Baseball’s Josh Hamilton 浪子回头的棒球明星:贾许.汉弥顿
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年3月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年2月22日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:273
One man’s search for change leads to a transformed life 一个人寻求改变的过程,带来一个彻底转化的人生
In between launching rockets deep into the AT&T Park outfields stands during batting practice before Game 2 of the [2000] World Series, Josh Hamilton [of the Texas Rangers] looked like a guy having the time of his life.
在2010年世界大赛(译注:美国职棒大联盟年度总冠军赛)第二场之前的打击练习中,德州游骑兵队的贾许.汉弥顿击出的球如火箭般飞入美国电话电报公司AT&T Park球场(译注:为美国职棒巨人队位于旧金山的主场)外野看台上。在击球之间的空档,他看起来就像个乐在其中的家伙。
He roughhoused with teammates, acknowledged fans and wore a huge grin on his face.
Hamilton, baseball’s reigning left-handed slugger, is a man at peace with himself.
“You can’t help but appreciate the moment,” Hamilton said. “You can’t just put your head down and plow through it. I’m taking it all in and really enjoying the experience. A lot of players never get to this point.”
For years it seemed that Hamilton would never get this chance.
The tale of his battle against drug and alcohol addiction is well-chronicled. The former No. 1 overall pick partied his way out of baseball and at one point had lost 55 pounds thanks to a crack cocaine habit. But then, with the help of a religious awakening, Hamilton overcame his personal demons and reclaimed his baseball gifts.
By any measure, Hamilton already is a remarkable success story.
“I don’t think that I can truly appreciate what he’s overcome and the way he’s handled it,” said Nolan Ryan, the Hall of Fame pitcher who is now the Rangers’ president. “It’s a phenomenal story.”
Hitting rock bottom 跌入谷底
He was the “Can’t-Miss Kid” when Tampa Bay made him the top pick of the 1999 draft. Hamilton, from a small town near Raleigh, North Carolina, was a humble teenager who kissed his beloved “Granny” before every high school game.
But Hamilton was also sheltered and unprepared to handle the nearly $4 million signing bonus he received. When he found himself with idle time after a series of injuries in the minor leagues, he fell in with the wrong crowd.
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outfield [ˋaʊt͵fild] n.〔板球或棒球场的〕外野﹐外场
stand [stænd] n. 看台 the bleachers at a playing field or stadium
have the time of one's life【口】异常高兴或兴奋 to have a very good time; to have the most exciting time in one's life; to enjoy oneself very much
roughhouse [ˋrʌf͵haʊs] v. 打闹; 扭打 to engage in rowdy, uproarious behavior or play
acknowledged [əkˋnɑlɪdʒd] adj. 被接受的
grin [grɪn] n. 露齿的笑
slugger [ˋslʌgɚ] n.【口】打击力强的选手
at peace 处于和平(或和睦) 状态 in a state of tranquility; serene
can't help but do something 不得不..... ; 忍不住 unable to choose any but one course of action
appreciate [əˋpriʃɪ͵et] v. 感谢,感激; 珍惜 1. to be thankful or show gratitude for; 体会,领会 2. realize
put one's head down 低着头 to work hard at something (that involves reading or writing)
plow through something 艰难地完成 to work through something with determination
take in 接受 accept
overall [ˋovɚ͵ɔl] adv. 从头到尾; 总的来说
party [ˋpɑrtɪ] v.【非正式﹐尤美】〔尤指饮酒﹑吃饭﹑跳舞等〕尽情欢乐
awakening [əˋwekənɪŋ] n. 唤醒;觉醒 the act of waking
demon [ˋdimən] n. 恶魔,恶鬼; 邪恶的事物
reclaim [rɪˋklem] v. 收回,取回
by any measure 不论以哪种标准 in any aspect
hit rock bottom 陷入低潮 to reach the lowest possible level or be in the worst possible situation
draft [dræft] n.【美】(职业运动的)选拔制度
granny [ˋgrænɪ] n.【口】奶奶;外婆
His autobiography, Beyond Belief, spares few ugly details: Pawning his wife Katie’s wedding ring for drugs. Bouncing a check to a crack dealer. Having a restraining order filed to keep him away from his family.
The one-time All-American boy [finally] ended up on the doorstep of his grandmother, Mary Holt.
“She took me in, fed me, gave me a place to sleep,” he said, “But then over the next couple of days, I used again, and that’s when I really knew I had a problem because I was hurting the woman I loved most in my life. That’s when I realized that I had to change.”
Hamilton said he did it by turning to God.
“I’ve been to rehabs and treatment centers,” Hamilton said. “Those move you in the right direction. But if you want to stay in the right direction, you need faith.”
Making it to the major leagues 成功升上大联盟
By 2007, he finally reached the major leagues with the Cincinnati Reds and, after getting traded to Texas that off-season, blossomed into the star scouts had always envisioned.
Most importantly, other than one much-publicized relapse with alcohol in early 2009, Hamilton has stayed clean and sober. He is also proud of something else.
“The coolest thing for me was I got to the major leagues while my grandmother was still alive,” said Hamilton, whose grandmother died of cancer in 2009. “She saw the things that she knew I was capable of doing.”
Hamilton made clear that while his continuing recovery has allowed him to fulfill his baseball potential, the game is not what drives him.
“I don’t wake up in the morning now thinking about having a beer and getting high,” he said. “I wake up and think about saying my prayers and trying to be a better man, father to my three kids and husband.”
-by Mark Emmons
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autobiography [͵ɔtəbaɪˋɑgrəfɪ] n. 自传
spare [spɛr] v. 略去,省掉 to omit or withhold
one-time 从前的; 一度的 having been in the past; former
All-American 纯粹[典型]美国式的 representative of the people of the United States or their ideals; typically American
rehab [`rihæb] n.〔酗酒﹑吸毒者的〕康复 治疗
off season 在淡季;在停赛季 a part of the year marked by a cessation or lessening of normal activity, as of a business
scout [skaʊt] n. 球探,星探等发掘新人者
envision [ɪnˋvɪʒən] v. 想象,展望 imagine; to conceive of as a possibility, esp in the future; foresee
sober [ˋsobɚ] adj. 冷静的,清醒的 not intoxicated or affected by the use of drugs
Vocabulary Focus
reigning [ˋrenɪŋ] adj.(体育竞赛项目冠军)本届的 being the most recent winner of a competition
chronicle [ˋkrɑnɪk!] v. 把……载入编年史;记录;记述 to make a record or tell the history of something
phenomenal [fəˋnɑmən!] adj. 杰出的;惊人的 unusually great; extraordinary; outstanding
sheltered [ˋʃɛltɚd] adj. 被保护的 protected from harmful, unpleasant or frightening experiences
fall in with 偶然碰到 to meet and become involved with somebody or a group
pawn [pɔn] v. 典当;抵押 to leave a possession with a seller who pays money for it, but which they can also sell if the money is not paid back within a particular time
blossom [ˋblɑsəm] v. 发展成[(+into/out)] to develop and become successful
relapse [rɪˋlæps] n. 故态复萌; 旧病复发 to return to a previous bad condition or a worse way of life after making an improvement
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Hamilton's Drug Comeback 'Beyond Belief'