Following Our Noses Through History 浪漫幽香令人醉:香水物语
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年7月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年6月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:352
When the glamorous Hollywood actress and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe was once asked what she wore in bed, she replied with the immortal words “Chanel No. 5, of course.” She wasn’t referring to her pajamas, but one of the most recognized brands of a product that has come to be indispensable to many: perfume.
Man has been trying to smell sweeter by creating perfumes ever since the time of the first major civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt. The world’s earliest known perfume-maker was a Mesopotamian chemist called Taputti, who lived around 1200 B.C. She distilled various flowers and oils to produce pleasant scents. Later on, the art of perfumery was refined by the Persians and the Romans. Indeed, the word “perfume” is derived from the language of the Romans, Latin, and means “through smoke.” The oldest specimen of perfume, discovered on the island of Cyprus, has been dated back to 4,000 years ago.
In the Middle Ages, most developments in perfume manufacture took place in Europe. In 1370, a Hungarian queen requested a special blend of scented oils to be made for her, a mixture that came to be known throughout Europe as Hungary Water. Later, in 15th-century Italy, wealthy aristocrats and royalty took to spraying themselves with perfume, perhaps to mask unpleasant body odors resulting from the comparatively infrequent bathing habits back then! By the 16th century, though, France had become the leader of the perfume industry, a position which it still very much holds to this day.
glamorous [ˋglæmərəs] adj. 富有魅力的;迷人的
immortal [ɪˋmɔrt!] adj. 不朽的
indispensable [͵ɪndɪsˋpɛnsəb!] adj. 必不可少的,必需的
civilization [͵sɪv!əˋzeʃən] n. 文明
scent [sɛnt] n. 气味,香味
refine [rɪˋfaɪn] v. 精炼;精制
specimen [ˋspɛsəmən] n. 样品,样本
request [rɪˋkwɛst] v. 要求,请求
blend [blɛnd] n. 混合
mixture [ˋmɪkstʃɚ] n. 混合; 混合体
royalty [ˋrɔɪəltɪ] n.(总称)皇族或王族(成员)
take to 喜欢; 开始习惯做
mask [mæsk] v. 掩饰;遮蔽
odor [ˋodɚ] n. 气味
comparatively [kəmˋpærətɪvlɪ] adv. 相对地
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reply [rɪˋplaɪ] v. 回答,答复
pajamas [pəˋdʒæməs] n.(宽大的)睡衣裤
Mesopotamia [͵mɛsəpəˋtemɪə] n. 美索不达米亚
chemist [ˋkɛmɪst] n. 化学家
distill [dɪsˋtɪl] v. 蒸馏
perfumery [pɚˋfjumərɪ] n. 香水调制术; 香水调制法
Persian [ˋpɝʒən] n. 波斯人
Latin [ˋlætɪn] n. 拉丁语
Cyprus [ˋsaɪprəs] n. 塞普勒斯(西亚岛国)
Hungarian [hʌŋˋgɛrɪən] adj. 匈牙利的
aristocrat [æˋrɪstə͵kræt] n. 贵族(指个人)
hold [hold] v. 持续; 保持 controlling force or influence
In describing a perfume’s scent, you will often hear experts use the musical metaphor of fragrance “notes.” Each perfume is made up of three sets of these notes, divided into top, middle, and base. They are identified according to the order in which one’s nose detects certain scents in the perfume, with the base note being the last and deepest. Another popular method of perfume classification nowadays is the Fragrance Wheel, which was invented in 1983. It helps to simplify classification and naming schemes by presenting the individual classes of scent in an easily accessible visual way.
It’s easy enough to appreciate the aroma of a perfume without stopping to think about all the effect that goes into its production. Professional perfumers (sometimes called “nez,” from the French word for “nose”) are the ones trusted with the very precise task of coming up with new scents to delight our sense of smell. It goes without saying that, to become a skilled perfumer, a sensitive set of nostrils plus a keen sense for what kinds of scents will appeal to the public are imperative.
Not everything associated with perfume is quite so sweet, however. If used excessively, perfumes can lead to various health problems, such as asthma, skin allergies, and even, in extreme cases, cancer. In addition, environmentalists warn that certain animal species hunted for their scent, like the musk deer and African civet, are at risk of becoming endangered. As long as we use perfume in moderation, though, and buy only animal-friendly products, we can happily keep on smelling as lovely as ever!
−by Davis Vickers
fragrance [ˋfregrəns] n. 香味;香气
divide [dəˋvaɪd] v.分; 划分[(+into/from)]
identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] v. 识别;鉴定
detect [dɪˋtɛkt] v. 察觉;查出
classification [͵klæsəfəˋkeʃən] n. 分类
simplify [ˋsɪmplə͵faɪ] v. 简化
accessible [ækˋsɛsəb!] adj. 可(或易)使用的; 易到达的; 易进入的
appreciate [əˋpriʃɪ͵et] v. 欣赏; 鉴赏
precise [prɪˋsaɪs] adj. 精确的﹐准确的
delight [dɪˋlaɪt] v. 使高兴; 使愉快; 使快乐
it goes without saying 不消说, 不言而喻, 毋庸置疑 it should be generally understood or accepted
keen [kin] adj. 敏锐的
imperative [ɪmˋpɛrətɪv] adj. 必要的
endangered [ɪnˋdendʒɚd] adj. 快要绝种的
in moderation 适度地; 有节制地
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metaphor [ˋmɛtəfɚ] n. 隐喻
note [not] n. 调子
Fragrance Wheel 香气轮
name [nem] v. 给……取名
scheme [skim] n. 系统; 计划;方案
aroma [əˋromə] n. 芳香,香气
perfumer [pɚˋfjumɚ] n. 香料制造人, 香水调配者
come up with (针对问题等)想出; 提供 to bring forth, discover, or produce
nostril [ˋnɑstrɪl] n. 鼻孔
asthma [ˋæzmə] n. 气喘(病),哮喘
allergy [ˋælɚdʒɪ] n. 过敏症
musk deer 麝香鹿
civet [ˋsɪvɪt] n.【动】麝猫;麝猫香料
Reading Questions
1. What does the article tell us about the history of perfume?
A. The inventor of perfume was a woman called Taputti.
B. Persians and Romans were the first to use perfume.
C. Perfume has been around for at least 4,000 years.
D. Perfume manufacture was based in Europe until the Middle Ages.
2. According to the article, what connection does France have with perfume?
A. It is the center of today’s industry.
B. The first perfumers in Europe were made there.
C. The word “perfume” comes from the French language.
D. It used to be the leading manufacturer of perfume in the world.
3. What is true about fragrance “notes”?
A. They make it easier to name perfumes.
B. There are three of them on each section of the Fragrance Wheel.
C. The base note usually leaves the longest impression.
D. The top note is the first scent to be added to the perfume.
4. Which of the following is NOT implied in the article?
A. Using too much perfume can harm your body.
B. Many people probably don’t consider how a perfume is made.
C. We should be careful about choosing which perfume to buy.
D. The hunting of some animals is damaging the perfume industry.
Chanel No. 5 - Marilyn Monroe
The new CHANEL N°5 film
J ADORE DIOR 2011 005
1. ( C ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( C) |
4. ( D) |