The Founders of Adobe 友谊打造的Adobe帝国
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年4月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:300
Two men bound together by friendship as well as profits 友情和获利休戚与共的哥俩好
I can’t imagine there is any more room for awards on the mantels at John Warnock’s and Chuck Geschke’s homes.
The Adobe co-founders have been honored by trade groups, engineering societies, magazines and universities. But the awards just keep coming.
这两位奥多比(译注:Adobe命名出自沃诺克加州住家后面的小溪名)共同创办人已经接受过包括业界团体(译注:trade group指industry trade group此,即某行业的团体)、工程学会、杂志和大学的表扬,但各种奖项还是纷沓而来。
In October, it was the White House and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. Then, it was San Jose City Hall and commendation for being visionaries and starting a company that has brought much to the city. And though the two tech titans have won many awards, the latest round of recognition for the co-chairmen of software maker Adobe is beginning to feel a little bit like a victory lap.
Geschke is 70. Warnock is about to be. Neither of them plan to go anywhere soon, but sitting with them in a small roomoffthe city council chamber it seems like a good time to reflect on the Silicon Valley partnership that belongs alongside Hewlett-Packard’s Bill and Dave, Intel’s Noyce and Moore and Apple’s Jobs and Wozniak in the valley’s pantheon.
Exceeding expectations 超出预期之外
And so I ask them: What do you see as your legacy? Neither balks. They do not protest. They do not duck behind the old valley chestnut about not being interested in looking back, about how this place is all about the future.
“When we started the company, neither of us expected what happened,” Warnock says. “So if you think we had some grand crystal ball where we thought we would be as successful as the company has been, we didn’t.”
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mantel [ˋmænt!] n. 壁炉架
honor [ˋɑnɚ] n. 给……以荣誉
commendation [͵kɑmɛnˋdeʃən] n. 表扬,称赞;推荐
visionary [ˋvɪʒə͵nɛrɪ] n. 有远见卓识者
victory lap 参赛选手绕场一圈庆祝胜利(引申为庆功) when you run around in circles after a great achievement or victory; an extra lap around a track that is made by the winner at the end of the race, allowing him or her to celebrate the victory and giving spectators a chance to honor him or her
council chamber 会议室 a room where a committee meets
council [ˋkaʊns!] n. 会议;政务会;协调会
chamber [ˋtʃembɚ] n. 会场;会议厅
belong [bəˋlɔŋ] v. 与…有关;是…的一部分
pantheon [ˋpænθɪən] n. 万神庙; 伟人祠; 名流圈子(引申为名人堂) a small group of people who are the most famous, important and admired in their particular area of activity
duck [dʌk] v. 躲避;回避
old chestnut 陈词滥调 a subject, idea or joke that has been discussed or repeated so often that it is not interesting anymore
chestnut [ˋtʃɛs͵nʌt] n.【口】陈腐的笑话(或故事等);陈词滥调
crystal ball(用于凝视并因此预言未来的)水晶球,玻璃球
This is not a bad start [to the story], but let me help the legacy along. Here are two guys who basically launched desktop publishing by releasing Adobe in 1982. They’re the reason the document you create on your computer is the document that shows up when you click on “print.” And if you open a PDF or prepare one to send around the world, you’re also using software built by the company Warnock and Geschke built. If you’ve used Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, you’ve worked with programs brought to you by the company brought to you by Warnock and Geschke.
这样的回答倒是个好的开始,但姑且让我先把他们的传承厘清一下,他们两人在一九八二年成立奥多比后不久,就推出了PostScript(译注:独立装置的页面描述语言,可以内建在打印机中,使文件有更好的输出效果),堪称奠定了桌上排版的基础,而你在计算机里制作的文件之所以能在点选「打印」之后就照实打印出来,正是归功于他们;此外,如果你打开一个可携式文件格式(PDF)的档案,或是准备传送一份这种档案到全世界,那么你同样也用到了沃诺克和葛希克创立的公司所生产的软件。此外,如果你使用Illustrator、Photoshop、Dreamweaver和Flash,那么你同样还是用到了沃诺克和葛希克所建立的公司设计的程序(译注:此段作者一再连续在同一句用built by和built,或是重复用brought to you by,是用来再三强调有了他们两人的公司所奠定的基础,后人才得享成果)。
Success … but challenges too 成功与挑战兼具
The pair launched a company that posted $3.6 billion in revenue last year and literally put their stamp on San Jose’s skyline with the three Adobe towers along the Guadalupe River. They kept their company going through the valley’s brutal business cycles and through Geschke’s brutal kidnapping in 1992, when he was held for five days before being rescued by the FBI.
