Twitter Power 推特力量
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年10月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:342
Learning from ourselves, in real time 实时从自身采集数据
The halls of Twitter barely chirp. Nearly 200 hushed workers stare intently at computer screen in a generic downtown office building.
“There’s really not much going on here,” co-founder Biz Stone says.
Don’t bother tweeting that. Stone is well aware that the juggernaut he, Evan Williams and Jack Dorsey launched in 2006 has lit up social networking.
That Twitter has succeeded isn’t a shock; a time-pressed global culture was bound to pounce on the free service’s 140-character format, and 114 million users have signed up to date. But what generates awe is the speed with which Twitter has taken a seat alongside Facebook and Google at the tech world’s grown-up table.
“Twitter has become the world’s water cooler,” says Adam Ostrow, editor of the social media blog Mashable. “It’s a place where you can hear what millions are saying and feel, unbiased and in that moment.”
Celebrities were among the first to recognize Twitter’s connective power. Now devotees range from CEOs to average Joes, all chatting in a digital town square with the power to aid Haiti with an avalanche of donation pledges and make 16-year-old pop phenom Justin Bieber a global sensation.
Twitter’s charm 推特的魅力
Like most Twitter devotees, when Ben Warner was introduced to the website, he didn’t get it.
“I’d read, ‘I’m having a sandwich,’ and I didn’t think it made a lot of sense,” says Warner, 42, deputy director of a civic engagement think tank. “But I’ve come to realize it’s an amazing way to take the pulse on issues.”
Twitter is “brewing a social revolution,” says Jeff Pulver, founder of #140conf, an annual conference on all things Twitter. “Individuals have a voice like never before, and it’s a voice that’s connected to the world.”
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chirp [tʃɝp] v. 嘁嘁喳喳地说话
intently [ɪnˋtɛntlɪ] adv. 专心地,专注地
go on (尤用于进行时态)发生; 出现
bother [ˋbɑðɚ] v. 麻烦,费心[(+with/about)][+to-v][+v-ing]
juggernaut [ˋdʒʌgɚ͵nɔt] n. 世界主宰;强大的破坏力;可怕的力量 a massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path
light up 点燃 ignite
time-pressed 时间紧张的 of feeling that you have to hurry and are late
pounce [paʊns] v. 一把抓住并利用[(+on/upon)] to leap upon (eg one's prey) in order to attack or grab it
devotee [͵dɛvəˋti] n. 仰慕者; 敬仰者; 爱好者
average Joe 平常人,普通人
avalanche [ˋæv!͵æntʃ] n. 突然来到的大量事物
pledge [plɛdʒ] n. 许诺拨(款)a promise of a donation to charity
phenom [fɪˋnɑm] n.【美】【俚】特出优异的人或物
think tank 智库; 智囊团 a group of experts brought together to develop ideas on a particular subject and to make suggestions for action
take the pulse on/of something 摸清…, 监测… to sample or survey something to learn about its progress or state
‘Tuned to the same channel’ 「调整到同样频道」
After the September 11 terror attacks in 2001, Pulver says, New York City first responders spent millions to synchronize their communications systems. “But during Haiti’s disaster, everyone was tuned to the same channel, and it was called Twitter.”
That’s Twitter as a rallying point for social good, something co-founder Stone hopes will blossom. “Twitter is people emoting, and we would love to extend that to empathy.”
“We think our future is in helping companies be better companies,” says Stone. “Whether that’s Starbucks connect with its followers or Mission Pie here in San Francisco telling its fans what the pie of the day is, we can be part of that dialogue. Twitter can be useful to you, even if you yourself don’t have anything to say.”
Trending topics 热门话题
But many do. Twitter is a real-time barometer of people’s reactions to events and products, and as such it is causing all manner of folks to pay close attention.
Whether it’s American Idol contestants “trending” among the most-tweeted topics after their performances or Procter & Gamble monitoring tweets after its “Thanks, Mom” ad campaign during the Winter Olympics, the power of Twitter to provide instant insight into the national psyche is unprecedented.
“Focus groups used to be the gold standard for gathering information, but Twitter is turning things around to the point where naturally occurring conversations can tell us even more,” says Susannah Fox of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.
Fox says recent social media conferences she has attended reflect the attention being paid to twitter by government entities, consumer products companies and health care sector.
“Pharmaceutical companies can hear the conversations patients are having about their products, which is also a challenge because you need to consider the legal implications of adverse effects,” she says. “But overall, the sense from these companies is, ‘We’d rather know than not know.’”
