Shall We Dance? Meeting for Beginners 新手上场:开会ABC
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年8月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:547
A meeting is like a dance: Success requires the finesse to maneuver successfully, and a knowledge of decorum to avoid stepping on someone’s toes.
The meeting’s chaperone is “the chair. “ He or she is there to enforce rules designed to keep the boardroom from descending into a rabble of argument. At the schedule time, “the chair” calls the meeting to order and invites discussion on each point of business on the agenda. In this way, the agenda is something like a dance card: each item is ticked off as the meeting rolls along.
Just as cutting in at a dance can inspire rancor. Likewise, interrupting somebody at a meeting is bad form. Only one person at a time may speak; one must ask the chair for permission to speak, or “take the floor.” However, this permission is tempered by the chair’s privilege of cutting that speaker off should they digress.
If a motion to vote is presented, someone will be asked to second – or endorse – the motion. Often the chair has the privilege of casting the deciding vote in the event of a tie. The secretary counts the raised hands indicating “aye” and “nay,” and also counts the wallflowers: those who simply observe the dance floor, or abstain from voting.
-by Sandra Walker
finesse [fəˋnɛs] n. 技巧;手段;手腕
maneuver [məˋnuvɚ] v. 巧妙地操纵(或处理)
decorum [dɪˋkorəm] n.【正式】端庄得体﹐ 有礼
chaperone [ˈʃæpəˌron] n.(尤指儿童表演时的)保护人;监护人
boardroom [ˋbord͵rum] n. 会议室
descend [dɪˋsɛnd] v. 屈尊;堕落[(+to)]
rabble [ˋræb!] n. 乌合之众;乱民;暴民
agenda [əˋdʒɛndə] n.〔会议的〕议程
tick off 用记号勾出 to mark with a tick
rancor [ˋræŋkɚ] n.【正式】积怨﹐ 深仇
at a time 依次, 逐一, 每次
take the floor 起立发言或演讲 to rise to deliver a formal speech, as to an assembly
floor [flor] n.(会议上的)发言权
temper [ˋtɛmpɚ] v.【正式】使缓和; 使容易接受
privilege [ˋprɪv!ɪdʒ] n.(议会内部享有的言论自由等)议会特权
digress [daɪˋgrɛs] v.【正式】〔说话或写作时〕偏离主题﹐转移话题
motion [ˋmoʃən] n.(会议上的)动议,提议
second [ˋsɛkənd] v. 支持,赞同
tie [taɪ] n. 得分相等,平手
aye [aɪ] n. 赞成票;投赞成票者;肯定的回答
nay [ne] n. 反对票;投反对票的人
wallflower [ˋwɔl͵flaʊɚ] n.【非正式】壁花〔譬喻在聚会﹑舞会中没被邀请跳舞或参加活动的人〕
abstain [əbˋsten] v. 弃权﹐ 不投票[(+from)]
Sentence of the Day
There's method to this madness.
there's a method to somebody's madness: something that you say which means that although someone seems to be behaving strangely, there is a reason for their behavior
Patty meets Roger, her office colleague, by the water machine after a meeting in their government department: 派蒂和同事罗吉都是公职人员,一场会议之后他们在服务单位的饮水机旁边碰面了:
P: Hi, Roger. Steaming mug of green tea will beat SARS, huh?
R: So they say. Speaking of SARS, how’s that meeting of the department’s SARS Action Committee go?
P: Well, it was a bit of a mess. First, a number of committee members didn’t receive the memorandum about changing the meeting time, so we almost couldn’t call the meeting to order.
R: It’s unusual for a committee to be in absence of a quorum?
P: Yeah, but some last minute calling got just enough members there. After reading the minutes of the last meeting, the first item on the agenda was the vote we had postponed.
R: The proposal you couldn’t agree on last meeting? Did it go to a vote and deadlock this time?
P: Nearly. At one point, I had the floor and this other member – who shall remain nameless – kept interrupting me. Arrgh, you’d think he hadn’t read Robert’s Rules of Order.
R: The chair must have called him to order, though?
P: Yeah. The proposal still would’ve tied, but the chair used its casting vote in favor of the proposal.
R: What was the proposal, anyways?
P: Free green tea. Otherwise, you’d be paying for that hot mug.
-by Iain Ferguson
mug [mʌg] n.(有柄)大杯子;一大杯的量
memorandum [͵mɛməˋrændəm] n.【正式】公务便条
quorum [ˋkwɔrəm] n. 法定最低人数
minute [ˋmɪnɪt] n. 会议记录
postpone [postˋpon] v. 使延期,延迟
proposal [prəˋpoz!] n. 建议,提议;提案
agree on 就...取得一致意见, 商定
deadlock [ˋdɛd͵lɑk] v. 陷入僵局,停顿
casting vote 决定票(赞成票和反对票相等时,主持会议者所投的决定性一票)
Sentence of the Day
You must mind your p's and q's at a meeting.
mind one’s p's and q's 谨言慎行