Invisible Cities 看不见的城市
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年1月27日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:447
In the thirteenth century, the young Italian adventure, Marco Polo, traveled from Venice, Italy to Beijing, China. Here he met the Mongol emperor, Kublai Khan. This much is history. But those places in Central Asia which Polo traveled through along the legendary Silk Road – Persia, Afghanistan, Yarkand, Khotan – seem to us like the stuff of dreams, impossible to fully imagine. They are not only faraway and exotic, but also buried in the desert sands of a ghostly past.
In his fanciful novel Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino presents the aged emperor as a man who, perhaps like us, longs to experience first-hand these fantastic desert lands. The emperor is sad because he will never have a chance to visit the far-flung cities of his vast empire. He possesses them, and yet he cannot really possess them. He cannot see, smell, hear, touch, or taste them. They remain “invisible” to him; he can only try to imagine them. Therefore, he asks the young explorer to tell him what they are like because Polo has visited them all.
Many passages in the novel present Calvino’s beautiful, highly poetic descriptions of these otherworldly cities – “hidden treasures” of memory and desire, of signs and eyes, of death and the sky. These purely imaginative passages alternate with the dialogues between Polo and the Khan. But these two men do not speak the same language, and thus it is difficult for the traveler to clearly communicate to the emperor the sounds and scents, the actual “feel” of these incredible places.
Mongol [ˋmɑŋgəl] adj. 蒙古人的
Kublai Khan 忽必烈(元世祖)
much [mʌtʃ] pron. 重要的事物;了不起的事物 something great or remarkable
Persia [ˋpɝʒə] n. 波斯(现在伊朗的古名)
Afghanistan [æfˋgænə͵stæn] n. 阿富汗
Yarkand 莎车(中国新疆西部城市,等于Shache,Yarkend)
Khotan 和阗(和田)
exotic [ɛgˋzɑtɪk] adj. 异国情调的;奇特的 not native; introduced from abroad; foreign
fanciful [ˋfænsɪfəl] adj. 富于幻想的;想象的 created in the fancy; unreal
far-flung [ˋfɑrˋflʌŋ] adj. 分布广的; 散至远处的 remote; distant
possess [pəˋzɛs] v. 拥有,持有
otherworldly [ˋʌðɚˋwɝldlɪ] adj. 超俗的﹐ 超脱尘世的 of or relating to the spiritual or imaginative world
passage [ˋpæsɪdʒ] n.(文章,乐曲等的)一段,一节
alternate [ˋɔltɚnɪt] v. 使交替,使轮流[(+with)]
Invisible Cities explores the problem of language and communication. With the Khan, Marco Polo could express himself only with “gestures, leaps, cries of wonder and of horror, animal barkings or hootings, or with objects he took from his knapsacks – ostrich plumes, pea-shooters, quartzes …” Calvino means that Polo’s cries and concrete objects, which come from the cities themselves, can express the “sense” of these cities better than words ever could. Calvino suggests that it’s impossible for people to completely communicate their feelings to anyone. Perhaps laughter and tears communicate more forcefully than words, which are too abstract to express our actual feelings.
The Khan’s very desire and ambition to “possess” all his empire by “seeing” these cities is itself not realistic at all. We can only directly experience specific sensations; we cannot “know” or “possess” entire cities or kingdoms. Polo tries in vain to tell the Khan this. The emperor begins to imagine that “If each city is like a game of chess, the day when I have learned the rules, I shall finally possess my empire.” When the two play chess, the Khan sees the chessboard as a map of his territory. Polo, however, points to the board and speaks lovingly of the old tree from which it came.
The futility of trying to make fully “concrete” our beautiful and complex imagination is closely tied, in the novel, to our sense of the shortness of all human experience. Just as the Khan’s attempts to grasp his empire are all in vain, so are our attempts to grasp the past: all we can hold onto is a handful of dust.
-by Frank Stevenson
barking [ˋbɑrkɪŋ] n. 吠声
hooting [ˋhutɪŋ] n. 猫头鹰叫声 the sound of a hoot, or the occasion of producing this sound
knapsack [ˋnæp͵sæk] n.(士兵或徒步旅行者用的)背包 abag made of sturdy material and furnished with shoulder straps, designed for carrying articles such as camping supplies on the back
ostrich [ˋɑstrɪtʃ] n. 驼鸟
plume [plum] n. 羽毛 a feather, especially a large and showy one
pea-shooter [ˋpi͵ʃutɚ] n. 豆枪; 射豆枪〔一种儿童用来吹射豆子等的玩具枪〕
quartz [kwɔrts] n.【矿】石英
concrete [ˋkɑnkrit] adj. 具体的 of or relating to an actual, specific thing or instance
abstract [ˋæbstrækt] adj. 抽象的
very [ˋvɛrɪ] adj. 完全的,十足的 sheer; utter
sensation [sɛnˋseʃən] n. 感觉
in vain 徒劳; 无结果的 to no avail; without success
lovingly [ˋlʌvɪŋlɪ] adv. 亲切地; 深情地
futility [fjuˋtɪlətɪ] n. 无益,徒劳 lack of effectiveness or success
shortness [ˋʃɔrtnɪs] n. 短小;不足
grasp [græsp] v. 抓牢;握紧