The Fire of Flamenco Ole,来一曲佛朗明哥!
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年3月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月31日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:422
The dancer elegantly spins on the spot, sensuously twisting and sweeping her arms around her body. At the same time, she vigorously stamps her feet, sending out rattling bursts of sound. Captivated by her spirited display, the audience spurs her on by clapping to the beat. This is the passionate spectacle of flamenco. In terms of sheer intensity and expression, few art forms compare.
Though the singular style of flamenco makes it instantly recognizable to us, the dance’s earliest origins are cloaked in mystery. Flamenco is unique to the Spanish region of Andalusia, but over the centuries, gypsy, Arabic, Jewish and North African settlers all brought their distinct cultures to the region. This diverse fusion of influences gave rise to the spectacular and bold dance form that we know and love today.
While most people associate flamenco with dancing, the word also refers to the musical genre itself, performed by a singer and, usually, a guitarist. In fact, flamenco music is said to have given rise to the dance. During a show, the dancer is always accompanied by flamenco singers. With a strong emphasis on rhythm over melody, the passionate performance of the songs goes hand-in-hand with the forceful energy and powerful emotion of the dance. Rhythm is incredibly important to the flamenco artists and, for them, it cannot be counted; it must be felt.
The guitar provides the percussion throughout, and it is the guitarist and the singer who get things started. Only once the dancers have a feel for the song do they begin, matching their movements perfectly to the mood of the music.
elegantly [ˋɛləgəntlɪ] adv. 优美地
twist [twɪst] v. 旋转
vigorously [ˋvɪgərəslɪ] adv. 有力地
audience [ˋɔdɪəns] n. 听众,观众
passionate [ˋpæʃənɪt] adj. 热情的;热烈的,激昂的
spectacle [ˋspɛktək!] n. 壮观的场面[景象]
intensity [ɪnˋtɛnsətɪ] n.(思想、感情、活动等的)强烈
origin [ˋɔrədʒɪn] n. 起源;由来
mystery [ˋmɪstərɪ] n. 谜; 神秘的事物
associate [əˋsoʃɪɪt] v. 把……联想在一起[+with]
refer to 意指; 谈到, 提及 suggest as meaning
perform [pɚˋfɔrm] v. 表演
emphasis [ˋɛmfəsɪs] n. 强调,重视
rhythm [ˋrɪðəm] n. 节奏;韵律
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sensuously [ˋsɛnʃʊəslɪ] adv. 感觉上
rattling [ˋrætlɪŋ] adj. 发嘎嘎声的
captivate [ˋkæptə͵vet] v. 迷住﹐吸引
spur someone on 鼓舞, 鞭策, 激励 to encourage someone
spur [spɝ] v. 激励
clap [klæp] v. 拍(手)
flamenco [fləˋmɛŋko] n.〔西班牙〕佛朗明哥舞
singular [ˋsɪŋgjəlɚ] adj. 非凡的,卓越的
cloak [klok] v. 掩盖,掩饰[(+with/in)]
gypsy [ˋdʒɪpsɪ] n. 吉普赛人
diverse [daɪˋvɝs] adj. 多种多样的;多变化的
give rise to 引起 to cause something to exist
spectacular [spɛkˋtækjəlɚ] adj. 壮观的;壮丽的
genre [ˋʒɑnrə] n.【正式】〔艺术﹑写作﹑音乐等的〕类型﹐体裁
accompany [əˋkʌmpənɪ] v. 陪同,伴随
percussion [pɚˋkʌʃən] n. 撞击声; 振动
throughout [θruˋaʊt] prep. 从头到尾 through the whole of some specified period or area
With improvisation at the heart of flamenco dancing tradition, performers are free to explode into spontaneous movement, thus making it rawer, sexier, and more instinctive than conventional, choreographed styles of dance. As the dancers lose themselves in the wild heat of the movement, stamping their feet to an ever-faster beat, onlookers clap their hands together and shout winning cries of “ole!”
