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Celebrating Man’s Best Friend on DOGS101 《狗狗101》:了解狗狗大小事








They’re cute, loyal, able to perform several highly skilled tasks, and are often called man’s best friend. They are, of course, dogs, and there’s a great new show all about them on Animal Planet. It’s called Dogs 101, and in each episode, dog trainers, groomers, and veterinarians introduce five different canine breeds. The show gives you so much information, and does it in such a fun way, that you’ll never look at your pooch in the same way again.




French Bulldog  法国斗牛犬


The first variety up is the French Bulldog. The “Frenchie,” as it’s affectionately known, is the king of cute. They’re only about 30 centimeters tall and have a gorgeous little pushed-in, wrinkled face. Frenchies are not athletic and enjoy nothing more than sitting around and being patted and stroked. As a result, they don’t need a lot of room and are perfect for those with small apartments. The only downside is that they have breathing problems and tend to snort and snore their way through life. But apart from that, they’re perfect.




Labrador Retriever  拉不拉多猎犬


The Labrador Retriever is also introduced in the first episode. Unlike the Frenchie, the “Lab” is a bundle of energy. They are powerful swimmers and even have webbed paws to help propel them through the water. They’re also intelligent and have a huge desire to please; this means they can easily be trained, and they’re actually able to remember around 300 commands. Labs are great dogs, but, because they’re so energetic, they need room to run around. If you can offer them that, then you might find that Labs are the ideal pets.





loyal [ˋlɔɪəl] adj. 忠诚的,忠心的

breed [brid] n.(尤指经人工培育的动植物)品种

affectionately [əˋfɛkʃənɪtlɪ] adv. 亲切地

gorgeous [ˋgɔrdʒəs] adj. 极其漂亮的﹐极其吸引人的

wrinkled [ˋrɪŋk!d] adj. 有皱纹的

athletic [æθˋlɛtɪk] adj. 行动敏捷的;活跃的

stroke [strok] vt.(用手)抚,摸,捋

downside [ˋdaʊnˋsaɪd] n. 负面﹐反面

propel [prəˋpɛl] v. 推动; 推进; 驱动

have a desire to  有做某事的欲望

command [kəˋmænd] n. 命令; 指示

energetic [͵ɛnɚˋdʒɛtɪk] adj. 精力旺盛的;精神饱满的

ideal [aɪˋdiəl] adj. 理想的,完美的


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groomer [grumɚ] n. 为比赛犬做美容的人

veterinarian [͵vɛtərəˋnɛrɪən] n. 兽医

canine [ˋkenaɪn] n.犬,狗; adj.犬的,狗的

pooch [putʃ]n.【非正式﹐常幽默】狗

French Bulldog [ˋbʊl͵dɔg]  法国斗牛犬

up: [ʌp] prep.【英】【口】到  being considered; under study

pushed-in:  向内凹的

snort [snɔrt] vi. 喷鼻息

snore [snor] v. 打鼾

apart from: 除此之外 with the exception of; besides

Labrador [ˋlæbrə͵dɔr] Retriever [rɪˋtrivɚ]  拉布拉多犬

a bundle of sth.   充满.....的

webbed paw [pɔ] 蹼爪








Rottweilers  罗威纳犬


Rottweilers have built a reputation for being the bad boys of the dog world. They are responsible for 16 percent of all dog-related deaths in the U.S. and have now been banned in some American towns. They were bred as guard dogs, so they do have a capacity to be ferocious. When you combine that with their size and strength, you get a dog that is capable of doing some serious damage. Dog experts, however, say that with effective training, Rottweilers are wonderful, devoted, and even affectionate dogs.




Shar-Pei  沙皮犬


Shar-Pei have had a long and distinguished history, as they were developed by Chinese emperors to guard the palace and protect important individuals. America fell in love with the breed in the 1970s after a magazine put a picture of a typical, wrinkly-faced Shar-Pei on its front cover. Shar-Pei can be cute and cuddly, but only if they’re trained properly. They were bred as fighting dogs, and remain naturally aggressive. In addition to training, they also need a lot of veterinary care as they suffer with allergies and skin irritations.




Dogs 101is a fun, informative, and easy-to-watch show that will entertain almost everyone, including those who have really been dog lovers. More importantly, it will help people interested in getting a dog choose the breed that best suits them and their lifestyle. In a country where so many dogs are abandoned because their owners realize they can’t look after them, a show like Dog 101 could be just what the vet ordered.




by Andrew Crosthwaite



ban [bæn] v. 禁止;禁令

capacity [kəˋpæsətɪ] n. 能力

distinguished [dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃt] adj. 卓越的;著名的

palace [ˋpælɪs] n. 皇宫,宫殿

individual [͵ɪndəˋvɪdʒʊəl] n. 个人

typical [ˋtɪpɪk!] adj. 典型的,有代表性的

aggressive [əˋgrɛsɪv] adj. 好斗的,挑衅的

allergy [ˋælɚdʒɪ]n. 过敏症

irritation [͵ɪrəˋteʃən] n. 疼痛;发炎

informative [ɪnˋfɔrmətɪv] adj. 教育性的


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ferocious [fəˋroʃəs] adj. 凶猛的

affectionate [əˋfɛkʃənɪt] adj. 温柔亲切的

Shar-Pei 沙皮狗, 原产自中国的中型犬, 短毛, 皮肤松弛有褶皱

cuddly [ˋkʌdlɪ] adj. 令人想拥抱的;令人想紧搂的;逗人喜爱的

veterinary [ˋvɛtərə͵nɛrɪ] adj. 兽医的

just what the vet(doctor) ordered  正合心意



Reading Questions


1.  Why might someone want to buy a French Bulldog?

A.  French Bulldogs have a lot of energy and enjoy playing.

B.  French Bulldogs are quieter than other dogs. 

C.  French Bulldogs don’t require a lot of space.

D.  French Bulldogs don’t have any health problems.


2.  According to the article, why are Labradors considered intelligent?

A.  They can easily find their way home when lost.

B.  They don’t follow instructions from their owners.

C.  They are able to open doors using their paws.

D.  They understand some words their owners say.


3.  Which of the following is NOT true about Rottweilers?

A.  They are very safe compared to other dogs.

B.  They are known to be very tough dogs.

C.  They are good at protecting people’s homes.

D.  They can be very loving if they have enough training.


4.  How does the author feel about the show Dogs 101?

A.  It was designed specifically for dog experts.

B.  It’ll tell viewers how to take care of their dogs.

C.  It’ll only be enjoyable for people who have dogs.

D.  It might help people to better appreciate dogs.



French Bulldog


Animal Planet Dogs 101 - Labrador Retriever



Dogs 101 - Rottweiler



Dogs 101 - Shar-Pei



1. ( C )

2. ( D )

3. ( A )

 4. ( D )



当前位置:首頁 英語教材試聽 Intermediate English-2 Celebrating Man’s Best Friend on DOGS101 《狗狗101》:了解狗狗大小事