Bringing the People to Journalism 人人都是新闻记者
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年2月17日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:448
Camera photos are transforming journalism. Capturing the ephemeral, whimsical moment, they have inspired a form of grassroots photo-reportage. Photo series like My dog, Jane’s new hairdo are now the stuff of internet photo traffic. Yesterday’s “bloggers,” Internet diarists, are becoming today’s “mobloggers,” illustrating their work with photos taken by – and transmitted to the Internet by – mobile phones.
The people are coming to journalism. Even the mundane tells a story when shared with loved ones. But Camera photos break hard news too. A truck driver in Japan used his phone to relay video and commentary to a public broadcaster, breaking a national news story about a tragic highway pile up.
Blogs were used by news media in the Iraq War. It seems only a matter of time before a major global story will be broken online by a moblogger who happened to be in the right place at the right time.
How will such amateurs affect professional newsgathering? Some envisage extensive access to and archiving of eyewitness photos. Others say the media will always require professionals. Still others complain that mobile picture quality remains inadequate. But with camera photo image quality improving all the time, the line between amateur and professional is sure to become even blurrier in the future.
journalism [ˋdʒɝn!͵ɪzm] n. 新闻工作;新闻业
ephemeral [ɪˋfɛmərəl] adj. 短暂流行的; 只重要一时的
whimsical [ˋhwɪmzɪk!] adj. 怪诞的,古怪的
grassroots [ˋgræsˋruts] adj. 基层的,一般民众的;来自民间的
reportage [rɛpɔrˋtɑʒ] n. 实地报导
hairdo [ˋhɛr͵du] n.【口】(尤指女子)发式,发型
traffic [ˋtræfɪk] n. 交往,交流
diarist [ˋdaɪərɪst] n. 日记作者〔尤指日后发表日记的人〕
moblogger 行动部落格家
illustrate [ˋɪləstret] v. 作为例证说明〔事实〕; 说明,阐明
mundane [ˋmʌnden] adj. 平凡的; 平淡的; 乏味的
break [brek] v. 透露;说出
hard news 重要新闻
relay [rɪˋle] v. 转播
commentary [ˋkɑmən͵tɛrɪ] n. 实况报导
pile up (指若干辆车)互相碰撞, (尤指)连环碰撞 Informal to undergo a serious vehicular collision
amateur [ˋæmə͵tʃʊr] n.(科学,艺术,运动等的)业余从事者
newsgathering 新闻采访 of, relating to, or involving the research and reportage of news
envisage [ɪnˋvɪzɪdʒ] v. 展望; 设想
archive [ˋɑrkaɪv] v. 把……存档;把……收集归档
blurry [ˋblɝɪ] adj. 模糊的
Sentence of the Day
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Jack, a journalist, and Cynthia, a moblogger, chat at a moblogging conference in Tokyo: 新闻记者杰克和行动部落格辛西亚在东京的行动部落格大会里交谈:
C: Camera phones have been all the rage here since their introduction in 2000. No wonder there are so many people here.
J: Yeah. An industry source told me nine out of ten cell photos shipped to Japan in 2003 were camera photos.
C: I bet. They’re such fun. And they’ll soon be indispensable in workplaces.
J: Sure. An insurance assessor is sent out to investigate, say, a car accident. He simply aims his camera at the accident, phones his office, and his company will be able to view the damage immediately.
C: In a similar situation, they could be lifesavers too. Ambulances could receive photos of casualties on the way to the accident, expediting diagnoses and saving lives.
J: You’re a veritable futurologist, Cynthia.
C: What people really want is a Dick Tracy wristwatch-camera-phones with all the bells and whistles.
J: You said it. Tracy had a “two-way wrist computer” in the 1990 movie.
C: So life still hasn’t imitated art?
J: Oh, but art imitates life beautifully, doesn’t it? Before you came over, I took this picture of you talking to the elegant Japanese lady over there. You’re all reverence, and charm.
C: That’s my boss. If I don’t seem reverent, I don’t get paid.
-by Mark Rawsom
all the rage 风行一时 to be very fashionable
indispensable [͵ɪndɪsˋpɛnsəb!] adj. 必不可少的,必需的
assessor [əˋsɛsɚ] n. 财产估价人
lifesaver [ˋlaɪf͵sevɚ] n.【口】救急的人(或物)
casualty [ˋkæʒjʊəltɪ] n.(事故、灾难等的)死者;伤者;受害人
expedite [ˋɛkspɪ͵daɪt] v. 迅速执行;促进
veritable [ˋvɛrətəb!] adj. 【正式】名副其实的
futurologist [͵fjutʃəˋrɔlədʒɪst] n. 未来学研究者
bells and whistles 特别的配备; 特殊部分或性能
you said it【口】真是这样; 千真万确
imitate [ˋɪmə͵tet] v. 模仿
reverence [ˋrɛvərəns] n. 敬爱,崇敬;敬畏
reverent [ˋrɛvərənt] adj. 恭敬的,虔诚的
Sentence of the Day
Camera phones will help professionals get the picture in the future.
get the picture 了解情况; 【口】明白; 理解