Feathered Friends Who Love to Chat 色彩缤纷的好朋友:鹦鹉
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年3月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:321
When most people consider getting a pet, cats, dogs, and goldfish immediately spring to mind. But only one creature, which is often overlooked, has the ___1___ to speak back to its owners in human language. It’s our miraculous fine feathered friend, the parrot.
1. |
(A) resistance |
(B) document |
(C) insistence |
(D) capacity |
With their long, curved beaks and rainbow-colored feathers, these exotic birds initially caught people’s eye back in ancient times. ___2___, people would pluck their feathers and use them in religious ceremonies or as decorations. But once people realized parrots’ intelligence, they began keeping them as pets.
2. |
(A) In consequence |
(B) At first |
(C) In addition |
(D) To sum up |
In total, there are over 350 parrot species and most possess a ___3___ intellect. African Grey Parrots can understand thousands of spoken commands and can even form basic sentences. One gifted example, named N’kisi, even learned to speak ___4___ the correct tense. In scientific studies, Kea Parrots demonstrated the ability to solve puzzles and operate basic tools.
3. |
(A) fatal |
(B) loyal |
(C) keen |
(D) stingy |
4. |
(A) using |
(B) used |
(C) to use |
(D) and using |
As a result of their incredible brain power and linguistic talents, parrots always seem to be popping up in the media. In 2008, Yosuke, a stray parrot in Japan, managed to talk its way home. After it was captured by an animal clinic, the clever bird started ___5___ its name and address. Recently, a South American parrot named Lorenzo also made ___6___ when he was arrested for helping drug dealers escape from the law. When the police ___7___ to bust the dealers at their hideout, Lorenzo warned them, “Run, run, or the cat will get you!” Although parrots may occasionally ruffle some feathers, these talented birds have proven time and again that they’re the Einsteins of the animal kingdom.
5. |
(A) repeating |
(B) composing |
(C) exchanging |
(D) translating |
6. |
(A) outlooks |
(B) headlines |
(C) identities |
(D) impressions |
7. |
(A) gave in |
(B) turned out |
(C) showed up |
(D) took off |
-by Jamie Blackler
creature [ˋkritʃɚ] n. 生物;动物
overlook [͵ovɚˋlʊk] v. 看漏;忽略
miraculous [mɪˋrækjələs] adj. 神奇的
parrot [ˋpærət] n. 鹦鹉
beak [bik] n. 鸟嘴
exotic [ɛgˋzɑtɪk] adj. 外来的;外国产的
pluck [plʌk] v. 拔……的毛
decoration [͵dɛkəˋreʃən] n. 装饰物,装饰品
intelligence [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns] n. 智力; 理解力
keen [kin] adj. 敏锐的,敏捷的
intellect [ˋɪnt!͵ɛkt] n. 智力
command [kəˋmænd] n. 命令
gifted [ˋgɪftɪd] adj. 有天资的,有天赋的
tense [tɛns] n.(动词的)时态
linguistic [lɪŋˋgwɪstɪk] adj. 语言的
stray [stre] adj. 迷路的,走失的
drug dealer 毒品贩子﹐ 贩毒者
bust [bʌst] v. 逮捕;搜查
hideout [ˈhaɪdˌaʊt] n. 隐匿处 a place of shelter or concealment
ruffle [ˋrʌf!] v. 弄绉;弄毛糙
More Information
spring to mind 突然想到 to appear suddenly or immediately in your thoughts
catch one’s eye 某事引起某人的注意 to attract one’s attention
pop up 出现, 发生(尤指出乎意料) appear suddenly or unexpectedly
show up 出现, 露面 to put in an appearance; arrive
ruffle someone’s feathers 冒犯或激怒某人 to irritate or annoy someone
time and again 屡次 very often
Einstein the bird
Bird Intelligence: The New Zealand Kea
Parrot almost becomes jailbird after drug bust
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( A ) |
5. ( A ) |
6. ( B ) |
7. ( C ) |