Shakespeare’s Globe: A Theater For All 伟大的艺术殿堂:莎士比亚环球剧院
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年4月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月18日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:295
For the elites and the poor alike, a trip to the theater in early-16th-century London was guaranteed to be a wild and wonderful experience. If you were heading to the Globe Theater to catch William Shakespeare’s latest play, it would need to have been a fine, dry afternoon because the famous amphitheatre had no lighting and no roof above the stage. ___1___ The whole event could get pretty wild, too, as people often drank, jeered, argued, and fought. After the performance, there might even be some bear baiting or cock fighting to entertain the spectators.
___2___ The round, open-air theater got the nickname the “Wooden O,” and staged many of the Bard’s play. Inside, the stage was surrounded by a standing area. People who watched from the “pit” paid a penny for their tickets. ___3___ Flying above the Globe, a colored flag would indicate what play would be performed that day: a black flag for tragedy, white for comedy, or red for historical drama.
环球剧院在1599年开张,莎士比亚也是拥有人之一。开张时即造成立即轰动。这栋圆形的开放式剧场常被昵称为Wooden O,上演多出莎士比亚剧作。剧场中,舞台由站立区围绕,站立区也称作「池子」,人们花一分钱即可在此区观戏。有座位的回廊票价则较贵,多半坐着有钱人。剧院上方立了根彩旗说明今日演出戏码:黑色表示悲剧;白色表示喜剧;而红色表示历史剧。
___4___ Although it was quickly reconstructed, it would not last. In 1642, the Puritans shut down the theater, and it was torn down two years later. Not until 1997 was the legendary Globe Theatre rebuilt, designed to look as close to the original as possible. ___5___ However, you might have to pay more than a penny to get in – and there won’t be any bear baiting!
-by Alice Davis
(A) The seated galleries were more expensive, accommodating the higher classes.
(B) There’d be no sets either, the actors signaled scene changes in their speeches.
(C) Due to a major prop malfunction in 1613 –a cannon set fire to the Globe’s thatched roof above galleries – the playhouse burned to the ground.
(D) So, theatergoers today can enjoy Shakespeare’s play just as people did over 400 years ago.
(E) The original Globe, part-owned by Shakespeare himself, opened in 1599, and it was an immediate success.
guarantee [͵gærənˋti] v. 保证
amphitheatre [`æmfəˏɵɪətɚ} n. 圆形露天剧场[竞技场] (= amphitheater)
set [sɛt] n.(舞台)布景 the scenery constructed for a theatrical performance
signal [ˋsɪgn!] v. 发信号
jeer [dʒɪr] v. 嘲笑,弄
spectator [spɛkˋtetɚ] n.(比赛等的)观众
pit [pɪt] n.(剧场)楼下正厅(尤指后座)Chiefly British the ground floor of a theater behind the stalls
prop [prɑp] n. 道具
thatched [θætʃt] adj. 茅草盖的
Puritan [ˋpjʊrətn] n. 清教徒
theatergoer [ˋθɪətɚ͵goɚ] n. 经常看戏的人;爱看戏的人
More Information
bear baiting 斗熊 an entertainment in which dogs attacked and enraged a chained bear
shut down 关闭 cease to operate or cause to cease operating
tear down 拆掉, 拆毁 to demolish
Wooden O
Shakespeare's Globe - Laser Scan by apr services
Shakespeare's Globe theatre London July 27 2011
1. ( B ) |
2. ( E ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( C ) |
5. ( D ) |