Airport Theft: Don’t Become a Victim 勿成为机场窃案的受害者
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年11月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:425
Remember the good old days of air travel when passengers had the right to lock their own luggage? As a consequence of the September 11 terrorist attacks, those days are a fading memory.
As part of its efforts to beef up national security, the U.S. Congress recently passed legislation on requiring the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to inspect all luggage for explosives. TSA, in turn, has requested passengers to leave their luggage unlocked. Although this policy has the laudable objective of preventing bombs from getting onto airplanes, it has resulted in an increase of airport theft. There were 6,700 complaints filed with TSA in the first six months of this new policy. Part of the problem has been TSA’s failure to complete background checks for all of its 22,000 new airport workers. Disturbingly, eighty-five felons were fired, only to be dismissed later on when their criminal records came to light.
On top of all that, procedures at airports have been thrown into chaos because of the screening mandate. At some airports, inspection is done within view of passengers, while at others it is not. In either case, it is passengers who must endure the headache of more time spent in airports. Ah, the good old days.
beef up 增强,加强
inspect [ɪnˋspɛkt] v. 检查;审查
explosive [ɪkˋsplosɪv] n. 爆炸物;炸药
laudable [ˋlɔdəb!] adj.【正式】值得称赞[赞美]的
file [faɪl] v. 提出(申请等);提起(诉讼等)
background check 背景调查
disturbingly [dɪ`stɝbɪŋlɪ] adv. 令人不安地
felon [ˋfɛlən] n.【法律】重罪犯
dismiss [dɪsˋmɪs] v. 免……的职;解雇;开除
come to light 暴露, 真相大白 be revealed or disclosed
screening [ˋskrinɪŋ] n.(用筛子)筛过;审查
mandate [ˋmændet] n. 命令,指令
Sentence of the Day
Some of the new employees are in cahoots with each other.
cahoots [kəˋhuts] n. 与…合伙; 与…共谋[勾结]
You are on your dream vacation and things are going great – until you discover valuables are missing from your luggage. What can you do? The answer to that question is a little murky.
Airlines say they are only liable for lost or damaged luggage, not for stolen property. Meanwhile, TSA has been accepting claims for stolen items, but has so far settled very few claims. Both parties admit that they are presently negotiating how to allocate liability for stolen goods. Accordingly, passengers who have been ripped off are being advised to file a claim with both their airline and TSA.
What can travelers do to prevent theft in the first place? The most sensible thing is to place all valuables in carry-on luggage. American rap star Lil’Kim learned his hard lesson when US$250,000 in jewelry stolen from her baggage was found in the locker of a J.F.K. Airport security employee.
Another preventive measure is to purchase supplemental insurance from a private insurance carrier. To ensure that you have the necessary information to file a claim, make an itemized list of everything in your luggage, including complete descriptions and replacement costs. By taking precautionary measures, your dream vacation may not become the opportunity for a five-finger discount.
-by William F. Levings
murky [ˋmɝkɪ] adj. 含糊的,暧昧的
liable [ˋlaɪəb!] adj. 负有法律责任的,有义务的
allocate [ˋælə͵ket] v. 分派;分配
liability [͵laɪəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 责任,义务
accordingly [əˋkɔrdɪŋlɪ] adv. 因此;于是
rip off【俚】偷窃; 抢劫; 夜盗(商店等)
sensible [ˋsɛnsəb!] adj.【尤英】明智的﹐合理的﹐实际的
learn one’s lesson 汲取教训
supplemental [ˌsʌplə'mentəl] adj. 附加的; 补充的
itemize [ˋaɪtəm͵aɪz] v. 分条列述;详细列举
precautionary [prɪˋkɔʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj. 预先警戒的;小心的
five-finger discount【俚】【婉】商店行窃;商店顺手牵羊 stealing, theft or pilferage
Sentence of the Day
There are a few rotten apples out there.
rotten apples 坏蛋, 害群之马