Spotlight on Light Painting 闪光灯下新艺术:光影涂鸭
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年11月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年7月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:933
Acrylic, oil and water-based paints, canvas, celluloid film– all are well-known mediums for painting and photography. ___1___ You get light painting, of course.
Light painting involves taking pictures in a dark room, or some other dark location, and moving either a light source or the camera itself to produce lines of light on the finished photograph. ___2___ The first person to use this technique was Man Ray, who in 1935, published a series of photographs called “Space Writing,” ___3___
光影涂鸦包含了在暗室或其它昏暗的地点里拍照,以移动光源或照相机,使完成的照片里产生光的线条。这些光的线条像是某种图案或设计。第一位运用此技术的人是曼.雷,他于1935年发表了一系列名为《Space Writing》的摄影作品。但他的光影涂鸦却直到74年后,在摄影师艾伦.凯莉发现雷的确用小手电筒在他自己的照片上签名时才为人所知。
___4___ One day in 1949, he was visited by Gjon Mili, a pioneer in the world of light painting. Mili showed Picasso his pictures of ice skaters with lights attached to their skates. ___5___ If you’d like to give light painting a try as well, you don’t need much – just a camera, a tripod, a flashlight, and a dark room, and you’re good to go!
-by Joe Henley
(A) Several famous artists have dabbled in light painting over the years, perhaps none more highly-regarded than Pablo Picasso.
(B) This inspired Picasso to pick up a flashlight and draw light images in the air, and led to a series of pictures known as Picasso’s light drawings.
(C) But this was not known until 74 years later, when photographer Ellen Carey discovered that Ray had actually signed his name on the pictures with a penlight.
(D) But what happens when these two means of artistic expression are brought together, and paint is replaced with light?
(E) These lines of lights resemble some sort of image or design.
medium [ˋmidɪəm] n. 介质,媒介; 材料 an agency by which something is accomplished, conveyed, or transferred
photography [fəˋtɑgrəfɪ] n. 照相术,摄影术
a series of 一系列的
pioneer [͵paɪəˋnɪr] n. 先驱者
be attached to 装附上to be meant to fit onto or into something
give something a try 试试.... to make a try at something
highly-regarded 备受好评的 famous, outstanding
expression [ɪkˋsprɛʃən] n. 表现
bring together 把...作结合
resemble [rɪˋzɛmb!] v. 像,类似
More Information
acrylic [əˋkrɪlɪk] n. 丙烯酸涂料; 压克力颜料
canvas [ˋkænvəs] n. 油画布
celluloid [ˋsɛlju͵lɔɪd] film 赛璐珞胶卷 a thin flexible sheet of celluloid, coated with a sensitized emulsion of gelatin, and used as a substitute for photographic plates
tripod [ˋtraɪpɑd] n. 三脚架
dabble [ˋdæb!] in something 涉猎 to be involved in something in a casual manner[(+at/in)]
flashlight [ˋflæʃ͵laɪt] n. 手电筒
penlight [ˋpɛn͵laɪt] n. 小手电筒
Light Painting Tutorial
Light Painting video àMetz
Painting with Light
1. ( D ) |
2. ( E ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( A ) |
5. ( B ) |