Equally as distinctive as the dance are the costumes of flamenco. The classic image is that of a woman wearing her hair in a bun, a black dress with many ruffled layers, and high-heeled shoes. Her only adornments are a red rose behind her ear and perhaps a red scarf. For men, a white shirt, black suit, and broad-brimmed black hat are standard. Some forms of flamenco also feature the use of castanets: small, shell-shaped, wooden instruments held in each hand. Castanets are clicked together to create a rhythmical, percussive sound that complements the dance.
If you want to catch an authentic performance, the best place, of course, is Andalusia. Each summer, the towns of the region stage flamenco festivals where the drama can be appreciated, in its truest form, underneath the moonlit sky. But, if you can’t get to Spain, flamenco troupes are always touring, wowing audiences around the world. While it might not strictly be the real thing, watching a staged show such as this or a famous opera like Carmen is still an excellent way to experience all the emotion, flair, and passion of the flamenco.
−by James Laughton-Smith & Alice Davis
explode [ɪkˋsplod] v. 爆发,突发,迸发[(+in/into/with)]
spontaneous [spɑnˋtenɪəs] adj. 自发的﹐自动的; 一时冲动的
movement [ˋmuvmənt] n. 动作
raw [rɔ] adj. 处于自然状态的
instinctive [ɪnˋstɪŋktɪv] adj.(出于)本能的;(来自)直觉的
distinctive [dɪˋstɪŋktɪv] adj. 与众不同的,有特色的
costume [ˋkɑstjum] n. 服装
layer [ˋleɚ] n. 层
feature [fitʃɚ] v. 以……为特色;是……的特色
complement [ˋkɑmpləmənt] v. 补充,补足;与……相配; (使)〔优点〕显现; 使更具吸引力
authentic [ɔˋθɛntɪk] adj. 真正的; 真实的
appreciate [əˋpriʃɪ͵et] v. 欣赏; 赏识; 鉴赏
underneath [͵ʌndɚˋniθ] prep. 在…下面; 在…底下
strictly [ˋstrɪktlɪ] adv. 严格地
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improvisation [͵ɪmprəvaɪˋzeʃən] n. 即兴演出; 即兴创作
choreograph [ˋkɔrɪə͵græf] v. 设计舞蹈动作﹐编舞
lose oneself in 对…入迷,专注于…
onlooker [ˋɑn͵lʊkɚ] n. 观众;旁观者
ole [oˋle] int. 好;好极了;棒极了
bun [bʌn] n.(女子的)圆发髻
ruffled [ˋrʌf!d] adj. 有褶饰边的
adornment [əˋdɔrnmənt] n. 装饰品
scarf [skɑrf] n. 围巾;披巾
-brimmed [brɪmd](构成形容词)表示"有……边的"
castanet [ˋkæstə͵nɛt] n.【音】(常作复数)响板
rhythmical [ˋrɪðmɪk!] adj. 有节奏的;有韵律的
troupe [trup] n.(演员等的)一团
wow [waʊ] v.【俚】赢得……喝采
flair [flɛr] n.独特的处事风格; 时髦派头; 新奇的创意 distinctive elegance or style
Reading Questions
1. According to the article, what do must people think of when they hear the word “flamenco”?
A. Performers dancing and stamping their feet.
B. Beautiful guitar melodies and Spanish songs.
C. Bright and colorful costumes.
D. People playing castanets and clapping their hands.
2. What is the main role of the guitar in flamenco music?
A. To be played by the dancer during the show.
B. To distract the audience from the stage.
C. To force the performance to end sooner.
D. To keep the beat of the music.
3. Which of the following statements about flamenco is NOT true?
A. Rhythm is more important than melody.
B. Flamenco is a blend of several different styles.
C. No one is sure exactly when flamenco was created.
D. Each part of a flamenco performance is carefully planned.
4. What kind of person is most likely to appreciate a flamenco performance?
A. Someone who enjoys soft, relaxing music.
B. Someone who prefers to watch carefully planned dances.
C. Someone who wants to see an energetic, cultural show.
D. Someone who is interested in modern Spanish music.
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1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( C ) |