But sitting with Warnock and Geschke in a small room off the city council chamber, it’s not hard to reach the conclusion that there is another part of the legacy that means everything to these two men. Through it all – a hostile takeover bid by Quark in 1998, the battle for survival against a Microsoft-Apple alliance in 1989, living constantly in the profit-or-perish culture of Silicon Valley – they have remained friends.
“For 30 years,” Geschke says.
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help along 有助于…发展 to make something happen more quickly or easily
post [post] v. 发布,公布(信息)present
skyline [ˋskaɪ͵laɪn] n.(建筑物等在天空映衬下的)空中轮廓线
hostile [ˋhɑst!] adj. 怀敌意的;不友善的
takeover bid 收购出价 an offer to buy shares in order to take over the company
perish [ˋpɛrɪʃ] v. 消灭;死去;暴卒
Sure, they can tell you their secret for running a successful company for decades on end.
“The simple answer is you hire people who are smarter than you are,” Geschke says, “You compensate them well, and you give them enough freedom to be creative.”
“And you always keep innovation at the top of the pile,” Warnock says, picking up the thread. “Innovation and invention is what has saved Adobe from competitive threats through its entire history.”
「最重要的就是,要持续不断创新,」沃诺克重拾话穗(译注:pick up the thread(s) 指中断之后又再开始[说话]),「创新和发明,就是挽救奥多比在整个公司历史上屡次安然度过竞争危机的主因。」
Trust and respect 互信互重
But they are insightful enough to understand that in the end, life and legacy are about relationships and how we’ve tended to them. Warnock says he and Geschke have never has a serious argument. Geschke says neither has ever ended the day mad at the other. His friendship with Warnock, he says, has been held together by mutual respect and trust.
It’s telling that when I ask Warnock to name his best day at Adobe, he answers with a story in which friendship is at the center and the company is off to the side.
“Well,” he says looking at Geschke, “when he got released by the FBI from being kidnapped. That was a pretty good day.”
Not a bad day for Geschke, either. He had been abducted from Adobe’s parking lot by two men who demanded $650,000 in ransom. For days he was held bound and blindfolded, before FBI agents found him at a house in Hollister, California, and arrested his abductors, who were later convicted.
But Geschke remembers it for more than just that day.
“John and his wife, Marva,” Geschke says, “were a huge support network for my wife, Nan, and for our family, for which I’ll always be grateful.”
The truth is, not even great companies last forever. Great friendships, however, are another matter.
−by Mike Cassidy
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decades on end 数十年如一日 if something happens or continues for days, months etc. on end, it continues for several days, months, or weeks without stopping
pick up the thread(s) 接着说(做), 继续说(做) to try to start something again, especially after problems prevented you from continuing it
tend [tɛnd] v.【口】注意,关心[(+to)]
telling [ˋtɛlɪŋ] adj. 流露感情的
abduct [æbˋdʌkt] v. 绑架;劫持 to force someone to go somewhere, often using threats or violence
ransom [ˋrænsəm] n. 赎金
hold [hold] v. 拘留,扣留
blindfold [ˋblaɪnd͵fold] v. 蒙住……的眼睛;蒙住(眼睛)
abductor [æbˋdʌktɚ] n. 绑架者;劫持者
convict [kənˋvɪkt] v. 判……有罪
Vocabulary Focus
titan [ˋtaɪtn] n. 巨人;巨物 a person is very important, powerful, strong, big or clever
legacy [ˋlɛgəsɪ] n. 留给后人的东西; 遗产;遗赠 something that is a part of the history that someone will leave behind
balk [bɔk] v. 畏怯,犹豫[(+at)] to be unwilling to do something or to allow something to happen
launch [lɔntʃ] v. 出版;将……投放市场 to begin something or introduce something new such as a product
put (one’s) stamp on 留下明显的印记于…; 留下深刻的印象于… to leave an identifying mark or impression on something
alliance [əˋlaɪəns] n. 结盟;联盟 a formal agreement between companies that have agreed to cooperate to achieve a common goal
the top of the pile 最重要的是… the most important things among a very large amount of anything
insightful [ˋɪn͵saɪtfəl] adj. 具洞察力的 having a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation
support network 支持力量 a group of people who provide emotional and practical help to someone in serious difficulty
Adobe`s San Jose Headquarters