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responder [rɪˋspɑndɚ] n. 回答者, 响应者
synchronize [ˋsɪŋkrənaɪz] v. 使协调;使同步 to cause to happen at the same time
empathy [ˋɛmpəθɪ] n. 同情; 同感
barometer [bəˋrɑmətɚ] n.【喻】晴雨表,显示变化的事物 something that can show how a particular situation is developing, or how people’s opinions on a particular matter are changing
contestant [kənˋtɛstənt] n. 参加竞赛者,角逐者
psyche [ˋsaɪkɪ] n. 心理;【术语或正式】心灵; 灵魂; 精神
gold standard (衡量事物的) 最佳准则 a model of excellence; a paragon; something which is very good and is used for measuring how good other similar things are
turn something around 扭转… to reverse the direction of something; to cause something to face the opposite direction
implication [͵ɪmplɪˋkeʃən] n. 含意;言外之意;暗示
The language of gossip 八卦的语言
Twitter’s rapid rise to the cultural forefront shouldn’t surprise any student of human nature, says Gary king, a Harvard statistician and co-founder of Crimson Hexagon, whose VoxTrot algorithm, used by CNN, sifts through tweets to gauge opinion on everything from politics to movies.
“Some anthropologists will tell you that the fundamental use of language was to gossip, and while twitter is becoming different things to different people, it fundamentally has formalized what used to happen in our alleys and hallways into a global conversation,” king says.
Twitter also is recapturing the original meaning of public opinion, he says, “which was the opinions of people who had opinions, literally the people willing to get up on the soapbox.”
Too much information? 信息过多?
The one drawback of such freedom is simple TMI: too much information, and an inability to accurately decipher its meaning.
这种自由的一个缺点就是纯粹的TMI:信息过多(译注:TMI是too much information的英文前缀缩写),以及无法准确解读其意涵。
“It’s easy to drown in data,” says social networking specialist Danah Boyd of Microsoft Research. “There will be a lot of third parties trying to make sense of Twitter and its tweets, but they have to remember it’s really a free-for-all. There’s a lot of joking and goofing and just plain mistakes, as in real life.”
“Twitter can make misunderstandings fly faster, which should train us to be skeptical about what we read.”
That’s a given, says Michelle Betcher, 37, an operations auditor for an airline. She calls Twitter a great tool for channeling information to myself that I can then evaluate.
But, she says, “I’m not yet interested in sending my opinions out there. Personally, I’m still curious if Twitter will be a passing phase or a fixture of our world.”
−by Marco R. Della Cava
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statistician [͵stætəsˋtɪʃən] n. 统计学家;统计员
crimson [ˋkrɪmzn] adj. 深红色的,绯红的; n. 深红色,绯红色
hexagon [ˋhɛksə͵gən] n. 六角形;六边形
algorithm [ˋælgə͵rɪðm] n. 算法;规则系统
gauge [gedʒ] v. 估计,判断
anthropologist [͵ænθrəˋpɑlədʒɪst] n. 人类学者 someone who scientifically studies humans and their customs, beliefs and relationships
formalize [ˋfɔrm!͵aɪz] v. 使〔计划﹑决定或想法〕正式化; 使定形; 使形式化
alley [ˋælɪ] n. 小巷; 胡同; 后街
hallway [ˋhɔl͵we] n.【美】玄关; 门厅; 走廊
(get up) on one's soapbox 极力宣扬己见; 发表激烈的意见 to express one’s opinions about a particular subject forcefully (= get on one's soapbox)
decipher [dɪˋsaɪfɚ] v. 破解(密码等)
drown [draʊn] v. 淹没,浸湿
make sense of 了解; 理解 to be intelligible
goof [guf] n. 错误
that’s a given 这点是理所当然的 uttered when someone says something that is obviously true
auditor [ˋɔdɪtɚ] n. 稽核员; 查账员; 审计员
channel [ˋtʃæn!] v. 输送,传送
Vocabulary Focus
hushed [hʌʃt] adj. 安静的; 寂静的 quiet
unbiased [ʌnˋbaɪəst] adj. 无偏见的;不偏不倚的;公正的 able to judge fairly; not influenced by one’s own opinions
take the pulse 摸清…, 监测… to evaluate the most recent developments
rallying point 号召力,聚集点 a point or place where groups can come together in order to provide support or make a shared effort
emote [ɪˋmot] v.【口】表现感情(尤其舞台等)to show or express emotion
adverse [ædˋvɝs] adj. 不利的,有害的 having a negative or harmful effect on something
forefront [ˋfor͵frʌnt] n. 最前方,最前线 the most noticeable or important position
free-for-all 可以自由参加的; 在场者都参加的 a situation that is not controlled, and where everyone does what they want
fixture [ˋfɪkstʃɚ] n. 固定装置 something considered to be permanently established in a place or position
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