The Royal Game of Chess 西洋棋:王者之戏
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年6月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:403
The origins of chess are lost in the shadows of the pass. It is known that by about A.D. 500, people in India were playing a game called chaturanga which likely inspired the spread of chess across Persia, China, and – following the tenth-century Moorish invasion of Spain – Europe. Following nearly a millennium during which the names and movement of pieces varied somewhat, but overall changed remarkably little, chess reached its modern form in Italy at the end of the fifteenth century.
Chess, with such pieces as the king, queen, bishop, knight, castle, and pawn, symbolizes a medieval battlefield. With its unique demands of mathematical analysis, risk assessment, and strategy, chess has been described as a mental martial art. Traditionally, it was noblemen who played chess to sharpen their wits and sense of military strategy. The game still echoes the military practice of time past, as chess opponents offer no quarter whatsoever to the enemy during battle, yet temper their ruthlessness by adhering strictly to the rules of engagement.
Today, anyone can play. But it’s still strategies, predictions, strikes, and counter strikes which serve to capture an opponent’s pieces on the eight-by-eight black-and –white board that represents the archaic battlefields of centuries past.
chess [tʃɛs] n. 西洋棋
in the shadows of 在…阴影的笼罩下
Moorish [ˋmʊrɪʃ] adj. 摩尔人的;摩尔文化的
invasion [ɪnˋveʒən] n. 入侵,侵略
millennium [mɪˋlɛnɪəm] n. 1000年﹐千年期
bishop [ˋbɪʃəp] n.(西洋棋的)象,主教棋子(相当于中国象棋的象)
pawn [pɔn] n.(国际象棋中的)兵,卒
symbolize [ˋsɪmb!͵aɪz] v. 象征,标志
medieval [͵mɪdɪˋivəl] adj. 中世纪的;中古风的
assessment [əˋsɛsmənt] n. 评价﹐估计
echo [ˋɛko] v. 模仿; 仿效; (态度、观点或说法的)重复,附和
quarter [ˋkwɔrtɚ] n.(对敌人的)宽恕,饶命
no… whatsoever 丝毫不, 一点…也没有, 没有任何…
temper [ˋtɛmpɚ] v.【正式】使缓和
ruthlessness [ˋruθlɪsnɪs] n. 无情;冷酷;残忍
adhere [ədˋhɪr] v. 遵守;坚持[(+to)]
engagement [ɪnˋgedʒmənt] n. 交战;战斗
archaic [ɑrˋkeɪk] adj. 古代的,古老的
Sentence of the Day
Chess is a battle of wits.
The objective of chess is to trap your opponent’s king so that it is under attack, or in check, and may not move without being captured; this winning condition is called checkmate. A player faced with certain defeat my resign rather than face the ignobility of checkmate. Under special conditions, a game of chess may end in a tie known as a stalemate.
Each chess piece moves in a unique way. Castles, also called rooks, may move any number of squares and capture pieces along a straight line, and bishops do the same, but along diagonal lines. The queen is the most powerful piece because it moves and captures like the castle and bishop combined. Likewise, the king may move and capture in any direction, but may only move one square per turn. Pawns are unusual because they may move forward only one square each turn, yet must capture in a diagonally forward direction. Most unusual of all, knights move three squares in any direction in an L-shape and do not capture the pieces they over. This eccentric movement makes the knight an unpredictable, deadly piece.
Chess can be confusing at first, but with practice, you’ll be plotting your opponent’s downfall in no time.
trap [træp] v. 设陷阱捕捉
in check(象棋中)(敌方主帅)处于被将军地位
checkmate [ˋtʃɛkˋmet] v. & n.〔国际象棋中的〕将军﹐将死〔王棋被将死的位置〕
resign [rɪˋzaɪn] v. 放弃,辞去
ignobility [͵ɪgnoˋbɪlətɪ] n. 卑贱,不体面; 可耻
stalemate [ˋstel͵met] n.〔国际象棋的〕和棋
rook [rʊk] n.〔国际象棋中的〕车
diagonal [daɪˋægən!] adj. 对角线的; 斜的;斜纹的
eccentric [ɪkˋsɛntrɪk] adj.〔行为或装束〕怪异的﹐古怪的
deadly [ˋdɛdlɪ] adj. 致命的
plot [plɑt] v. 密谋,策划
downfall [ˋdaʊn͵fɔl] n. 垮台, 陷落
in no time 很快;立即 almost instantly; immediately.
Sentence of the Day
In chess, if you paint yourself into a corner, the game is over.
paint oneself into a corner 使自己陷入困境
Kevin and Jenny, a novice, are playing a game of chess: 凯文和珍妮正在下西洋棋,珍妮是个生手:
K: Remember, chess has three distinct phases: the opening, middlegame, and endgame. In the opening, we tried to control the middle of the board.
J: Right. So I got out my strong pieces and tried to dominate the middle.
K: But you exposed your queen too soon, so I captured her. In the opening, you should try to advance with knights and pawns, but hold back your queen.
J: OK, but I think you just got lucky there.
K: There’s absolutely no luck in chess – both sides start exactly equal.
J: I know … I was kidding. My offensive must be working because I’ve captured six of your pieces.
K: But they’re all pawns, which are much less valuable than the pieces I’ve captured. And now your king is in check.
J: Damn! That’s OK. I can block your check while I line up my coup de grâce!
K: Now, we’re moving into the endgame. In the endgame, the king becomes important for offense and your pawns are mostly trying to get to the opposite side of the board.
J: Because if my pawn reaches your end, it becomes any piece, right?
K: Any piece at all.
J: Well, here I go then.
K: Not a chance: checkmate.
-by Nick Wheeler
novice [ˋnɑvɪs] n. 新手,初学者
dominate [ˋdɑmə͵net] v. 支配,控制
expose [ɪkˋspoz] v. 使暴露于
advance [ədˋvæns] v. 前进;向前移动
hold back 储备; 保留
offensive [əˋfɛnsɪv] n. 进攻,攻势
line up(使)整队
coup de grâce 【法】致命之一击;任何最后(或决定性)之一击 the blow that kills
offense [əˋfɛns] n. 进攻,攻击
Sentence of the Day
“Beginner’s luck” does not apply to chess.
beginner’s luck 新手的好运气