The Rich Culture of Tainan 台南文化飨宴
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年5月28日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:436
Travel back in time to this treasure of a town 追昔忆往瑰宝古都游
Zipping along on Taiwan’s High Speed Rail to the southern city of Tainan is a deliciously futuristic experience. But the past was the lure for me, and Tainan serves up a buffet of sights to gratify even the most insatiable history buffs.
Aboriginal tribes migrated to Taiwan several thousand years ago, and Han Chinese crossed the Taiwan Strait in the early 1600s, but it wasn’t until a coincidental 38-year period that the importance of Tainan clearly came into focus.
The year 1624 marks the establishment of Dutch trading posts in Taiwan, and also the birth of Koxinga. Koxinga would eventually become the military leader who expelled the Dutch in 1662, only to die three months later.
Encountering history 遇见历史
To dig into this rich past we headed to Anping Fort, a sturdy red-brick fortress first constructed as the base of operations for the Dutch East India Company. From here trade routes and naval operations were coordinated, as was administration of the southern part of Taiwan.
The current fort, which features crisp lines, cannons on guard and lush foliage, was rebuilt during Japanese colonization. Its tower was used as a lookout during World War II. A climb to the top level of Anping Fort provides a commanding view of the coastal area so heavily fought for over the centuries, as well as the nearby street markets, which now offer less violent methods of conducting trade.
Before Koxinga conquered Anping Fort in February 1662, he first captured Fort Provincia (now known as Chihkan Tower) the previous year. Today, Provincia is actually a combination of the original base – built by the Dutch – and two Qing dynasty towers, resulting in an architectural masterpiece. We visited this visually stunning complex at night, when it comes to life with artistic lighting and frequent concerts right in the heart of downtown Tainan.
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zip along 活跃(或迅速)地沿某方向运动
zip [zɪp] v. 以尖啸声行进
lure [lʊr] n. 诱惑力,吸引力;魅力
serve up 端上, 提供, 提出 provide (usually but not necessarily food)
sights [saɪts] n. 风景
gratify [ˋgrætə͵faɪ] v. 满足(欲望等)
history buff 历史迷 a person who is very interested in and knows a lot about history
buff [bʌf] n.【美】【口】迷,爱好者
aboriginal [͵æbəˋrɪdʒən!] adj. 原住民的 describes a person that has existed in a country or continent since the earliest time known to people
come into focus (使某事物)清晰(或明确、在焦点上),(问题)突出
trading post 贸易站 a small place, especially in the past, far from other places in which people live, where goods can be bought and sold or exchanged
sturdy [ˋstɝdɪ] adj. 坚固的,经久耐用的
naval [ˋnev!] adj. 海军的;军舰的;船的
crisp [krɪsp] adj. 干净利落的
cannon [ˋkænən] n. 大炮,火炮;榴弹炮
foliage [ˋfolɪɪdʒ] n.【书】叶,叶子,簇叶 the leaves of a plant or tree
lookout [ˋlʊkˋaʊt] n. 瞭望所;监视
commanding [kəˋmændɪŋ] adj. 居高临下的,一览无余的
come to life 表现生动;变得活跃 to become animated; grow excited
A picturesque fortress 风景如画的碉堡
The next morning we headed off to the Eternal Golden Castle, and stepped forward 200 years to 1874. Designed by the French and used by the Qing Dynasty to repel Japanese incursions, it is much more expansive than the earlier citadels in Tainan. A moat surrounds the sloping earthen walls, and visitors march over a concrete bridge, through a brick arch and tunnel, emerging onto an enormous, lush lawn. Our guide told us that up to 1,000 soldiers could live and train here among the ammunition, which has now been replaced by blossoming flowers. A highlight was climbing the walls and standing next to replicas of the giant, 18-ton Armstrong cannons, which required eight men to operate. As I stood atop the fortress wall, feeling a calm sea breeze and hearing the rustle of palm leaves, I could imagine cannons firing in battle and soldiers scurrying about.
Unique museums 独树一格的博物馆
Two places that bring a taste of Old Europe to southern Taiwan are the merchant house of Tait & Company, and the Julius Mannich Merchant House. Both were established in the 1860s and are prime examples of period architecture from England and Germany.
On the second floor of the Tait & Merchant House are intriguing wax dioramas. One enlightening depiction reveals that sugar cane and oxen were not indigenous to Taiwan but introduced by the Dutch, from Indonesia. And don’t miss the Tree House, an old salt warehouse located behind the Tait building that has been taken over by a family of Banyan trees.
We needed a coffee break, so we strolled over to the Julius Mannich House and enjoyed a brief respite in the café on the front lawn – which used to be underwater, allowing boats to dock right at the front door of the building. Now it’s a harbor for anyone who wants a taste of Tainan’s scrumptious history.
−by Bill Quinn
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head off 改变航向;动身去……
incursion [ɪnˋkɝʃən] n. 侵略;入侵 a sudden attack on or act of going into a place
expansive [ɪkˋspænsɪv] adj. 广阔的;辽阔的
citadel [ˋsɪtəd!] n.(护城)城堡;堡垒,要塞 a strong castle in or near a city, where people can shelter from danger, especially during a war
moat [mot] n. 护城河,壕沟
ammunition [͵æmjəˋnɪʃən] n. 弹药,军火
rustle [ˋrʌs!] n. 沙沙声,窸窣声
merchant [ˋmɝtʃənt] n. 商人 a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts
scurry [ˋskɝɪ] v. 急匆匆地跑;急赶
diorama [͵daɪəˋrɑmə] n. 仿真模型 a model which shows a situation, such as an historical event, in a way that looks real
enlightening [ɪnˋlaɪtnɪŋ] adj. 有启发作用的,使人领悟的
ox [ɑks] n. (pl. oxen) 公牛,阉牛,野牛,水牛
take over (武力)占领,接管
banyan [ˋbænjən] n.【植】榕树
respite [ˋrɛspɪt] n. 暂时的休息(或喘息);(痛苦的)缓解,暂止
Vocabulary Focus
insatiable [ɪnˋseʃɪəb!] adj. 永不满足的;贪得无厌的 referring to a desire or need that is too great to be satisfied
coincidental [ko͵ɪnsəˋdɛnt!] adj. 巧合的;偶然一致的; 同时发生的 describing two or more things happening at the same time, especially in a way that is unexpected or unlikely
repel [rɪˋpɛl] v. 驱逐,赶走 to force something or someone to stop attacking you
replica [ˋrɛplɪkə] n. 复制品 an exact copy of an object
scurry about 匆忙地跑 to move around quickly, especially with small running steps
period [ˋpɪrɪəd] adj. 某一时代(特有)的 representing the style of a particular time in history
indigenous [ɪnˋdɪdʒɪnəs] adj. 当地的; 本地的 naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place
scrumptious [ˋskrʌmpʃəs] adj.【口】绝妙的;极好的 extremely pleasant, especially to the senses
Anping Fort
Chihkan Tower(赤崁楼)
Eternal Golden Castle(亿载金城)
merchant house of Tait & Company(德记洋行)
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Julius Mannich Merchant House(东兴洋行)
The Armstrong cannon