The Charms of Santiago 圣地亚哥的迷人风采
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年2月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:458
Cradled between the arms of the Mapocho River and resting in the shadows of the Andes to the east, Santiago, capital of Chile, was founded by Spanish conquistador Pedro de Valdivia in 1541. By the late sixteenth century, Santiago was still a settlement of about 700 Spanish colonists and several thousand native Chilean servants. Despite their numbers, these early Santiaguinos established an enduring European ambience.
With summer sunshine lasting from 6 A.M. to 9 P.M., tourists have plenty of daylight to explore Santiago’s abundant charms. San Cristóbal Hill is a great place to start. Crowned with an 862-meter-high Virgin Mary statue at its summit, the hill offers beautiful early morning vistas. At the foot of the hill sits the home of Pablo Neruda, the world famous Chilean poet. This eclectic, multi-terraced residence is fondly named `La Chascona’ after the tangled coiffure of Neruda’s wife. The Bellavista district surrounding La Chascona is also a tangle of intriguing alleys, chockablock with clothing stores, handcrafts, and bohemian restaurants.
Downtown is the Plaza de Armas, a historical area containing Santiago’s most spectacular neoclassical and baroque buildings. No visit to Santiago is complete without an hour on its benches, drinking in the architecture and history as dusk envelops the city.
conquistador [kɑnˋkwɪstə͵dɔr] n.【西】征服者
settlement [ˋsɛt!mənt] n. 定居点; 聚居地 a small community
Santiaguino 圣地亚哥人 the city and region's demonym (male)
ambience [`æmbɪəns] n. 气氛﹐情调
crown [kraʊn] v. 形成…的顶部; 给…加顶
vista [ˋvɪstə] n.(从两排树木或房屋等中间看出去的)狭长的景色;远景 a distant view or prospect, especially one seen through an opening, as between rows of buildings or trees
eclectic [ɛˋklɛktɪk] adj. 兼收并蓄的 made up of or combining elements from a variety of sources
terrace [ˋtɛrəs] n.【尤英】〔互相连接的〕一排房屋﹐排屋 a horizontal flat area of ground, often one of a series in a slope
fondly [ˋfɑndlɪ] adv. 深情地;温柔地
tangled [ˋtæŋg!d] adj. 纠结的; 缠绕在一起的
coiffure [kwɑˋfjʊr] n.【正式】发型﹐发式 a hairstyle
intriguing [ɪn`trigɪŋ] adj.〔由于奇特﹑神秘或出人意料而〕引起好奇心的; 令人感兴趣的
chockablock [ˋtʃɑkəˋblɑk] adj. 塞得满满的 completely filled; stuffed
bohemian [boˋhimɪən] adj. 波希米亚(人)的;捷克的
neoclassical [ˏnio`klæsɪk!] adj. 新古典主义的
baroque [bəˋrok] adj. 巴洛克式的
Sentence of the Day
Love is so short, and forgetting so long.
Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olivido.
– Pablo Neruda (1904~73)
Dave and Vanessa, businesspeople, are returning to their hotel in downtown Santiago following a successful meeting: 戴夫和凡妮莎是生意人,两人在成功的开完会议后返回位在圣地亚哥闹区中的旅馆里:
D: That went so well we have the whole day free in Santiago! Our flight’s not until ten tonight.
V: We could do some shopping in the swanky Las Condes district.
D: Well, how about a bit of sightseeing instead? According to the guidebook, a mural of Gabriella Mistral is near here.
V: I should probably know, but who’s she?
D: A Nobel laureate and poet.
V: Unbelievable. Along with Neruda, that’s two Nobel Prize-winning poets! I have an idea. Let’s visit the Museo Historico Nacional. It has an amazing collection of Chilean folk art.
D: Yes! Then, we could visit the modern Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Imagine the contrast!
V: How about a glass of wine in Barrio Suecia in between? It’s very trendy.
D: With the vineyards surrounding this city, I’ll bet even the table wines are excellent – no plonk round here!
V: Speaking of tables, let’s do lunch somewhere. At the meeting, someone mentioned a really exciting area called Santa Lucia.
D: Nah, let’s get local at the Central Market.
V: Won’t it be dirty?
D: Don’t be a spoilsport. Besides, what’s a trip to downtown Santiago without a taste of ceviche?
V: Oh, OK. It’s a deal!
-by Charles Thompson
swanky [ˋswæŋkɪ] adj.【口】时髦的;潇洒的 elegant or stylish
mural [ˋmjʊrəl] n. 壁画;壁饰
plonk [plɑŋk] n.【英﹐非正式】廉价酒 cheap or inferior wine.
spoilsport [ˋspɔɪl͵sport] n.【非正式】扫兴者﹐ 破坏别人兴致的人 Informal a person who spoils the pleasure of other people by his actions or attitudes
ceviche [sə'vitʃɛ] n. 酸橘汁腌鱼
Sentence of the Day
Because their business wrapped up early, Dave and Vanessa have been given free rein for the rest of the day.
A night out in Santiago, Chile’s capital, rarely starts before 11 P.M., and it usually lasts until dawn. As most clubs don’t warm-up before 1 A.M., take your time enjoying Santiago’s culinary delights before going out on the town.
