close connection with Elizabeth’s court, and alleged similarities between his life and events in the plays as proof that de Vere wrote the plays. Yet as with Marlowe, there remains the fact that he died too early, some ten years before Shakespeare’s final play.
put forth 提出; 发表
encrypt [ɛnˋkrɪpt] v. 译成密码
discredit [dɪsˋkrɛdɪt] v. 使〔人们〕不再相信〔某种观点〕
bogus [ˋbogəs] adj. 赝造的;假货的
not a scintilla of something【文】一点儿也没有
scintilla [sɪnˋtɪlə] n. 微量
Earl [ɝl] n.【英】伯爵
champion [ˋtʃæmpɪən] v. 拥护,支持
cause [kɔz] n. 理由
note [not] v. 提到,指明
Sentence of the Day
No case for a secret Shakespeare has quite hit the mark yet.
hit the mark 击中目标; 成功
Hanna and Eli have returned to the pub to discuss the Shakespeare authorship question after their English lecture: 汉纳和艾力上完英文课,回到酒吧来讨论有关莎士比亚著作来源的问题。
E: OK. I’m gonna play devil’s advocate for a moment. Consider the skeptics: Twain, Hardy, Dickens … Maybe the Stratford guy really wasn’t the author!
H: No matter how great those writers were, that doesn’t mean Shakespeare was a fake.
E: Alright. So why’d he spell his name so many ways? That seems illiterate.
H: Marlowe also spelt his name at least four ways, and no one doubts his literacy. Standardized spelling just wasn’t around then.
E: And Shakespeare’s depiction of courtly life? How could he know that stuff?
H: Dryden was a near contemporary of Shakespeare, and he claimed Shakespeare got the details wrong.
E: I suppose neither Bacon, Marlowe nor de Vere would have gotten those details wrong.
H: No, they wouldn’t have. And remember Sonnet 135?
E: “Whoever hath her wish, thou hast thy ‘Will’ / And ‘Will’ to boot, and ‘Will’ in overplus”.
H: Sound like the writer there was named “Will”!
E: OK. Here’s my last objection before we bury the hatchet: the man’s will didn’t mention a single book.
H: Neither did the wills of many other authors back then.
E: Well, tho’ Will’s will mayn’t/tell us much, even then/ Stratford held the pen.
H: Exactly. Now, beer for the Bard. Cheers!
-by Iain Ferguson
devil’s advocate 故意提出异议以激发辩论的人; 故意唱反调的人 One who argues against a cause or position, not as a committed opponent but simply for the sake of argument or to determine the validity of the cause or position.
skeptic [ˋskɛptɪk] n. 怀疑者; 怀疑论者
literacy [ˋlɪtərəsɪ] n. 知识;能力
contemporary [kənˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] n. 同时代的人
sonnet [ˋsɑnɪt] n. 十四行诗
hath [hæɵ] old use -【旧】= has (第三人称.单数.现在式)
thou [ðaʊ]【古】(第二人称单数主格)汝,尔,你
hast [hæst]【古】have的第二人称单数现在式(与thou连用)
thy [ðaɪ] pron. 代名词【古】你的(thou的所有格)
to boot【古】除此以外; 再者 in addition; besides
overplus [ˋovɚ͵plʌs] n. 剩余;过剩
bury the hatchet 和解 to stop fighting; resolve a quarrel
hatchet [ˋhætʃɪt] n. 短柄小斧
will [wɪl] n. 遗嘱
tho [ðo] conj. 连接词【口】虽然
Sentence of the Day
“Cudgel thy brains no more about it.”
“不用再为那件事想破脑袋了。”— 本句语出莎翁剧本「哈姆雷特」第五幕第一场。
cudgel [ˋkʌdʒəl] v. 绞尽脑汁