Leland’s Miracle 李柏毅的奇迹
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年3月12日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:282
One young man uses his gifts to inspire, despite his autism 即使罹患了自闭症(译注:又称肯纳症[kanner syndrome],因为是Leo Kanner在一九四三年首度发表报告,辨识出肯纳儿的存在,文中提到他最早是在一九三八年发现这类儿童),李柏毅这位青年却能善加利用自己的天赋来启发世人
With a guitar held gingerly in his lap, Leland Lee croons the first verse of “Amazing Grace.” Karen, Leland’s mother, smiles with approval and knows this is nothing short of a miracle. Three years ago, Leland couldn’t even speak a full sentence.
李柏毅小心翼翼地把吉他搁在腿上,口中轻轻哼唱着《奇异的恩典》的第一段歌词(译注:verse指几行诗句所构成的一个诗节,或是几行歌词所构成的一段歌)。他的母亲简静惠面带赞许地微笑着,心里很清楚,眼前所见到的无非就是一个奇迹(译注:nothing short of指无异于、简直就是),因为在三年前,柏毅甚至连一个完整的句子都说不出来。
Born in California and diagnosed with severe autism at a young age, Leland had trouble communicating with others and would retreat into his own world. Today, at age 20, Leland is a source of inspiration for sufferers of autism, and their families.
Autism awareness 自闭症认知
Autism isn’t an easily identifiable disability – it’s a spectrum disorder with a variety of symptoms exhibited in different degrees. The one trait that all autistic children share is a difficulty communicating and interacting socially with others. Though Leland was born a healthy baby, there was a drastic change in his behavior at about 18 months. He began to throw temper tantrums for no apparent reason and stopped responding to people around him. Extensive testing revealed Leland had autism.
Learning acceptance 学习接纳
“The hardest thing is for the parents to accept the child’s disability,” admits Karen. “They’re afraid that they will be labeled.”
There were also cultural complications for Karen, as Asian families are often reluctant to admit to having children with disabilities. “People like to have a scapegoat: your ancestors, bad genes, or something happened when you were pregnant. Instead of focusing on the disability, blame is placed elsewhere. It’s emotionally draining.”
“Of course, no parent wants their child to have a disability. But you have to be strong and have courage to accept it and get help.”
Getting help 寻求协助
Part of Karen’s battle was navigating the bureaucratic world of disability services and special education. California has regional centers that offer services to parents of autistic children. Individual school districts take over with special education programs from age three, but most schools have a shortage of professionals and inconsistent services.
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gingerly [ˋdʒɪndʒɚlɪ] adv. 极为谨慎地,极为小心地;轻手轻脚地
verse [vɝs] n. 诗;韵文;(歌曲的)段落
nothing short of 简直可以说是,几乎是 more or less the same as
autism [ˋɔtɪzəm] n. 自闭症
retreat [rɪˋtrit] v. 退避,躲避[(+from/to)]
sufferer [ˋsʌfərɚ] n. 患病者; 受害者,受难者
disability [dɪsəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 残疾,残障
spectrum disorder 系列障碍 a widespread abnormality of social interactions and communication
spectrum [ˋspɛktrəm] n. 系列;范围;幅度
throw a (temper) tantrum 乱发脾气 to become very angry and unreasonable
tantrum [ˋtæntrəm] n. 发脾气;发怒
complication [͵kɑmpləˋkeʃən] n.(新出现的)困难,障碍
scapegoat [ˋskep͵got] n. 代人受过的人,代罪羔羊 a person who is blamed for something that someone else has done
drain [dren] v. 使精疲力竭; 使心力交瘁
navigate [ˋnævə͵get] v. 小心翼翼地绕过(障碍)
special education 特殊教育 education that is designed for highly gifted children or for those having disabilities
district [ˋdɪstrɪkt] n. 区,辖区,行政区
Artistic genius 艺术天份
Leland began drawing at the age of 4 but didn’t receive recognition until Leland’s school district came to evaluate him at age 8. When asked to replicate some of the Renaissance masterpieces, he recreated the images in amazing detail. Word soon spread about Leland’s talent. At 10, he was nominated as one of the most remarkable kids in Los Angeles. Since then his works have been displayed in various galleries and museums around the world. Most recently, Leland was recognized at the 2009 World Council for Gifted and Talented Children in Vancouver, B.C.
Art has become an important means of communication for Leland. Carlos Vargas, the director of the Conservatory of Fine Arts at California State University, describes Leland Lee as “an artist of great talent …. He has a special gift, the kind of rare gift that one [seldom] gets to see. He manages, through his work, to speak in volumes.”
Living in victory 得胜的生活
The Lee family moved to Taiwan three years ago despite cautions from friends and family. To everyone’s surprise, Leland began to flourish in his new home, learning the language and adapting to the culture. Leland enrolled at Taiwan Normal University where the president of the university offered him a private studio to work on his art.
“We don’t want to be a victim, we want to be the victor. To come to this point I can only give thanks to God,” says Karen.
“All I want now is to share Leland’s life story and help other families like us. With autism or any other kind of disability, you can be successful. Just continue to love and be patient.”
−by Winnie Shih
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recognition [͵rɛkəgˋnɪʃən] n. 承认;确认;认可
Renaissance ['renəsɑns] n.(R-)文艺复兴
word [wɝd] n. 消息,音频;传说
council [ˋkaʊns!] n. 会议;协调会
conservatory [kənˋsɝvə͵torɪ] n. 音乐学校
speak (in) volumes 很有意义;含义很深 if something speaks volumes, it makes a situation very clear without the use of words; to reveal a great deal of information
caution [ˋkɔʃən] n. 警告,告诫
Vocabulary Focus
croon [krun] v. 低声唱,轻哼 to sing or talk in a sweet, low voice full of emotion
exhibit [ɪgˋzɪbɪt] v. 表现出 to show something publicly
drastic [ˋdræstɪk] adj. 极端的; 剧烈的 severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects
label [ˋleb!] v. 贴标签; 把……称为,把……列为,把……归类为 to identify people by assigning them to a certain category
bureaucratic [͵bjʊrəˋkrætɪk] adj. 官僚政治的 involving long and difficult dealings with officials
replicate [ˋrɛplɪ͵ket] v. 复制 to make or do something again in exactly the same way
spread (the) word 散布消息 to communicate a message to a lot of people
flourish [ˋflɝɪʃ] v. 茁壮成长 to grow or develop successfully
amazing grace- Hayley Westernra
Leland TV Profile