Although Santiago offers fine international cuisine, when in Chile, eat Chilean. With ocean access over seven latitudes, Chile offers some of the world’s best seafood. Add to that an array of choice meats from Argentina and Brazil, and you’re guaranteed a sumptuous, satisfying meal wherever you dine. Always be on the lookout for a good pevede, a chunky mix of diced tomatoes, onions, and fresh cilantro, or chorizo, a salty pork sausage with a wild, tangy aftertaste.
After dinner, it’s time to hit the city’s many pubs and clubs. Pisco, a potent spirit distilled from grapes, is the country’s national drink and definitely worth a taste. You’ll be delighted with what Santiaguinos can conjure up with just a splash of Pisco and a handful of fruit.
Wrap up the night in one of Santiago’s sassy dance clubs. But don’t be surprised when the electronic beats abruptly make space for a salsa, tango, or the local dance step papichula. And be ready to shake your booty till dawn!
warm-up 做准备; 热身〔跳舞﹑运动等前做的一套准备活动〕
latitude [ˋlætə͵tjud] n. 纬度
sumptuous [ˋsʌmptʃʊəs] adj. 豪华的﹐ 奢华的﹐ 奢侈的 luxuriously fine or large; lavish
on the lookout for 密切注意着; 费心寻觅着 watchful for someone or something
cilantro [sɪˋlæntro] n. 胡荽叶〔尤用于亚洲和墨西哥菜中调味的〕芫荽叶
chorizo [tʃəˋrizo] n. 西班牙辣香肠(= choriso)
tangy [ˋtæŋɪ] adj.(味道)强烈的;(香气)扑鼻的 a distinctively sharp taste, flavor, or odor, as that of orange juice
conjure [ˋkʌndʒɚ] up 魔术般变出〔某物〕; 使如魔法般地出现 to make someone or something appear, seemingly by the use of magic
splash [splæʃ] n.(搀酒用的)少量的水(或杜松子酒) a small amount, especially of a fluid
wrap up【美】【口】完成, 结束 to complete or stop doing something
sassy [ˋsæsɪ] adj. 活泼的; 时髦的 lively and spirited; jaunty
salsa [ˋsɑlsə] n.〔拉丁美洲的〕萨尔萨舞曲
shake your booty 摆动你/妳的臀
booty [ˋbutɪ] n. 臀部 Slang the buttocks
Sentence of the Day
If you happen to have two left feet, watch out for those Latin dance steps!
Dave and Vanessa, business associates, are flying back to Santiago, Chile, to follow up on a successful business deal: 戴夫和凡妮莎是工作伙伴,两人为了追踪一笔成功的业务交易,正飞往智利首都圣地亚哥:
V: Almost there. We’re free tomorrow, so any ideas for tonight?
D: Well, you should know – you came here with your boyfriend last year. But maybe I could pick up some lapis lazuli jewelry.
V: Hey, this is a night visit. The first thing we should do is wash away this jetlag with a Pisco Sour or two. And that’s ex-boyfriend, incidentally. He was such a bore.
D: Pisco what?
V: Pisco and lemon juice, with a bit of cinnamon and sugar. It’s divine!
D: Sounds great. But how about dinner, too? This in-flight magazine has a great article on Barrio Brasil. It’s cheaper than Bellavista, but the food’s apparently just as good.
V: Sure, that neighborhood’s a bit more traditional, but I know a place there that makes amazing ceviche, that lemony seafood dish.
D: It sounds right up my alley. I’m on the quiet side when it comes to evening entertainment.
V: Hey, I’m taking you to Providencia for some serious clubbing tonight, even if it’s at the end of a chain!
D: No need to get forceful. What better way is there to lose these stiff legs?
V: That’s more like it, granddad!
-by Charles Thompson
lapis lazuli 天青石,青金石,天青石色
lapis [ˋlepɪs] n.【拉】石头;宝石
lazuli [ˈlæzjʊli] n. 杂青金石 short for lapis lazuli; a bright blue stone, used in jewellery
jetlag [ˈdʒɛtˌlæɡ]n. 时差(感);长途高速飞行后的生理节奏失调和疲乏烦躁感
incidentally [͵ɪnsəˋdɛnt!ɪ] adv. 顺便提一句 apart from the main subject; parenthetically
bore [bor] n. 令人厌烦的人 a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person
cinnamon [ˋsɪnəmən] n. 肉桂
divine [dəˋvaɪn] adj.【口】极好的 heavenly; perfect
in-flight 飞行途中提供的; 飞行中的,飞行过程中的
right up one’s alley 正合口味;正合某人的口味 If something is right up your alley, it suits you perfectly.
alley [ˋælɪ] n. 小巷,胡同;后街; 【美】正合某人的胃口; 非常适合某人
clubbing [ˋklʌbɪŋ] n. 去夜总会;参加夜总会活动
chain [tʃen] n. 枷锁,镣铐
stiff [stɪf] n.(手足等)僵直的,僵硬的
Sentence of the Day
Vanessa is keen to wet her whistle!
Santiago, Chile Travel Tips - Things to See and Do in Santiago, Chile