Newfoundland: Canada’s Living Time Capsule 北美极地风情:纽芬兰
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年1月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:446
Located off the northeast corner of North America, Newfoundland may be the most fascinating province in Canada. Because of its isolation, Newfoundland has preserved a dialect of sixteenth-century English and a traditional way of life. Time seems to fly back to another age in this maritime land. A few years ago, I went to visit there so I could experience this charming island first-hand.
My first stop was the capital city of St. John’s. This city is the oldest and most easterly city in North America. It was built on the hill slopes surrounding a harbor which faces the Atlantic. Bright yellow, blue, red, and white houses dot the slopes with church steeples poking out occasionally.
Fishing has been central to Newfoundland’s economy ever since English explorer John Cabot made landfall there in 1947. Evidence of this fishing legacy is everywhere, from the boats in the harbor to the pine houses that wear the bright colors of extra paint left over after painting ships.
Downtown, I strolled along cobblestone paths lined with lampposts to Water Street. Alive with street performers playing accordions and flutes, this street has a high concentration of pubs. At a hotel restaurant overlooking the harbor, I met my friends. We dined on a wide variety of local favorites, including cod, lobster, moose, and blueberries. Soon the daylight faded, the air cooled, and the fog rolled in, creating an eerie and still atmosphere punctuated by the soft sounds of ships’ foghorns in the distance.
maritime [ˋmærə͵taɪm] adj. 海边的; 海上的 of, relating to, or adjacent to the sea
easterly [ˋistɚlɪ] adj. 东部的
harbor [ˋhɑrbɚ] n. 港湾,海港
steeple [ˋstip!] n.〔教堂的〕尖塔 a tall tower forming the superstructure of a building, such as a church or temple, and usually surmounted by a spire
poke out 伸出 reach outward in space
ever since 从...以来 continuously since a specified time or event.
landfall [ˋlænd͵fɔl] n.〔长时间飞行或航行后的〕初见陆地; 首次登上陆地 an approach to or sighting of land
legacy [ˋlɛgəsɪ] n. 遗留之物〔遗留下来的状况〕
lamppost [ˋlæmp͵post] n. 灯杆, 路灯柱
alive with 充满(活的或动的东西) covered with, filled with, or active with people or creatures
accordion [əˋkɔrdɪən] n. 手风琴
moose [mus] n. 麋;北美麋
eerie [ˋɪrɪ] adj. 怪异而令人恐惧的
punctuate [͵pʌŋktʃʊ͵et] v. 不时打断 to interrupt periodically
foghorn [ˋfɑg͵hɔrn] n.〔雾天向其他船只发出以示自己船只方位的〕雾角﹐雾笛
The following day, on a boat trip in the gray Atlantic Ocean, my friends and I came upon several small green-topped islands with pink granite cliffs. A vivid spectacle of flying sea birds captivated my senses. Far from the nets hanging from the cliffs, birds darted to the ocean below, returning with silver fish in their beaks. But the bird that really caught my attention was the puffin. This short black and white bird is sometimes called the “Newfoundland parrot” for its bright orange and yellow beak. Almost immediately we were surrounded by a pod of humpback whales blowing sprays of mist into the air.
Suddenly a gigantic white wall of ice appeared from behind one of the islands. Sculpted by wave erosion and melting, the iceberg’s smooth, twisted shape resembled a giant archway rising out of the ocean. Waterfalls of melted freshwater flowed to the iceberg’s base, which glowed bright blue a few feet below the ocean’s surface. The cries of the seabirds following our boat were interrupted by frequent rumbling noises, as chunks of the iceberg tumbled into the ocean.
Later, I took a short flight west to the ancient Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows. Established and abandoned over one thousand years ago, the original ruins seem to come alive in the nearby life-sized replica of the settlement. The Viking houses were rectangular-shaped dwellings with peaked roofs. Except for the wooden doors and stone chimneys, every surface of these Viking houses is covered with trimmed green grass. Certainly, Newfoundland gave my senses a trip back in time that I will always remember with fondness.
-by Mark Rostern
granite [ˋgrænɪt] n. 花岗岩,花岗石
captivate [ˋkæptə͵vet] v. 迷住﹐吸引 to attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence
net [nɛt] n. 网; 网状物(鸟巢) a device made of net, used to protect or enclose things or little birds or to trap animals
dart [dɑrt] v. 猛冲
puffin [ˋpʌfɪn] n. 海鹦〔一种北大西洋海鸟﹐有黑白相间的身体和大而色彩鲜艳的喙〕
pod [pɑd] n.(海豹、鲸等的)一小群
humpback [ˋhʌmp͵bæk] n. 座头鲸
mist [mɪst] n. 水气;喷雾 a mass of fine droplets of water in the atmosphere near or in contact with the earth
erosion [ɪˋroʒən] n. 〔风﹑雨﹑海水等的〕侵蚀﹐腐蚀
archway [ˋɑrtʃ͵we] n. 拱门
glow [glo] v. 发白热光;发光; 闪耀
rumble [ˋrʌmb!] v. 隆隆声 to make a deep, long, rolling sound.
tumble [ˋtʌmb!] v. 滚下;坠落 to collapse
replica [ˋrɛplɪkə] n. 复制品
dwelling [ˋdwɛlɪŋ] n.【正式】住宅﹐寓所﹐住处
chimney [ˋtʃɪmnɪ] n. 烟囱
Find Yourself, Newfoundland and Labrador