A Colorful Glimpse of Wedding Dresses 幸福婚纱.话说从头
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年6月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:352
Almost any bride-to-be will freely admit that she has been dreaming about her wedding day since she was a little girl. She has pictured herself walking down the aisle, all eyes on her, in a beautiful white gown that rustles as she moves. She has imagined feeling like a million dollars and looking like a princess. She has hoped her perfect wedding will mark the start of a long, happy marriage.
In the West, white weddings are prevalent, but that was not always the case. Historically, weddings were more a class union than a romantic one, and the wedding attires reflected this. Wealthy brides wore luxurious dresses fashioned from reams of expensive material in rich colors. Some extravagant dresses were even studded with jewels. In the 14th century, the Countess of Flanders wore a dress decorated with so many gems that she had to be carried to the church!
At the opposite end of the spectrum, the poorest bride’ dresses would become their “Sunday best” and were therefore practical and often a respectable shade of gray. Other popular colors were a flattering pink, a rustic beige, or the Virgin Mary’s shade of blue, which symbolized purity – a tradition still followed when the bride wears “something blue.” Yet some colors, like red and green, were thought to bring bad luck and were thus avoided.
It was not until 1840 that the white dress was popularized. The public had long looked to royal weddings for inspiration, but it was Queen Victoria’s dress that was to have the longest lasting and most widespread influence on wedding fashion. She wed Prince Albert in a gown of white silk and lace, and the wedding immediately became the talk of Europe and America.
walk down the aisle 结婚 to get married
gown [gaʊn] n. 女礼服
rustle [ˋrʌs!] v.(绸衣,树叶,纸等)沙沙作响
attire [əˋtaɪr] n.【书】服装,衣着
luxurious [lʌgˋʒʊrɪəs] adj. 奢侈的; 豪华的
fashion [ˋfæʃən] v. 制作;使成形 to give shape or form to; make
respectable [rɪˋspɛktəb!] adj.〔行为﹑外观等〕体面的; 正派的
flattering [ˋflætərɪŋ] adj. 讨人喜欢的,悦人的
purity [ˋpjʊrətɪ] n. 纯洁;贞洁
widespread [ˋwaɪd͵sprɛd] adj. 普遍的;广泛的
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picture [ˋpɪktʃɚ] v. 想象
feel like a million dollars 十分漂亮; 感到身体状况极佳 be in excellent health and spirits
prevalent [ˋprɛvələnt] adj. 盛行的;普遍的
class [klæs] n.(社会的)阶级
ream [rim] n.(常复数)大量; 令;二十刀(纸张计数单位,以前为480张,现为500或516张)
extravagant [ɪkˋstrævəgənt] adj. 奢侈的;浪费的
stud [stʌd] v. 覆盖﹐散布于; 镶
gem [dʒɛm] n. 宝石﹐珠宝
spectrum [ˋspɛktrəm] n.〔观点﹑思想﹑情况等的〕范围﹐幅度
shade [ʃed] n.(色彩的)浓淡,色度 tone, color
rustic [ˋrʌstɪk] adj. 质朴的;简单的 charmingly simple or unsophisticated
beige [beʒ] n. 米黄色
In the East, wedding dresses have a different history. Across Asia, the color red has long been dominant because it is thought to be very lucky. Chinese brides traditionally wear a one-piece frock called a “qipao,” intricately adorned with dragon and phoenix designs. The dragon and phoenix, embroidered in gold or silver, stand for the balanced union of male and female.
Complicated headdresses or veils were also common. Long ago, a red veil would cover the bride’s face throughout the wedding ceremony; only later, in the betrothal bed, would the newlyweds see each other’s faces for the first time.
Unlike much of the rest of East Asia, a Japanese bride will traditionally wear white at a Shinto wedding ceremony. Her dress, called a “shiromuku,” is a kimono of pure white; the color, representing virginity, is sacred to the Japanese. Her hair, tied in a topknot, is decorated with gold combs, and she may also wear a white headdress.
In China, white was always a no-no because of its association with death. However, in a reflection of Chinese society’s growing interest in western culture, western dresses are often incorporated into the Chinese wedding simply by the bride wearing a number of outfits. She will often wear a western gown and then change into a traditional qipao before changing again into a cocktail dress. The same practice is also very common in Japan, showing more brides than ever before are getting all they ever dreamed of on their wedding day. And, why not? For a bride, it’s the most important – and romantic – day of her life.
−by Alice Davis
intricately [ˋɪntrəkɪtlɪ] adv. 复杂地
adorn [əˋdɔrn] v. 装饰
stand for 代表, 象征
complicated [ˋkɑmplə͵ketɪd] adj. 复杂的;难懂的
veil [vel] n. 面纱,面罩
newlywed [ˋnjulɪ͵wɛd] n.(常复数)新婚夫妇
sacred [ˋsekrɪd] adj. 神圣的
association [ə͵sosɪˋeʃən] n. 联想
reflection [rɪˋflɛkʃən] n. 反映;表达
practice [ˋpræktɪs] n. 习惯,常规,惯例
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frock [frɑk] n.(女式)服装;连衣裙
embroider [ɪmˋbrɔɪdɚ] v. 绣(花纹)
headdress [ˋhɛd͵drɛs] n. 头饰;头巾
betrothal [bɪˋtrɔθəl] n.【旧】定亲﹐订婚
virginity [vɚˋdʒɪnətɪ] n. 处女;童贞;纯洁
topknot [ˋtɑp͵nɑt] n. 顶髻; 头髻
no-no [ˋno͵no] n.【俚】禁忌
cocktail dress〔正式场合穿的〕(晚)礼服
Reading Questions
1. According to the first paragraph of the first day’s reading, which of the following is NOT true of a bride-to-be?
A. A beautiful wedding dress is important to her.
B. She insists on spending a fortune on her wedding.
C. A perfect wedding has been a lifelong fantasy for her.
D. She has imagined being the center of attention on her wedding day.
2. What was true of western weddings in the past?
A. They were more about love than money.
B. Only the wealthy could afford to have them.
C. They inspired most celebrity weddings today.
D. They created couples of similar social status.
3. What similarity might you find between a traditional Chinese bride and a traditional Japanese bride?
A. Both would change many times during the day.
B. Both would wear beautifully embroidered with gowns.
C. Both would be influenced by royal fashions from abroad.
D. Both would commonly finish their outfit with a head accessory.
4. What is the main idea of the article?
A. To offer marriage advice to modern brides around the world.
B. To examine the histories of western and eastern weddings.
C. To determine which country produces the most beautiful brides.
D. To persuade brides-to-be to choose a white gown for their wedding day.
Royal wedding dresses: a history
1. ( B ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( B ) |