Skin – Our Outlet to the World 神奇的皮肤
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2007年4月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年12月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:309
Skin is an amazing thing. Our skin keeps us dry and safe; it can stretch and heal, and it even produces essential vitamins. Without skin, we would literally fall apart! But there is much more to this organ than meets the eye, as Nina Jablonski demonstrates in her new book Skin: A Natural History.
Jablonski, an anthropologist, looks at the history of skin in the context of our collective development as a species. She points out that while most people view our evolution as the development of our growing brains, it was changes in the structure of our skin that made this possible. A big brain generates a lot of heat. As early primates began to develop larger brains, keeping cool became a problem. It didn’t help that these early hominids lived on the hot savannahs of East Africa, and had to spend a lot of time running from predators. Thus, their skin evolved to contain more sweat glands, and less heat-trapping hair.Now that they could regulate body heat through sweating, humans were free to develop vastly larger brains.
But this advancement led to another problem. Early humans’ hair had protected them from the damaging effects of the sun’s rays. With no hair, they were at the mercy of UV radiation. So people’s skin got darker, which helped to minimize the damaging effects of the sun. This, according to Jablonski, is the origin of the range of skin colors we see in the world today.
fall apart〔组织﹑制度等〕崩溃; 瓦解 to break apart where its parts are joined
more than meets the eye 比原想的复杂(或有趣等); 事情并不象外表看到的那样简单 hidden values or facts regarding something
collective [kəˋlɛktɪv] adj. 集体的;共同的
point out 指出, 提出
primate [ˋpraɪmɪt] n. 灵长类动物
predator [ˋprɛdətɚ] n. 食肉动物;掠夺者
regulate [ˋrɛgjə͵let] v. 调节
at the mercy of 任由某人/某事物摆布或控制; 受……所支配;任……处置;在……掌握中 without any protection against
radiation [͵redɪˋeʃən] n. 辐射
minimize [ˋmɪnə͵maɪz] v. 使减到最少,使缩到最小
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anthropologist [͵ænθrəˋpɑlədʒɪst] n. 人类学家
context [ˋkɑntɛkst] n.(事件的)来龙去脉,背景
hominid [ˋhɑmɪnɪd] n. 原始人类
savannah [səˋvænə] n. 大草原
heat-trapping 吸热的;聚热的
now that 既然; 因为; 而今
vastly [ˋvæstlɪ] adv. 非常
Skin performs many vital biological roles. But equally important to these is the social function of skin. Our skin is the medium through which we present ourselves. We consciously use our skin to send messages about who we are, and what we want.
The most obvious example of this is tattooing. This practice goes back thousands of years, and makes a powerful statement about who we are. Tattoos can be a mark of inclusion to a warrior tribe or a street gang, or they can reflect a personal belief or value. They can be used to attract a mate, or as a sign of commitment to a spouse or partner. All of these signs use the skin like a billboard, displaying a message to those around us. Similar messages can be sent using cosmetics or piercing. A woman can wear makeup to advertise (or mask) her mood, her availability, or her particular taste in music or fashion.
Even without decorations, our skin tells a great deal. We judge a person’s age and disposition by their skin. We are more likely to trust someone with laugh and smile lines than someone whose wrinkles furrow into a perpetual frown.
Because skin is such a central part of our lives, it’s easy to take it for granted. Even our sense of touch, which comes through the skin, is vital for our well-being. Although sight and hearing seem much more important for getting around, without touch the world would be a very lonely place. Affectionate touching is essential for healthy development of children. Our touch expresses our love, and our connection with others. With all of these aspects of our lives dependent on it, it is no wonder Dr. Jablonski calls skin “the underappreciated organ.”
−by Michael Karanicolas
vital [ˋvaɪt!] adj. 极其重要的
medium [ˋmidɪəm] n. 传播媒介
spouse [spaʊz] n. 配偶
advertise [ˋædvɚ͵taɪz] v.(通过外表或行为)显示(某种特质)
disposition [͵dɪspəˋzɪʃən] n. 性格;性情
wrinkle [ˋrɪŋk!] n. 皱;皱纹
perpetual [pɚˋpɛtʃʊəl] adj. 永久的;长期的
take something for granted 认为…是理所当然的 to expect someone or something to be always available to serve in some way without thanks or recognition
affectionate [əˋfɛkʃənɪt] adj. 充满深情的
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tattoo [tæˋtu] v.-〔用针和墨水〕在〔皮肤上〕刺花纹﹐文身
inclusion [ɪnˋkluʒən] n. 包含
commitment [kəˋmɪtmənt] n. 承诺,保证
billboard [ˋbɪl͵bord] n. 布告板, 广告牌
wear [wɛr] v. 涂抹(香水,化妆品)
availability [ə͵veləˋbɪlətɪ] n. 有空闲; 有闲暇
a great deal 很多, 大量 to a very great degree or extent
furrow [ˋfɝo] v. 起皱纹
frown [fraʊn] n. 皱眉; v. 皱眉
well-being [ˋwɛlˋbiɪŋ] n. 健康; 幸福
get around 随意走走; 四处走动 to travel from place to place
underappreciated [͵ʌndɚəˋpriʃɪ͵etɪd] adj. 不受重视;未得到正确评价的 not duly appreciated
Reading Questions
1. The word “advancement” in this article is closest in meaning to __________.
A. evolution
B. perfection
C. ability
D. example
2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why it was difficult for early primates to keep cool?
A. Their brains increased in mass.
B. They lived in extremely hot climates.
C. They were constantly on the run from predators.
D. The skin was thicker than it is today.
3. Which of the following best describes the social function of skin?
A. It allows us to advertise products to those around us.
B. It ensures that negative feelings have no effect on us.
C. It reminds people to take care of one another.
D. It enables us to communicate a variety of emotions.
4. What is the writer’s main purpose for writing this article?
A. To explain the differences between white and dark skin.
B. To describe the many different skin problems humans can be affected by.
C. To illustrate the importance of skin to mankind’s life.
D. To explain why the human brain has expanded over the last 10,000 years.
1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( C ) |